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PBOFHWOE B. PATHAKASWAMI tf*ASGAR K; 9^'' ''V-i* V *, NBWLIOHTONGOTTAEBAATOMinnuucuLA. 287,;AV49, V. RAKGAOHABI, M.A., L.t* iTVS BISTORT or THE NAU: KIWODOM or.. 91 MADURA . . 22, 36, 67, 74, 00, 119, 156,188,109,237,272^FOLT- K. AMRITA :SINHAMMI ROW, M.A.THE117 DEAVIDIAN ELEMENT IK PBAKBITSomvcw . , , t 88Sup.' '..128 8URENDRANATH,. MAJUMDAB SAOTBI *~+FfcBHT .,t- of .C. BHAOTACHARYY M.A, Kavyamimamaa . .,136Pt A, RajaekharaHIRALAL;, ..' 63 AMRITLAL SHAHiBibJ^.Guni .. .."SOME REMABKS..164 SUPPLHMBHTONO THU;^^'.. 191 MAKUSMBITI IN THB LIOHT OFPatron* .. .. SOMEiUgh**odHts"'". RECENPLY. POBLISHED TBXTS , . . . 85LCIS.:133 , SOME INTERESTING . ,...... ..... PARALLBM . . 23SSIB AURELnr .. ., ..205 K.aLE. D.Sc.SIKD .. STEIN, vR*UGK>ND.LiTT, :Ain THIRD JOURNEY OF EXPLORATION IKNation of the ftfferantt, byKingshipCENTRAL ... . 48 ASIA, 191316 ..B. Q. LL.B. . . 109,137,Pradhan, B.A.,249& : 165, 221,DIVATIA, B.A. 193,V. 8. SUKTHANKAR :7WZDB OF AOT O WITHSptTNDKalidasa's ortheTO . . 297 Cloud 79RSfBEANOB GujABATI Meghadvta MessengerAccount ofAn the1.0., : Different&% ENTHOVEN, C.I.E., Brislingof Sanskrit * .Gramnutf . , 108FOUCLOM or THB GCTJAEAT 149 Systems120, 137,(tap,SIB R. 0. BABT. :: TEMPLE,J.F. 1.0.8. PH.D^O.I.E.FLEET, (Bmrx>.).PAPERSORIGINAL RELATIJTO TO THBJAICBB LL.D. . . . . 1C.LE.,BoBOJisa,CYCLONE AT PoNDionawnr ON NEWY, R* GXJPTE >^YEAR'S 1761.. , f ,. .. 5India DAY,Int/eroourae between and t! WesternFrom . .Notes Old Re*dflWorld ...
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ND.LiTT, :Ain THIRD JOURNEY OF EXPLORATION IKNation of the ftfferantt, byKingshipCENTRAL ... . 48 ASIA, 191316 ..B. Q. LL.B. . . 109,137,Pradhan, B.A.,249& : 165, 221,DIVATIA, B.A. 193,V. 8. SUKTHANKAR :7WZDB OF AOT O WITHSptTNDKalidasa's ortheTO . . 297 Cloud 79RSfBEANOB GujABATI Meghadvta MessengerAccount ofAn the1.0., : Different&% ENTHOVEN, C.I.E., Brislingof Sanskrit * .Gramnutf . , 108FOUCLOM or THB GCTJAEAT 149 Systems120, 137,(tap,SIB R. 0. BABT. :: TEMPLE,J.F. 1.0.8. PH.D^O.I.E.FLEET, (Bmrx>.).PAPERSORIGINAL RELATIJTO TO THBJAICBB LL.D. . . . . 1C.LE.,BoBOJisa,CYCLONE AT PoNDionawnr ON NEWY, R* GXJPTE >^YEAR'S 1761.. , f ,. .. 5India DAY,Int/eroourae between and t! WesternFrom . .Notes Old Re*dflWorld ..." />
PBOFHWOE B. PATHAKASWAMI tf*ASGAR K; 9^ ' ' ''V-i* V *, NBWLIOHTONGOTTAEBAATOMinnuucuLA. 287,;AV 49, V. RAKGAOHABI, M.A., L.t* i TVS BISTORT or THE NAU: KIWODOM or .. 91 MADURA . . 22, 36, 67, 74, 00, 119, 156, 188,109,237,272^ FOLT- K. AMRITA :SINHAMMI ROW, M.A. THE117 DEAVIDIAN ELEMENT IK PBAKBITSomvcw . , , t 88Sup. ' ' ..128 8URENDRANATH,. MAJUMDAB SAOTBI *~+FfcBHT ., t- of .C. BHAOTACHARYY M.A, Kavyamimamaa . .,136Pt A, Rajaekhara HIRALAL;, ..' 63 AMRITLAL SHAHiBibJ^.Guni .. .. "SOME REMABKS..164 SUPPLHMBHTONO THU;^^ ' .. 191 MAKUSMBITI IN THB LIOHT OFPatron* .. .. SOMEiUgh**odHts " ' ". RECENPLY . POBLISHED TBXTS , . . . 85LCIS.: 133 , SOME INTERESTING . ,...... ..... PARALLBM . . 23S SIB AURELnr .. ., ..205 K.aLE. D.Sc.SIKD .. STEIN, vR*UGK>N D.LiTT, : Ain THIRD JOURNEY OF EXPLORATION IKNation of the ftfferantt, byKingship CENTRAL ... . 