KENISCAREOITHE^DUNDEDQFTHE\^C»KOfTHEARECORDDETACHMENTSA/QLUNIAFY.AIDKENT'S CARE FORTHE WOUNDEDCAMDENTHE MARCHIONESSFund.Kent WarCountyPresident,KENT'S CAREFOR THE WOUNDEDBYPAUL G. STANLEY PONDCRESWICK,ANDP. H. ASHTONWITH A PREFACE BYSIR GILBERT M.P.PARKER, BART,Kent Garrison{Hon. Col. Artillery)RoyalAll Profits on Sale to the Kent War Fundgiven CountyHODDER AND STOUGHTONLONDON NEW YORK TORONTOMCMXVINTRODUCTIONNo nation in the world has the tocapacity impro-vise and the will to so ascompromise thoroughlyGreat and these characteristics have neverBritain,been shown more than the tenfully during pastmonths that since the Great War; is, began.There is in the British nature a curious instinct offreedom in its has madewhich, highest expression,Great Britain the mother of freedom in govern-ment in the and in its lower form makesworld,like iron forceanything discipline imposed by anyoutside the individual himself more than difficultto The instinct of British man is toeveryapply.think for act to hishimself, conscience,accordingfear God and honour the but he does not;King"himself to what has been calledlend mili-easily"tarism in civil life. No doubt he carries that toan and on an extensiveextreme, organizationscale difficult in times. Yetis, therefore, ordinaryhis habit of for and of ahimself,thinking assuming6 INTRODUCTIONlostenables him to recoverpersonal responsibility,balances in crises like that inproduced August,1914. ...