Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 42: March/April 1665-66









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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Diary of Samuel Pepys, March/April 1665/66 by Samuel PepysThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it,give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online atwww.gutenberg.netTitle: Diary of Samuel Pepys, March/April 1665/66Author: Samuel PepysRelease Date: December 1, 2004 [EBook #4164]Language: English*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS, ***Produced by David WidgerTHE DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS M.A. F.R.S.CLERK OF THE ACTS AND SECRETARY TO THE ADMIRALTYTRANSCRIBED FROM THE SHORTHAND MANUSCRIPT IN THE PEPYSIAN LIBRARY MAGDALENE COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE BY THE REV. MYNORS BRIGHTM.A. LATE FELLOW AND PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE(Unabridged)WITH LORD BRAYBROOKE'S NOTESEDITED WITH ADDITIONS BYHENRY B. WHEATLEY F.S.A. DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS. MARCH & APRIL 1665-1666March 1st. Up, and to the office and there all the morning sitting and at noon to dinner with my Lord Bruncker, Sir W.Batten and Sir W. Pen at the White Horse in Lumbard Streete, where, God forgive us! good sport with Captain Cocke'shaving his mayde sicke of the plague a day or two ago and sent to the pest house, where she now is, but he will not sayanything but that she is well. But blessed be God! a good Bill this week we have; being but ...
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08 décembre 2010



PTheep yPsr, ojMeacrt cGh/uAteprnilb 1er6g6 5E/B66o obky  oSf aDmiaureyl  oPf eSpaysmuelThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere atno cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever.You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under theterms of the Project Gutenberg License includedwith this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.netTitle: Diary of Samuel Pepys, March/April 1665/66Author: Samuel PepysRelease Date: December 1, 2004 [EBook #4164]Language: English*E**B OSTOAK RDTI AORFY  TOHIFS  SPARMOUJEELC PT EGPUYTS,E *N*B*ERGProduced by David Widger
White Horse in Lumbard Streete, where, Godforgive us! good sport with Captain Cocke's havinghis mayde sicke of the plague a day or two agoand sent to the pest house, where she now is, buthe will not say anything but that she is well. Butblessed be God! a good Bill this week we have;being but 237 in all, and 42 of the plague, and ofthem but six in the City: though my Lord Brunekersays, that these six are most of them in newparishes where they were not the last week. Herewas with us also Mr. Williamson, who the more Iknow, the more I honour. Hence I slipt after dinnerwithout notice home and there close to mybusiness at my office till twelve at night, havingwith great comfort returned to my business bysome fresh vowes in addition to my former, and-more severe, and a great joy it is to me to seemyself in a good disposition to business. So hometo supper and to my Journall and to bed.2nd. Up, as I have of late resolved before 7 in themorning and to the office, where all the morning,among other things setting my wife and Mercerwith much pleasure to worke upon the ruling ofsome paper for the making of books for pursers,which will require a great deale of worke and theywill earn a good deale of money by it, the hopes ofwhich makes them worke mighty hard. At noondined and to the office again, and about 4 o'clocktook coach and to my Lord Treasurer's and thenceto Sir Philip Warwicke's new house byappointment, there to spend an houre in talkingand we were together above an hour, and verygood discourse about the state of the King as to