48 ASIA, 191316 ..B. Q. LL.B. . . 109,137,Pradhan, B.A., 249& : 165, 221,DIVATIA, B.A. 193, V. 8. SUKTHANKAR :7WZDB OF AOT O WITHSptTND Kalidasa's ortheTO . . 297 Cloud 79RSfBEANOB GujABATI Meghadvta Messenger Account ofAn the1.0., : Different&% ENTHOVEN, C.I.E., Brisling of Sanskrit * .Gramnutf . , 108FOUCLOM or THB GCTJAEAT 149 Systems120, 137,(tap, SIB R. 0. BABT. : : TEMPLE,J.F. 1.0.8. PH.D^O.I.E.FLEET, (Bmrx>.). PAPERSORIGINAL RELATIJTO TO THBJAICBB LL.D. . . . . 1C.LE.,BoBOJisa, CYCLONE AT PoNDionawnr ON NEWY, R* GXJPTE > ^YEAR'S 1761.. , f ,. .. 5India DAY,Int/eroourae between and t! Western From . .Notes Old Re*dflWorld from the Earliest Tinieiip theFU Factory 48, 64, 30479, 106, 19% 120, 348, 275,of H. G.Rome, by Rawlinton, M.A., '"FLEETJOHN FAITHFULL AND THB INDIANLB.& 164.....'. /. .. .. 129ANTIQUARY" .......K, P. M.A.JAYASWAL, JOBCHARNOOK His PARBNTAGB AND WILL 9(6 AUSTRIA'S COHMEROIAL VBNTUBH IN TMHISTORICAL Poarno.v on ANDKAIA CENTUBYEIOHTBBNTH .. ., , 277HIS IDENTIFICATION WITH YAJODKASHAN. 145 ' ' :P. TES8ITORI />'L, \ 3Architecture and in . . 248 ; ;Sculpture Myo Ra**Aitihaxikaof the Mudra ^am^ro^i, by Vij*yRalttha* .. 275Batidlm-britya a .. ..276FtM^^Trwfnt, JainftEpit4 PK.D.M-DB. A. VENKATASUBBIAHt IfcA** KADAMBHA PRAKRIT INSOBIPTION atTHBHISTORYOu^zni OF TTO ot ALAMIUBA ' ' J i >'' -*v-'' ' ' ; *!.f (' i. 'i i _A .,. . . , .,MALAVALU. * ..178 WALl :ABDULMAJUMDAR, B'Mftr ,. 47Gabriel ., ,Surgeon Boughton.. 125!>* 1 ' ' 1 .'T :" *OA H. WILBERFORCE-BELL:.* /t < '** v;;-., , inof *he IndianEnglishCorruptions . . . * 28, w! *Veroaoulan YAZDANI:0. > of ftofcAuwngJieb,History l^VoJ,;^ .. 64.. ii. I. in ii IIH'I*!', iij,>ii iiiiMVi\iii| fliiinnriM^^^ '| Abdil***** W*HGabriel Boutrtoa,Burgeon by '$*$#$$$$ 't^|l|:^||||| ' ' ;rr ; ; v '-k4I^A^'-" '^^^^- ^'KW >yy^W^ *' '"'iwflwfliwl.' ***"'VrV',."; 'r?vv',, ' V'-iv*V1 'T^&OVfc'jAi'tA^ < *^ ' ' - ' ' '.,,-L v .I.*-,- .*,,' 'J,','Vjst. ', '-.*I* ./' r . tV ', ;,j:t*>.4j Notes on 0,E4L Carter >Sind, by the and itt fe, 0; , , .. .JIMmnoikmi Author, ,by Bha**ibbaiyy* ,,Jfr^aarihiflRriroi^ .Kalidaaa nod ... ,. ,Kamendaka. Nanigopal Majiwdar ,by f of the Mudra P,Ratahata, - , -Bandhu.bhritya byK, JayafwfJ NOTES AND QUflRIES, ' from OldNoteg r tt '. . .Factory ReodMa,by temple *8,H ?*. 10, 1**, ftfclla, life, SO*';. BOO^NOTIOBS, * -The Notion of in the K. N. D. , * . . ;. , .Kingship ,Sttfcromlt.% ; f 49 -' - ,. 84-: a ..V* Sukthankar 43by ,, 79 ierns of V, 8. Sukthankar . , , ,SanikritrOrammar, by 106 Aitihaoka Basa P, teuiioii .,Samgraha, by (, 133 rA -of , , ..(K^rm'mam*o Rajaekh^ , , , . , . 135 Annual of theReport for theMysore Arehwologioal yearDepartment, 1018, Bangalow, by ; R. C.Chandra .. .. ;.; j^5 Intercourse between Indiaand theWeahwWorld from the Earliest Times to be ofFall Rome, by ,Y.R. ., /, . \.Gupte r% lf)4 Arolriteoture and in K. P,Mysore,Sculpture by Jayaswal . . 248 a Jaina K, Pri-Tfiveni, Epistle, by Jayaiwal 270 SUPPLEMENTS, Guide to Sinhak*eAlphabetical Folklore from L. D.BalladgSouwes, Bamett . .by .. 