Gc977.202KS2u1S79121REYMOLDS HISTORICALGENEALOGY COLLECTION@^ LIBRARYALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC01791 88783 1833iiroGlBry[(e'iina €J!i?AND ^the Years 1910-1911ForCiti7,en3Alphabetical List of Privatetontaining anPeople and Their Ad-Business and ProfessionalBusiness anddresses. A Complete, Classifiedwith aProfessional Directory, togetherand Avenue Guide.StreetPublic Schools, County and CityA List of Churches,Societies, Post-Officials, Secret and BenevolentDepartment and Fire Alarm, Etc.officeALSOCountryof all the Farmers, Taxpayers andA Complete ListCo., Giving their Rural Rout«Residents of HowardTownship They Re-Postoflice Address, theorand the Number of Acres Stand-side In,~in Their Nagaes,ing on Recordofan Encyclopaediami Kokonio, IndianaHoward CountyPRICE $5.00and Published byCompiledDirectory Co,The UoionINDIANAANDERSON,Directory Co.)(Successors to Inter-State18731^^1Introd-uctor:^^The Union Directory Companv, of Anderson, Indiana,take this opportunity of thanking the good people of How-a>rd County, for their hearty support, encouragement, andassistance in making it possible for this Company to putout of of their Complete City and County Gazeteers ofHoward County.Every live, up-to-date and hustling city needs a newDirectory every two years, and Kokomo is in that class,and we take pleasure in stating that we will return indue time to compile a new book when needed.Our Company employs only experienced men, and allwork is taken ...