money, and particularly in the point of the Navy. Heendeavours hard to come to a good understandingof Sir G. Carteret's accounts, and by his discourseI find Sir G. Carteret must be brought to it, andwhat a madman he is that he do not do it ofhimself, for the King expects the Parliament will callupon him for his promise of giving an account ofthe money, and he will be ready for it, whichcannot be, I am sure, without Sir G. Carteret'saccounts be better understood than they are. Heseems to have a great esteem of me and myopinion and thoughts of things. After we had spentan houre thus discoursing and vexed that we dobut grope so in the darke as we do, because thepeople, that should enlighten us, do not helpe us,we resolved fitting some things for anothermeeting, and so broke up. He shewed me hishouse, which is yet all unhung, but will be a verynoble house indeed. Thence by coach calling at mybookseller's and carried home L10 worth of books,all, I hope, I shall buy a great while. There byappointment find Mr. Hill come to sup and take hislast leave of me, and by and by in comes Mr.James Houbland to bear us company, a man I lovemightily, and will not lose his acquaintance. He toldme in my eare this night what he and his brothershave resolved to give me, which is L200, forhelping them out with two or three ships. A goodsum and that which I did believe they would giveme, and I did expect little less. Here we talked andvery good company till late, and then took leave ofone another, and indeed I am heartily sorry for Mr.Hill's leaving us, for he is a very worthy gentleman,as most I know. God give him a good voyage and
successe in his business. Thus we parted and mywife and I to bed, heavy for the losse of our friend.3rd. All the morning at the office, at noon to theOld James, being sent for, and there dined with SirWilliam Rider, Cutler, and others, to make an endwith two Scots Maisters about the freight of twoships of my Lord Rutherford's. After a small dinnerand a little discourse I away to the Crowne behindthe Exchange to Sir W. Pen, Captain Cocke andFen, about getting a bill of Cocke's paid to Pen, inpart for the East India goods he sold us. Here SirW. Pen did give me the reason in my eare of hisimportunity for money, for that he is now to marryhis daughter. God send her better fortune than herfather deserves I should wish him for a false rogue.Thence by coach to Hales's, and there saw mywife sit; and I do like her picture mightily, and verylike it will be, and a brave piece of work. But he docomplain that her nose hath cost him as muchwork as another's face, and he hath done it finelyindeed. Thence home and late at the office, andthen to bed.4th (Lord's day). And all day at my Tangier andprivate accounts, having neglected them sinceChristmas, which I hope I shall never do again; forI find the inconvenience of it, it being ten times thelabour to remember and settle things. But I thankGod I did it at last, and brought them all fine andright; and I am, I thinke, by all appears to me (andI am sure I cannot be L10 wrong), worth aboveL4600, for which the Lord be praised! being thebiggest sum I ever was worth yet.
5th. I was at it till past two o'clock on Mondaymorning, and then read my vowes, and to bed withgreat joy and content that I have brought my thingsto so good a settlement, and now having my mindfixed to follow my business again and sensible ofSir W. Coventry's jealousies, I doubt, concerningme, partly my siding with Sir G. Carteret, andpartly that indeed I have been silent in my businessof the office a great while, and given but littleaccount of myself and least of all to him, havingnot made him one visitt since he came to townefrom Oxford, I am resolved to fall hard to it again,and fetch up the time and interest I have lost or amin a fair way of doing it. Up about eight o'clock,being called up by several people, among othersby Mr. Moone, with whom I went to LumbardStreete to Colvill, and so back again and in mychamber he and I did end all our businessestogether of accounts for money upon bills ofExchange, and am pleased to find myself reputeda man of business and method, as he do give meout to be. To the 'Change at noon and so home todinner. Newes for certain of the King ofDenmarke's declaring for the Dutch, and resolutionto assist them. To the office, and there all theafternoon. In the evening come Mr. James andbrother Houblons to agree upon share parties fortheir ships, and did acquaint me that they had paidmy messenger, whom I sent this afternoon for it,L200 for my friendship in the business, whichpleases me mightily. They being gone I forth late toSir H. Viner's to take a receipt of them for the L200lodged for me there with them, and so back home,and after supper to bed.
