lHM»\X.rjíí1ttiK*llMa*irKtn»1tfli^^w/iir!'iiñiy!iyii^ ilíUf1 Mu»,*DE LASVINASíüAM^V.^.'MJ]lA.rV^,/.E]SIBUSCFit^^^:ifi:^,^srt*tftrmwtiMlu^n*nttf^a^^*iV^H^*»P»fl^'Mf^9f^ltt*y>txMKa^»xnhMi•'A^^,?l^l"i,&•:r^M4i7111^GivEN ByJamfi>s> CceJAe.?)"ProL qJBoston Public LibraryDo not write in thls book or mark it with pen orimposed by thepencil. Penaltles for so doing areRevised Laws Commonwealth of Massachusetts.of the^0^^ '0^^-S!jÉ¡^JUAN DE LAS VINASV PORJUAN EUGENIO HARTZENBUSCHEdited with Introduction, Notesand vocabularyBYGEDDES, Ph.D.JAMES Jr.,PROFESSOR OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES IN BOSTON UNIVERSITYDIRECT METHOD EXERCISES BYGRACE E. MERRILL, A.M.ANDBERTHA A. Ph.D.OF THE BOSTÓN UNIVERSITY GRADÚATE SCHOOL%^19/7y^y,-^*/Jt^ 'w^rf)^,í»..'y:IIJ.O| ICíCOPYRIGHT, 1919, BYJAMES GEDDESALL RIGHTS RESERVED219.2GINN •AND COMPANY PRO• •PRIETORS BOSTON U.S.A.PREFACE" "Viñas furnishes interesting material on everyJuan de lasfor conversation. It is well adapted for those who wishpagegain at an early stage facility in expressing simple ideas.toAccordingly advantage has been taken of the adaptability ofthe text to this end by arranging throughout the play a seriesof questions in Spanish on the subject matter. For intensivestudy, with the object of fixing the essentials of Spanish gram-mar, the questions are followed by exercises giving practice inthe use of the parts of speech consecutively from the article tothe interjection. The ...