361.aa^labor union directory]l§^guidebuyersThirty-fifth EditionDorit a Dai/'s Pay/LoseTime lost from work means shortpay days. Don't let common achesand pains cause you to lose time andpay from your work. Be wise, alka-lize with Alka-Seltzer. Keep a pack-age of Alka-Seltzer at the shop,factory or office.BeWise-Alkalize a^/V>9 Alka-SeltzerLEVER BROTHERS COMPANYHAMMOND, INDIANAMakers ofSPRY—The New All-VegetableShortening—Triple-CreamedJohn F. IllggliiB PtE. Co.32B W. Madison St., Chicago•^^-—Fe5e^a^r„'*o7lat'^'"V» *"« Chlca«*cjede„t«,s Signed ^l'''*^«"*«'ves carf^bV lohn*'="«» Preside:;?•'«''««t^n o,'/*^f'„^*;'<=:;'SeitdDemand to see this ^"^Jffi^erseal.credential.i?!**L!^ATR,CK President—R nwue Dn#».«*.«-~ ^._„. .._.._. .._.._...—.. .._., — — *^PREFACE, ^^its Thirty-fifthChicago Federation of Labor presents herewithThejGuide. This !Official Labor Union Directory and Buyers'Edition of theat considerable time :directory has been completely revised and correctedandFederation, where the filesand expense. Compiled in the office of the jwellmost complete and exact, as !records are kept, it may be regarded as themovement.DIRECTORY of the Chicago laboras the ONLY OFFICIALFederation of Labor are entered iThe unions affiliated with the Americannational and international unions,in alphabetical order, under the title of thejwith theexcept in the cases of the labor and federal unions not connected[which are entered alphabetically under the ...