PUBLIC LIBRARY THE BRANCH LIBRARIESNY3 3333 18427 9251HM?-5Illoo-II will with and bethee,Everyman, go thy guide,In most need to side.thy go by thyThis is No. of A4^ Everyman's Library.list of authors and their works in this serieswill be found at the end ofthis volume. Thewill be to send to allpublishers pleased freelya annotated list of theapplicants separate,Library.M. DENT & SONS LIMITEDJ.BEDFORD STREET LONDON W.C.210-13E. P. DUTTON & CO. INC.FOURTH AVENUE286-302NEW YORKEVERYMAN'S LIBRARYEDITED BY ERNEST RHYSROMANCELE MORTE D'ARTHURBY SIR THOMAS MALORY INTRO-RHYSDUCTION BY PROFESSORVOL, iIN 2 VOLS.All reservedrightsMade in Great Britainat The Tress LetchworthTempleand decorated Eric RaviliousbyM. Dent Sons&. Ltd.J.Aldine House St. LondonBedfordFirst Published in this Edition 1906Reprinted 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1916,19191923, 1926, 1928, 1930, 1935PREFACESIR THOMAS MALORY has us no account of himself orgivenhis but he has left his name and his work. The namefamily,is found connected with estates in Yorkshire in theMalorysixteenth and with estates in Leicestershire in thatcentury,which follows. As the of whomname the to we oweknightthe Morte it is found written not orDarthur, only Malorybut also Maleore. It occurred to me someMalorye, years agothat this fact lent countenance to the statement ascribed toLeland and that Sir Thomas was a Welshmanothers, Malory ;for Maleore reminded me of Maelawr orMaylawr, Maelor,the ...