The Project Gutenberg EBook of Legends, Tales and Poemsby Gustavo Adolfo BecquerEdited with Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary, by Everett Ward OlmstedThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and withalmost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away orre-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License includedwith this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.netTitle: Legends, Tales and PoemsAuthor: Gustavo Adolfo BecquerEdited with Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary, by Everett Ward OlmstedRelease Date: January 24, 2004 [EBook #10814]Language: EnglishCharacter set encoding: ISO-8859-1*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK LEGENDS, TALES AND POEMS ***Produced by Keren Vergon, Arno Peters and PG Distributed ProofreadersLegends, Tales and Poems[Illustration: After an etching by B. Maura]LEGENDS, TALES AND POEMSBYGUSTAVO ADOLFO BECQUEREDITEDWITH INTRODUCTION, NOTES AND VOCABULARYBYEVERETT WARD OLMSTED, PH.D.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF THE ROMANCE LANGUAGES INCORNELL UNIVERSITY * * * * *TOMY MOTHERPREFACEIn preparing this collection of Becquer's legends, tales, and shortpoems, which is the only annotated edition of this author's works thathas been published as yet for English-speaking students, the editorhas aimed to give to our schools and colleges a book that may serve,not only as a reader for first or second year classes, but also as anintroduction to Spanish literature, through ...