India rubber world








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liiiIII iii;i.i.'.)ii,titi'ijiiiii'-:i!ll:11iiiii./^^KTWORLDINDIA RUBBERTHEOctober 1, 1912.]INTERNATIONAL RUBBERTHE THIRDEXPOSITION.World comesThe India Rubberthis number ofASopening of thethe day of thefr(Jiii the press onExposi-and Allied TradesInternational RubberThirdoneof that enterprise asnot possible to speaktion, it isbreadthby reason of theand finished but,that is complete ;each Month byon the 1st ofPublishedthe thoroughness ofbeen planned andwith which it hasGO.PUBLISHINGRUBBERINDIATHE preparationshave been made for itthe preparations that —York.38th Street, NewNo. 15 West is quite pos-progress for over a year—ithave been inthatNEW YORK.IRWORLD. of cer-CABLE ADDRESS: more than a fair degreeprognosticate withsible toevent.the outcome of thistaintyEditorC. PEARSON,HENRY this initial viewpoint,of course, fromWe cannot,success of thestatements as to themake any definiteNo. I1, 1912.OCTOBER47.Vol. popular appreciationstandpoint ofexhibition from theand stimulatorgreat educatorand attendance; but as afor thesix months, postpaid,year. $1.75 for$3.00 perSuBscniPTioNS: To thedependencies and rubber in-States and revelation of what the^""'"united i)t the trade, and as a(or equivalent funds)countries, $3.50and all otherof Canadapostpaid.per year, possible toit is perfectlyin this country is to-day,dustryknown on application.will be madeAdvextising: Rates atconfidence. Lookedand speak with allspeak now, toPostoffice oror ...
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liii III iii; i.i.'.)ii,titi'i jiiiii'- :i!ll:11 ii iii ./^^KT WORLDINDIA RUBBERTHEOctober 1, 1912.] INTERNATIONAL RUBBERTHE THIRD EXPOSITION. World comesThe India Rubberthis number ofAS opening of thethe day of thefr(Jiii the press on Exposi-and Allied TradesInternational RubberThird oneof that enterprise asnot possible to speaktion, it is breadthby reason of theand finished but,that is complete ;each Month byon the 1st ofPublished the thoroughness ofbeen planned andwith which it has GO.PUBLISHINGRUBBERINDIATHE preparationshave been made for itthe preparations that — York.38th Street, NewNo. 15 West is quite pos-progress for over a year—ithave been inthat NEW YORK.IRWORLD. of cer-CABLE ADDRESS: more than a fair degreeprognosticate withsible to event.the outcome of thistainty EditorC. PEARSON,HENRY this initial viewpoint,of course, fromWe cannot, success of thestatements as to themake any definite No. I 1, 1912.OCTOBER47.Vol. popular appreciationstandpoint ofexhibition from the and stimulatorgreat educatorand attendance; but as a for thesix months, postpaid,year. $1.75 for$3.00 perSuBscniPTioNS: To thedependencies and rubber in-States and revelation of what the^""'"united i)t the trade, and as a (or equivalent funds)countries, $3.50and all otherof Canada postpaid.per year, possible toit is perfectlyin this country is to-day,dustry known on application.will be madeAdvextising: Rates atconfidence. Lookedand speak with allspeak now, to Postoffice oror draft,made by bankalways beRemittances: Should"^^ is already achieved,point of view, its successThe India Rubber from thisYork payable toorders on NewExpr«; money subscriptions shouldfor foreignRemittancesPublishing Company. success in everypayable as above. question. It meritsPostal Order, and is beyond allInternationalbe sent by advertising are worthysubscriptions and realize it. It is aYearly orders for direction and will doubtlessDiscontinuances: months theyfirst twelvepermanent, and after theasregarded or ad-of the subscriberonly at the request laid anddiscontinued were well and wiselywill be The plansenterprise.eachthe beginning ofrendered promptly atBills arevertiser of continuance.patrons have due noticeourperiod and thereby andcarefully, conscientiouslybeen carried outthey have intelligently.PUBLISHING CO.RUBBERBY THE INDIACOPYRIGHT, 1912, the second class. notmail matter of expositions wereYork postoffice as London rubberthe New The two greatEntered at appeal to popularmade a widetrade successes butonly READING.PAGE OFLAST'CONTENTS ONTABLE OF quite safe tonot, to be sure, beappreciation. It may probabilities,to Americanfrom British experiencesargue ITS DELEGATES.ANDCONFERENCETHE ques-It cannot beare somewhat different.for conditions menmanufacturers, and businessAmericantioned that Yorkin New generalat present exhibitions inthere are enthusiastic interest inprobable that take a lessis IT rubber thaninterested in is a tempera-directly contemporaries. Theremore individuals than their English American any and Americans.been gathered between the Englishever before mental difl'erencehave delegates todistinguished are morelist of saying that Americansto the might be described asIn addition It Con-and to the of anyExposition substantial resultsInternational Rubber alert to the immediatethe keenly Commercethe great anothermembers of or viewed fromthere are which they embark ;ference, enterprise on dele-are represented, friendsforty nations —that ourwhich expressed in this way,Congress in angle, it might be and in-CongressChemical that their com-the International have more imagination,gates to across the water whole rubber trade. withof the are concernedrepresentatives broader, that theydividual mercial outlook is beso However it maycall together present.Exposition should future as well as theRubber theThat the the Englishremains thatthe fact undoubtedlyway remarkable. described,is in nonotable a gatheringgreat and enter-participate in exhibitionmore ready toas a class areshown unparalleledyears havehalf dozenThe last hesi-of this Ainericanare. As a