117 Fblklore of the B.Quiarat, Beby OJ.B. 1.0,8,Bnthoveu, t U5 1499 137, PLATBS. The of Mahabalipur, 58, 85, W87,'48,%AjtiquitfesJohnVtf ,?full ,Fleet .. .. ^ { ^ J3r.James Burgess,C.LE.LLD, Ml THE 33DKATOIKAN ELEMENT IN\ PRAKRITJ THE DRAVIDIAS ELEMENT IN PRAKRITS BY K. AMRITA M.ROW, A.; MADRAS. while m his Grammar the DravidianOALDWELL, discussing Comparative of Langu- * 66. Ill the of the Dravidiaa in the vernacularElementapt (t>& p. Ed.) question ofNorthern "4f the contained in the Northernnon-Sanskritio elementIndia) sayslanguages vocabularies had been we also to find in their vocabularies a fewDravidian, might expect Dravidian such as the words for but I have not beenroots, head, foot, etc.,eye,primary discover reliable & words this claas." He furtherable any anfttogy belonging says, the matter has been mooh discussed in Muir's Sarukrit Texts Vol. II and invery"though Grammar the Modern ifBeamed few,Comparative of Aryan Languages of India, any, " of Dravidiaa element* are discernible in the North Indian Vernaculars.traces dlttinciivdy, c( on the other in his Grammar 9-10 theBeames, hand, *3)Comparative (pp, says were in of a before came into Iniia wouldthey ; theyAryans possession copious language of asnot be to barrow words au usual such namestherefore ordinary,likely description, or for their cattle and for the offor their and orntensih, tools,clothing, weapons parts to each other. The wordsor for the various relations in which stoodtheir bodies, they be to borrow would be names for the new and naturalwould animals,likely plants,thay and even this would bowhich had not seen in their former abodes, necessitytheyobjects tothe inherent in all races invent names for newreduced descriptiveby tendency object*/' to the in the Northern the ofWith non-8atiftkritio elementregard Languages, theory to to than that of IBeames seems me be more accurate Dr. Caldwell, cannot under-Mr, find in the Northern vocabularies a fewstand Dr, Caldwell should to Dravi-why expect such as for Tho occurrence of such words woulddian those etc,roots, head, foot, eye, the of contact the and the Dravidians. At thebetween Aryansdepend upon degree pre- sent we find in South Ganara an andKonkani,time, people speaking Aryan dialect, living and haveamidst the Dravidian Canarese Tuju. Though theypeople speaking languages, for words which are now to be foundbeen there a thevery time, foreignliving long only mentioned Mr Beames. But thoin the Konkani are words of the byvacabulary type be tell a different ta'c.Dravidian words borrowed the which will below,by Pr&knts, given borrowed from the Dravidians evenWe findthat the the Prakrits haveAryans speaking stood to each besidesfor the various relations in which the other, words forwords Aryans of theirown for the variousof the had several words animals,parts body. Thoughthey we find 4 words forwords for them from the Dravidians.borrowed Thug, parrot,they kirah kidifive words for bhu*16,; (Dr), (Dr), tMlavM-t*r6 kanaffld, kuntfi, vdy&dd pig,(Dr), for rattacch*, khacchoJUn6 six words arialli, putti (Dr), ;9 bk**$ir6 ; tiger, pakkas&vad, karad*, It is tofour words for kikkindi, sarahafi, pavd (Dr). unnecessary multiplysnake, payalad, instances. of information have atsource we ourto deK words in theWith onlyPr&kftt,regard himself mentionsHemachandra theDeiinamamaZ^command is Hemaohandra's Though etc works oftt* thesesuch as Mnames o*otherauthors Gop&la, D6varitfa>P&daliptftchirya, down totan*notwoe us,anthers _________ Pehl. Pehkri.Peri. Fenian;* S. D*. Drftvidian;4tt*i*rtt*i P. Prakrit; S*n*ri*; THE INDIAN & 191734 ANTIQUAKY [Ffo/AUABY, in the verses of hisHomachandra that in his Worksays, introductory DetinJmamdla, such words as are not in his are not to be foundbe Grammar, inexplainedgiven to theand do not owe their called which are notlexicons origin power gunilakshayd (t. e., He furtherused in a that numerous form*have been used insense). saysmetaphorical and that the term desi hasvarious been used to denote thosetho dialects,provincial only have been- used from times immemorial in .words which Pr&krit. While several provincial* in Dc'iinfimamdld can bo traced back to Dravidianisms some back togiven origin, go ' Pers.P. Pehl. Zend, ForPersian. Cf. angutthalam, ring/ angushtari, august, anguata. ' ' of st to S. P.the tlh, hasta, hand/ hattha. 2. dattharo,change handkerchief/ ' a towel/ of medial a to aPers. S. P.dastdr, napkin, (For change cff. prastava, paUhava) '' a New Pers. a3. P. servant/ servant/ Pehl. Old Pers. bandabandho, bandah, bandak, ' ' P. a Pore, name of a river/ka. river/ For the use of4. parakkajrij parak, proper ' {as common P. 'a P. a bow/nouns gondam, forest/ a due'cp. ganrlivam, Punjabi g-anesh ' to Hindu shrine. 5 P. a is thebokkad<\ Pr&krit form of 8. var-goat/ evidentlypaid * which is to be traced backanimal/ Persian to Arabickara, young evidently through baqar 4 animal/ ofox, bull/ Hebrew, medial a to o S.baqar, 'young (For change cf. padma, ' land for of r toP. S. bhcra. P.lotus/ pommi, (/ 6. P.change cf. bhcda.) jayana, saddle/ Pehl.Pers. Zend,, zin,/. learn from Mr. Vincent A. Smith'sWe India that theEarly Pahlavas settledHistory of India as the lords of a nativein Western about the secondconquered population century, that tho author of of theA. D. and the Sea, A. foundPeriplus Erythraean (5 century D.) of the Lower Indus under the rule ofthe the Parthian chiefs.valley After the battle of Nahavcnd in (>41 A. D. in which Persianthe last was overthrown the adynasty by Arabs, number of Zoroastrians from Persia came and settled in India. Muhammadlarge K&sim, was the ofa to Indiageneral by Caliph Baghdad about 711great deputed conquer A. D., and the Arabs ruled in India until were turned out of Sind thethey by Rajputs. During tho time of Muhammad of ]>.Ghazni famous in Indian(A. 997-1030), for his twelveHistory one of his more a man of business thanvazirs, being introducedexpeditions, thelearning, of all in Persian. in hiswriting public papers Indiapractice Elphinstone History of says that it is to this circumstance that India was neverow
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