/7oo >--£-HISTORYOFMICHIGANBYMOORECHARLESILLUSTRATEDVOLUME IIy\CHICAGOTHE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY1915k.^^P8IL;'-i«^^i. 'V'^'^^^.of MichiganHistorytheFrederick The distinction of been primeJames Joy. havingof railroad infactor in the of more than sixteen hmidred milesbuildingF.alone is of itself sufficient to make the name of James JoyMichiganFromone of the most in the of this state.significant hi-story 1836Detroit. Be-until his death in Mr. was a resident of the of1896, Joy cityrose to behis career there as a heginning struggling young attorney,au-one of the foremost business men of the United States, a recognizedmid-on and one of the ablest railroad of thefinance, managersthorityaffairsdle west. His achievements both in his and inprofession practicalattri-is remarkable. With his executive he combinedgreat abilitybutes of character which marked him as one of the most distinguishedof citizens. It has been said of him that he was too honestMichigan'sto be too conscientious to be and that hispolitic, sycophantic practiceof all times the truth often made enemies of small-minded men,tellingindivid-but him the never violated, of thefriendship, greatestbroughthis time.uals ofFrederick was born at Durham. Xew Decem-Hampshire,James Joya son of and Sarah His fatherber 2, 1810, (^Pickering) Joy.Jameswas a and at Durham manufactured and alsoblacksmith by trade, scythesin The first ancestor of the name was Thomasengaged ship building ...