6th. Up betimes and did much business beforeoffice time. Then to the office and there till noonand so home to dinner and to the office again tillnight. In the evening being at Sir W. Batten's,stepped in (for I have not used to go thither a goodwhile), I find my Lord Bruncker and Mrs. Williams,and they would of their own accord, though I hadnever obliged them (nor my wife neither) with onevisit for many of theirs, go see my house and mywife; which I showed them and made themwelcome with wine and China oranges (now agreat rarity since the war, none to be had). Therebeing also Captain Cocke and Mrs. Turner, whohad never been in my house since I come to theoffice before, and Mrs. Carcasse, wife of Mr.Carcasses. My house happened to be mightyclean, and did me great honour, and they mightilypleased with it. They gone I to the office and didsome business, and then home to supper and tobed. My mind troubled through a doubtfulness ofmy having incurred Sir W. Coventry's displeasureby not having waited on him since his coming totowne, which is a mighty faulte and that I can bearthe fear of the bad effects of till I have been withhim, which shall be to-morrow, God willing. So to.deb7th. Up betimes, and to St. James's, thinking Mr.Coventry had lain there; but he do not, but atWhite Hall; so thither I went and had as good atime as heart could wish, and after an houre in hischamber about publique business he and I walkedup, and the Duke being gone abroad we walked an
houre in the Matted Gallery: he of himself begun todiscourse of the unhappy differences between himand my Lord of Sandwich, and from the beginningto the end did run through all passages wherein myLord hath, at any time, gathered anydissatisfaction, and cleared himself to me mosthonourably; and in truth, I do believe he do as hesays. I did afterwards purge myself of all partialityin the business of Sir G. Carteret, (whose story SirW. Coventry did also run over,) that I do mind theKing's interest, notwithstanding my relation to him;all which he declares he firmly believes, andassures me he hath the same kindnesse andopinion of me as ever. And when I said I wasjealous of myself, that having now come to such anincome as I am, by his favour, I should not befound to do as much service as might deserve it;he did assure me, he thinks it not too much for me,but thinks I deserve it as much as any man inEngland. All this discourse did cheer my heart, andsets me right again, after a good deal ofmelancholy, out of fears of his disinclination to me,upon the differences with my Lord Sandwich andSir G. Carteret; but I am satisfied throughly, and sowent away quite another man, and by the grace ofGod will never lose it again by my folly in notvisiting and writing to him, as I used heretofore todo. Thence by coach to the Temple, and it being aholyday, a fast-day, there 'light, and took water,being invited, and down to Greenwich, to CaptainCocke's, where dined, he and Lord Bruncker, andMatt. Wren, Boltele, and Major Cooper, who is alsoa very pretty companion; but they all drink hard,and, after dinner, to gaming at cards. So I
provoked my Lord to be gone, and he and I to Mr.Cottle's and met Mrs. Williams (without whom hecannot stir out of doors) and there took coach andaway home. They carry me to London and set medown at the Temple, where my mind changed andI home, and to writing and heare my boy play onthe lute, and a turne with my wife pleasantly in thegarden by moonshine, my heart being in greatpeace, and so home to supper and to bed. TheKing and Duke are to go to-morrow to Audly End,in order to the seeing and buying of it of my LordSuffolke.8th. Up betimes and to the office, where all themorning sitting and did discover three or four freshinstances of Sir W. Pen's old cheating dissemblingtricks, he being as false a fellow as ever was born.Thence with Sir. W. Batten and Lord Bruncker tothe White Horse in Lumbard Streete to dine withCaptain Cocke, upon particular business of canvasto buy for the King, and here by chance I saw themistresse of the house I have heard much of, anda very pretty woman she is indeed and herhusband the simplest looked fellow and old thatever I saw. After dinner I took coach and away toHales's, where my wife is sitting; and, indeed, herface and necke, which are now finished, do soplease me that I am not myself almost, nor wasnot all the night after in writing of my letters, inconsideration of the fine picture that I shall bemaster of. Thence home and to the office, wherevery late, and so home to supper and to bed.9th. Up, and being ready, to the Cockpitt to make a
visit to the Duke of Albemarle, and to my great joyfind him the same man to me that [he has been]heretofore, which I was in great doubt of, throughmy negligence in not visiting of him a great while;and having now set all to rights there, I am inmighty ease in my mind and I think shall neversuffer matters to run so far backward again as Ihave done of late, with reference to my neglectinghim and Sir W. Coventry. Thence by water down toDeptford, where I met my Lord Bruncker and SirW. Batten by agreement, and to measuring Mr.Castle's new third-rate ship, which is to be calledthe Defyance.[William Castell wrote to the NavyCommissioners on February 17th, 1665-66,to inform them that the "Defiance" had goneto Longreach, and again, on February 22nd,to say that Mr. Grey had no masts largeenough for the new ship. Sir William Battenon March 29th asked for the consent of theBoard to bring the "Defiance" into dock ("Calendar of State Papers," Domestic, 1665-66, pp. 252, 262, 324).]And here I had my end in saving the King somemoney and getting myself some experience inknowing how they do measure ships. Thence I leftthem and walked to Redriffe, and there takingwater was overtaken by them in their boat, and sothey would have me in with them to Castle's house,where my Lady Batten and Madam Williams were,and there dined and a deale of doings. I had agood dinner and counterfeit mirthe and pleasure
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