1 I B A YR R.OF THLUNIVERSITYOF ILLINOISHISTORYOFSTEPHENSON COUNTYILLINOISA RECORD OF ITS ORGANIZATIONSETTLEMENT,OF A CENTURYAND OF PROGRESSTHREE-QUARTERSL. A.ADDISON M.FULWIDER,Byis the accumulated the race."experience of JUDSON"HistoryIVOLUMEILLUSTRATEDCHICAGOTHE S. CLARKE PUBLISHING COMPANYJ.1910LlfiSARYOF THE.UNIVEKSI1Y OF ILLIJKMSL. A. FUI/WIDEK-HISTORY OFCOUNTYSTEPHENSONILLINOIS.'UNDER FOUR FLAGS.The to roam over and Illinois were thefirst people Stephenson County'Builders. In various of Illinois there are evidences that theseMound partslived in numbers. In and in White-here Winnebago Countyearly people greatfound the homes and burialside are to be mounds,County, yet interestingofof this ancient who at an occupied partplaces people undoubtedly early dayhave and have left little or of value to thethis County. They gone nothingmarch of civilization.Then the Indian. Two hundred and this thatcame state,fifty years ago,i over six million in the ofnow has a of civilization,population people heightwere andwas overrun a few thousand red men.| They Algonquinsby onlyseveral subordinate for the most onbroken intoDakotas, bands, partup livingin Thewild The a rude andgame. squaws engaged primitive agriculture.- and best known Indian tribe was the a division of the"Illinois,"largest Algon-who settled the Illinois the state from toRiver,^,'quin, along occupying JolietKaskaskia. To the and in were thenorth, Stephenson county, ...