)cr ,//yTRADF. NUMBERWORLDSNEWYORK-LONDON^A Conservative l-fINVESTMENTRUBBER[^in the only ;|CorporationAmericanRubbercontrolling "PRESENT RUBBER"actually |Sis offered by theCOMPANYPERU.PARARUBBERits claims to your consideration on \^Which basesaciual (not prospective) rubber, large and valu- igrants from the Peruvian government, heavilyable 4with full grown "PARA" rubber, and a .istockedadministration conducted by success-conservativeful and responsible American business men.facilities for inves-If you are interested, the fullesttigation will be afforded.j|^application toProspectus on ^512 Ashland Block ,.^PERU-PARARUBBERCO, CHICAGO\f^^^^^^^'^^i^^^^m^'^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^i^^^^^^'^^^^^^^—f)f NOT A ,PLOSING MONEYrOU ARE TABLE OF CONTENTS 464pile your supplies BUYERS' DIRECTORY 52thru your coal —SHOWyour products. LET ME YOU.RAIN COATS.FRED'K J. MAYWALD, F. C.UNLESS THIS CIHCTrLABCONSULTING CHEMIST.REGISTERED TRADE-823 John, N. CITY,J9 Pine St., Phooe. Y. MASK IS STAMPED ONTHE INSIDE.Edited by HENRY C. PEARSON - Offices, Broadway,No. 395 NEW YORK.P*r Y**!-'S-OOVol. XXXIX. No. I. le TENTSCENTS.OCTOBER 1, 1908. 35jjj Abwad.,gV)01 THERMOID BRAKE LININGI. gZ WILL NOT BURN—CRIPS INSTANTLY—LASTS ALMOST INDEFINITELY3J">•v>0PACKINGS OF MERITblackBLACK BARE SHEETreoTHERMIDORLAMPBLACKS ESPECIALLY FOR RUBBER MANUFACTURESAMUEL CABOT, BOSTON, MASS.:[October i, 1908.INDIA RUBBER WORLDTHEESTABLISHED 1864OF OUALfTYMARKXZPOKT BUSINESS ...