SMITHSONIAN MATHEMATICAL TABLESHYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONSPREPARED BYGEORGE P. BECKER AND C. E. VAN ORSTRANDFOURTH REPRINTNo. 1871CITY OP WASHINGTON"PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION1931ADVERTISEMENT.of the Smithsonian Institution was aAmong the early publications veryof tables Dr. Arnold wereimportant volume meteorological by Guyot. Theyand as well asso widely used by geographers physicists by meteorologistsedition was exhausted it was decided to recast thethat when the fourththree Tables,, entire work and publish separate volumes, Meteorologicaleach of which has nowTables, and Physical Tables, passed^Geographicalseveral editions.;= throughvolumes to the of natural..!. In the of the data of these studyapplication''beside those included in ordinarycertain mathematical tablesphenomenaneeded in order to save recurrent computa-tables of are urgentlylogarithmsIt was decidedtion on the of observers and investigators.part therefore^Mathematical on Func-to the present volume of Tables, Hyperbolicpublishtions.useful in branch of physicsFunctions are extremely every pureHyperbolicof whether to observational and experimentaland in the applications physicsThus whenever an as light, velocity,sciences or to technology. entity (suchis to extinction or absorption,i or radioactivity) subject gradualelectricity,some form of Functions. Mercator's1 the is represented by Hyperbolicdecay me-Functions. Wheneveri> is likewise computed by ...