Ideas For Writing








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mmIdeasforw,ntmgReadings for College Composft/onKENNETH L. KNICKERBOCKERTennesseeof Utitiftsttv ofPio/cssot EnglishAND COMPANY New YorkHENRY HOLTCopyrightHolt and Henry Company,Printed in the United States AmericaoftoThis book is dedicatedrespectfullythose with whom I have been associ-or for theated, closely remotely, pastthe teachers oftwenty years composi-tion and communication in the collegesand universities of America.To the InstructorThe idea is the A student undisturbed an ideathing! paper byis a clod no matter how the need not have beenand, precise grammar,written. freshmen are neither too nor tooCollege young inexperi-enced to have ideas. their one beminds, sure,mayThrough passon and but all in need ofdull,thoughts many subjects, bright thoughtsand before can be communi-winnowing organizing they acceptablycated. Both and involve choicehowever,winnowing organizing,the selection of the relevant and the of the irrelevant. Choicerejectionthe kind of mental effort from whichrequires everyone, includingshrinks. the instructor asks thestudents, When, therefore, Englishstudent to show a of his mental the is too often:wares,sample replyI haven't It does not matters th.u the student"Indeed, any." helpfeels hisunabashed blankncss. Nor does it seem to be theby heightof it be the of for the studentjustice though may height somethingwith a to shift the blame to his instructor!shrugThe chief aim of this book is to remove ...
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mm Ideas for w,ntmg Readings for College Composft/on KENNETH L. KNICKERBOCKER Tennesseeof Utitiftsttv ofPio/cssot English AND COMPANY New YorkHENRY HOLT Copyright Holt and Henry Company, Printed in the United States Americaof toThis book is dedicatedrespectfully those with whom I have been associ- or for theated, closely remotely, past the teachers of twenty years composi- tion and communication in the colleges and universities of America. To the Instructor The idea is the A student undisturbed an ideathing! paper by is a clod no matter how the need not have beenand, precise grammar, written. freshmen are neither too nor tooCollege young inexperi- enced to have ideas. their one beminds, sure,mayThrough pass on and but all in need ofdull,thoughts many subjects, bright thoughts and before can be communi-winnowing organizing they acceptably cated. Both and involve choicehowever,winnowing organizing, the selection of the relevant and the of the irrelevant. Choicerejection the kind of mental effort from whichrequires everyone, including shrinks. the instructor asks thestudents, When, therefore, English student to show a of his mental the is too often:wares,sample reply I haven't It does not matters th.u the student"Indeed, any." help feels hisunabashed blankncss. Nor does it seem to be theby height of it be the of for the studentjustice though may height something with a to shift the blame to his instructor!shrug The chief aim of this book is to remove the student's thatfeeling the matter suc-he has to If the selections and editorialnothing say. ceed in out this then the end result of asinglecarrying purpose, course the student should be a morecomposition paper thoughtful a moreand, therefore, satisfactory performance. Some of the selections controversial material. No readerpresent will be able to with all the set forth in this bookagree opinions been when-for the reason that ideas havesimple opposing represented ever I have included statements of ofdeliberately pointspossible. or totalview with which I am inpersonally partial disagreement. These statements are the devil's so to and it willadvocates, speak, to them in the and confoundmy duty pleasure! The from Marx and for aEngcls, example, presents theoryexcerpt I amwhich can be refuted on strictly grounds. Students,logical viii TO THE INSTRUCTOR can out the flaws in the communistconfident, pick argument; they can for one that a class definedsee, thing, struggle requires sharply classes and that a tends to fluid thecapitalistic society keep imagined boundaries between Teachers and students findclasses. cantogether much more that is with the Marxian doctrine. canwrong They combine further to examine the atheistic in Professorargument Stace's "Man Darkness." I have referred thistoagainst frequently article because it a statement of an extremerepresents strong point of view. That I with it that others will anddisagree surely perhaps with it is the best reason for it. Fromviolently disagree including class of issues come somediscussions controversial will outwisdom; of the wisdom will come better writing. of numerous books of for fresh-There are, course, collegereadings of :men. arc in a stories,They organized variety ways by types (short formsdrama, narration,essays, by (exposition, description,poetry), broad in Social(Conflicts Thought,argumentation), by topics of the and the SomeModern The WorldProblems, Future, like). texts two or more tables of contents to show how the sameprovide fitted into different Each kind ofmaterials can be organiza-patterns. tion has certain and, certainadvantages perhaps, disadvantages. Each selectionThe of this text is based ideas.organization upon contributes to the idea so in is athat, effect, every chapterchapter of material on a restricted This arrangementtiny anthology topic. to look at theoffers several