OFGIFTT43INTRODUCTIONTHETOINSCRIPTIONSOF LATINSTUDYBYPH.D.JAMES C. EGBERT, JR.,COLUMBIA COLLEGEPROFESSOR OFADJUNCT LATIN,: CHICAGONEW YORK : CINCINNATICOMPANYAMERICAN BOOKT*.JArCOPYRIGHT, m1896,AMERICAN BOOK COMPAN1EGBERT'S LAT INSw. p. 3763PREFACEIT has been classical scholars of therecognizedgenerally by presentof forms an essential of thethat a knowledge epigraphy partdayof a teacher of the and that the itself hasequipment classics, subjectinbecome so as to its introduction,important justify elementaryat into the curriculum of studies. Not-form least, undergraduatethis no work in thehowever,withstanding general recognition,which would as an introduction to theserveEnglish language studyof Latin has to the time been Itinscriptions up present published.is to this want that the have been written.supply following pagesthe of the work been to com-The haspurpose determining planbine abundant and matter with numerousintroductory explanatoryfor illustration and for in Theexamples practice reading. inscrip-of fromwith the those movable articles,tions, single exceptionhave been in the used for Latin sinceprinted type ordinarily texts,this form has been considered more thansatisfactory any attemptat a imitation of the letters. Numerousoriginaltypographicalhave been made from the fac-similes ofphotographic reproductionsand from theBitschl's Priscae Latinitatis Monumenta Epigraphicain Hubner's in order toexempla Exempla Scripturae ...