HISTORYOF THECITY OF MADRASWritten for the CelebrationTercentenary Committee, 1939BYRAO SAHIB C. S. SRINIVASACHARI, M.A.AnnamalaiProfessor of History, UniversityWITH A FOREWORD BYDIWAN BAHADURS. E. I.E.S. RetiredRUNGANADHAN, M.A.,Vice-Chancellor, University MadrasofP. VARADACHARY & CO.MADRAS,FOREWORDCom-WHEN the Madras CelebrationTercentenaryto thedecided to in additionmittee publish,theCommemoration a handbook ofVolume, popularthe most suitableof the it felt thathistory city,C. S.to undertake the work was Rao Sahibpersontowho has devoted many yearsSrinivasachariar,of Prof. Srinivasachariarthe thestudy subject.has to bear on his taskbrought unremitting industryand wide He has traced the ofscholarship. historyearliest down toMadras from its beginnings rightthe and has with ofpresent day every aspectde^ltthe life and of thegrowth city.I that this handbook will reach a wide circlehopeof thereaders, particularly among younger gene-so that its stimulate them tostudy mightration,in the oftake a and active interest welfare thelivingisand its future While theredevelopment.citymuch in the of Madras to be thankful for,heritagefor effort on the of itsthere is need continual partcitizens to advance still further theenlightenedstandards of civic life and to make the morecitymore aand and beautiful to live in.pleasant placeThe Committee is to the authorgratefuldeeplyfor in with itshaving, compliance writtenrequest,this attractive andextremely ...