it enables the readeradvantages: (i) idea from two or more of withview;points (2) through repetition it tends to make clear what be obscure in aa difference, may single in its broad senseit demonstrates thatstatement; (3) exposition includes all the and forms of eventypes writing, poetry. A word of is about the inclusion ofnecessary poetry.explanation for freshmen a section devoted entirelyMany anthologies provide that the aver-to When the time comes for section,poems. studying student He not care for other ofgroans. may greatly typesage he is sure that is difficult and that he does not likebutwriting, poetry as of theit. are used with selectionsIf, however, poems prose part of an some of the be removed. Aidea, mayexposition prejudice INSTRUCTOR ixTO THE has described this as on the students'procedure slipping upcolleague side. All is fair in and the ofblind love, war, teaching poetry! and were chosen for their clearAll state-selections, prose poetry, ment of an idea. The of the from toquality writing ranges good On the the selections are withexcellent. short,relativelyaverage about six thousand words. Since studentthe tolongest running it has seemed useful toare brief,normally provide examplespapers of in the treatment of a topic.brevity has been a consideration. The timetoo,Chapter length, reading the same.for each is Furthermore, eachchapter approximately has been restricted to a suitable for achapter length single assign- ment. it is not to the whole atnecessary assignAlthough chapter obvious in whether in onethere is an as-once, advantage reading, makeor all the materials which themore,signment up chapter. Editorial aids are of three kinds: a brief introduction to each(i) aids at the end of each selection; (3)chapter; (2) study suggestions for at the end of each The introductionspapers chapter. chapter brief the reader on the idea. in the firstchapter They provide, para- a view of the idea as a whole and to graph, preliminary attempt start and direct the reader's on the theme. Alterthinking chapter this orientation come comments on eachparagraph explanatory selection. For the most these comments in accord- part vary length of the selection. It is the olto the intention the intro-ing difficulty ductions to ulnc&s the kind ofencourage thoughtf by offering help that the freshman be to may reasonablyaverage expected end ofThe aids at the each selection are intended to servestudy three to test the care with which the selection has beenpurposes: (i) to call attention to of facts and ideas withinread; relationships(2) the to remind the reader of facts and ideas inselection; (3) previous selections which bear the selection read. In theaddition,upon being reader is asked to or to discuss a in thefrequently explain point light of his own If the student answers all the andexperience. questions the directions thefollows all at end of each he should beselection, to with the at theadequately prepared cope writing assignments end of each chapter. x TO THE INSTRUCTOR the end ofThe for at each aresuggestions papers chapter pre- which reviews theceded a short idea and indi-by paragraph chapter in terms what on thiscates idea will be like.general any paper this are two lists of for TheFollowing suggestions specific papers. first is made of detailed and directions whichup fairly questions demand a to the theme. After thethoughtful approach chapter student has down the answers to the fol-and hasjotted questions lowed the he will have the materials for a Indirections, paper. some the of the isinstances, but fororganization paper suggested, the most the student must do his own and mustpart organizing the title for his The second list consists of titles for provide paper. Each title is intended to a definite to the papers. suggest approach theme. there arcAlthoughchapter approximately thirty suggestions for at the end of each and more than hundred papers chapter eight such in the whole instructors and students willbook,suggestions doubtless find still other suitable to the ideas.approaches chapter The best to use this book will be ofdetermined, course,way by the instructor on his own initiative or the instructoracting by acting in accordance with a I ofTerwould, however,departmental plan. this If the class meets three times a week on the normalsuggestion. and or and Satur-Monday, Wednesday Friday Tuesday, Thursday and if there is to be a each the Iolioweek,day pattern, paper wing scheme is effective: at the first class of the week discuss(i) meeting the which was at the class andchapter assigned previous meeting a to be written in accordance with the atassign paper suggestions the end of the or with the instructor's at thedirections;chapter (2) ofsecond class the receive the at the thirdweek,meeting papers; (3) class return the and anothermeeting, papers assign chapter. the instructor wish toIn a thatassigning chapter, may emphasize the the and directions at the end ofintroduction,chapter questions each and the for are anselection, suggestions papers integral part of the He will add his own on what assignment. probably briefing should look for while Athe students the selections.reading prac- tical for class discussion of the is pattern assigned chapter provided the on the selections. All of discussionthe shouldby questions parts be focused on the If this focus iswriting maintained,assignment.
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