Introduction to the study of Latin inscriptions








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OFGIFTT43INTRODUCTIONTHETOINSCRIPTIONSOF LATINSTUDYBYPH.D.JAMES C. EGBERT, JR.,COLUMBIA COLLEGEPROFESSOR OFADJUNCT LATIN,: CHICAGONEW YORK : CINCINNATICOMPANYAMERICAN BOOKT*.JArCOPYRIGHT, m1896,AMERICAN BOOK COMPAN1EGBERT'S LAT INSw. p. 3763PREFACEIT has been classical scholars of therecognizedgenerally by presentof forms an essential of thethat a knowledge epigraphy partdayof a teacher of the and that the itself hasequipment classics, subjectinbecome so as to its introduction,important justify elementaryat into the curriculum of studies. Not-form least, undergraduatethis no work in thehowever,withstanding general recognition,which would as an introduction to theserveEnglish language studyof Latin has to the time been Itinscriptions up present to this want that the have been following pagesthe of the work been to com-The haspurpose determining planbine abundant and matter with numerousintroductory explanatoryfor illustration and for in Theexamples practice reading. inscrip-of fromwith the those movable articles,tions, single exceptionhave been in the used for Latin sinceprinted type ordinarily texts,this form has been considered more thansatisfactory any attemptat a imitation of the letters. Numerousoriginaltypographicalhave been made from the fac-similes ofphotographic reproductionsand from theBitschl's Priscae Latinitatis Monumenta Epigraphicain Hubner's in order toexempla Exempla Scripturae ...
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OFGIFT T43 INTRODUCTION THETO INSCRIPTIONSOF LATINSTUDY BY PH.D.JAMES C. EGBERT, JR., COLUMBIA COLLEGEPROFESSOR OFADJUNCT LATIN, : CHICAGONEW YORK : CINCINNATI COMPANYAMERICAN BOOK T*. JA r COPYRIGHT, m1896, AMERICAN BOOK COMPAN1 EGBERT'S LAT INS w. p. 3 763 PREFACE IT has been classical scholars of therecognizedgenerally by present of forms an essential of thethat a knowledge epigraphy partday of a teacher of the and that the itself hasequipment classics, subject inbecome so as to its introduction,important justify elementary at into the curriculum of studies. Not-form least, undergraduate this no work in thehowever,withstanding general recognition, which would as an introduction to theserveEnglish language study of Latin has to the time been Itinscriptions up present published. is to this want that the have been following pages the of the work been to com-The haspurpose determining plan bine abundant and matter with numerousintroductory explanatory for illustration and for in Theexamples practice reading. inscrip- of fromwith the those movable articles,tions, single exception have been in the used for Latin sinceprinted type ordinarily texts, this form has been considered more thansatisfactory any attempt at a imitation of the letters. Numerousoriginaltypographical have been made from the fac-similes ofphotographic reproductions and from theBitschl's Priscae Latinitatis Monumenta Epigraphica in Hubner's in order toexempla Exempla Scripturae Epigraphicae, in some the student the form andimpress degree upon original of theappearance inscription. The debt of the author to the works of other writers is of necessity Whenever another's have beengreat. writings used.very directly 86286 PREFACE iv been made in the footnotes but for assistancehasacknowledgment ; not the authorobtained from other sources wishes herenoted,many himself asto deeply of Professor KeneThe Cours Latine has beenCagnatd?Epigraphie of the utmost service and in formed the basis of this work inhas, fact, also relied for much ofThe author has his infor-many particulars. mation the of Professor Emil Hiibner'supon Prolegomena Exempla the sameand scholar's RomischeScripturae Epigrapliicae upon article, in Iwan Miiller's Handbuch der Klassischen Altertums-Epfyraphik vol. 1892. To Professor Hermann Dessau thei.,wissenschaft, author is indebted for material obtained from his Inscriptiones Latinae vol and also for his kind words in toSelectae, i., regard the of this volume.preparation In this book the the author has beenpassing through press greatly aided his friends and Professor Thurston Peck has read much of the andHarry proof has made the author's task his andpossible by encouragement by his so valuable because of wideadvice, experience. Dr. Nelson Glenn McCrea has read the entire and hasproof in in connection with thismany instances, service,kindly given renewed of his Mr. a Fellow ofproof scholarship. George Olcott, this has been of most valuable inasmuch as he hasCollege, service, and verified the List of theRomanprepared Chronological Emperors. The index is also the work of Mr. Olcott. The author that this volume will toearnestly hopes prove many the door to a so remarkable in its influence classi-open subject upon cal and and at the same time soarchaeological study interesting and attractive in its pursuit. JAMES C. JR.EGBERT, COLUMBIA COLLEGE, 1895.December, TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PAGE Periodical Literature Latinarum . 1Bibliography ; ; Corpus Inscriptionum PART I CHAPTER I THE LATIN ALPHABET (HISTORICAL) Phoenician and Greek and LatinAlphabets ; Etruscan, Umbrian, Oscan, Modifications in the Latin Double ConsonantsAlphabets ; Alphabet ; ; Double Vowels 17 IICHAPTER THE LATIN ALPHABET (MORPHOLOGICAL) Archaic Monumental of the MonumentalAlphabet ; Alphabet Republic ; LettersPerfected Forms Cursive UncialAlphabet ; Documentary ; ; Methods of IndividualLetters ; Making Inscriptions ; ; Liga- Marks of Punctuation . . .tures 31 ; Sicilicus, Apex, CHAPTER m NUMERALS Numerals Fractions 72 ; v CONTENTS PART II CHAPTER IV THE ROMAN NAME PAGE Praenomeri Nomen Names of Women of ; ; ; ; Cognomen Reduplication Names Additional Elements Names of Slaves Names of ; ; ; ;Signa Freedmen Naturalized Citizens for Practice . . 82 ; ; Inscriptions CHAPTER V OF THENAMES AND TITLES EMPERORS of the Name Title of the Titles ofElements Mem-Imperial ; Emperors ; bers of the List of the Roman Em- Family ; Chronological of and their Families . . . .114perors ; Inscriptions Emperors CHAPTER VI OFFICIAL TITLES Cursus Honorum after Constantine Official Po-Senatorial, Equestrian, ; Third of thesitions of the Class Senatorial of ; Inscriptions Order, of the Third Classthe of Officials .... 164Equestrian Order, PART III CHAPTER VII TlTULI on PublicDedicatory, Sepulchral, Honorary Inscriptions ; Inscriptions Works on Movable for Practice . 225 ; Inscriptions Objects ; CHAPTER VIII DOCUMENTS Laws and Plebiscites Decrees of the Senate Documents De- ; ; Imperial ; crees of Public and Sacred Documents Docu-Magistrates ; ; Military ments Documents of the of the ; Municipalities ; Collegia; Private forWall Practice . 348 ; Inscriptions ; Inscriptions
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