resultprises than wean'' rubber,manufacturedcrude andexpansion in both our large manufac-in shows, some ofto take parttancy limit, and in-reaching itsthat is far from this great inter-participating inare not activelyturers present, there-the manysteadily on. To other hand,deed is going but, on therubber exploitation;national growth, what- creditable dis-promise and rate to make afull of —enough at anyfore, facing a future many are manufactures.part of American rubberfrom whatever play ofin rubber,ever their interest active part inan unexpectedlyhave takenForeignerswelcome.felicitation andwe oiTerworld they come,the ;; [OcTdliliR 1, 1912.THE INDIA RUBBER WORLD They have contributed with athis Xew York exhibition. tion, and the building of hospitals where they may be instance, which is repre-lavish hand. Take l^razil. for given, free of charge, any necessary medical treatment counting thosesented by half a luiiulreil commissioners, the construction of narrow gau^e and other railways in from various com-from the national government and various sections of the rubber country, including a rail- takes the colos-mercial bodies ; wliilc the material display way from some convenient place on the Madeira-Mamorechoicest rubbersal form of nearl\- a hundred tons of the companies railway to the frontier of Peru; the execution of workof that great rubber country. The ])lantation from Xewof Far East—considering their remotenessthe that shall make navigable for the shallow rubber boats for themYork and the distance which it was necessary various rivers where it is impossible now for these boats lie-cover in sending their exhibits—have not been farto to operate: the promotion of many centres of food pro- exhibition has not only brought together thehind. This duction for the maintenance of the rubber gatherers wonderful collection of crude rublier ever seen inmost the holding of trienni:d rubber exhibitions Rioat de it is doubtful if another such collectionthis countr\-. but Janeiro, intended for the instruction and encourage-again here for many years.will be displayed ment of rubber growers and other measures tending ; to stimulate the production of rubber and materially assistTHE AWAKENING OF BRAZIL. in the opening up of the rubber country. Agriculture of I'.razil has recently1^ Ministry of Prazil is at last aroused to the necessity of the properTM form in I'.nglish the decreespublished in pamphlet development of her vast and wonderful natural resources. the National Congress andand regulations passed by She is profoundly to be congratulated on this awakened looking to the encourage- ont withapproved by the President, spirit. If she shall carrv determination and country. This actionment of rubber production in that energy the wise measures which her legislators have incomparablyon the part of the great rubber republic is enacted, great will be her rewartl. in that country to pro-the mo^t important step ever taken TWO GREAT SYNTHESISTS IN OUR MIDST.its leadership in rul)ber production.tect confrontsBrazil is at last awake to the prololem that the ijast few dax s wc ha\e had two greatin the world's DLRlXtiher, if she is to maintain her premiership champions of the new synthetic in ourawaken-rubber market. It would have been better if this midst or as the purists would prefer to have us sayby —ing had come earlier, but the lost time can be made u]) 1-'.—in the midst of us: Professor William Perkin.has beenvigorous ])rosecution of the campaign thata spokesman of English group of rubber makers, andthemarked out. Dr. Carl Duisberg. director general of the FarbenfabrikenThese decree^ and regulation> are carefullv thought of l{lherfeld, (lerman_\-. leader of the German pro-out and comprehensive, and should do much to stimulate artificial rubber. Both delivered able andducers ofactivity in rublier production in the Amazona wide instructive addresses before the Congressexceedinglycountry. A careful translation of the decrees was made, of Applied Chemistrv that held its sessions in Newbutpresented in considerable detail in our June issue,and "^'ork during the first half of September. Both hadhave been further exploited by the Govern-now that they interest, not only to the sciencemuch to say of deepment fur the benefit of Plnglish-speaking jieople. it may but to the rubber industry. Both cour-of chemistry,be of place briefly to review their general scope.not out : representative of The India Rub-teouslv received afollowing points—The exemption fromThey cover the further elucidated the views presentedber World andof all utensils and materials intended to be usedduties theirculture of various rubber trees named in the decree,in the ( page will be found highly interesting)n anotherharvesting and pre])aration of rubl)er extractedand in the both of these distinguished scientists,interviews withthose trees the granting of liberal bonuses rangingfrom ; other matters of importance relating to theas well asto $S00 those who shall start new planta-from S280 to problem. It is a matter of regretabsorbing syntheticand carry them successful production ; thetions to allotment of space necessarily devotedthat the greatestablishment by the governmeiu of experiment and the Rubber Exposition, together withdif- in this issue todemonstration stations at convenient places in the matters, makes it impossible in thisbuild- pressure of otherferent lying within rubber territory ; thestates the Dr. Duisberg and Professor Perkinnumber to reporting of houses where immigrants brought into the rubber habita- in full.countrv mav receive proper shelter and sanitarv
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