G^W.EN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRAR0€^3 1833 02496 1960GENEALOGY977.101W27anv.l\WASHINGTON COUNTY COURT HOUSE.HISTORY OF MARIETTAANDWASHINGTON COVNTY. OHIOANDREPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS.EDITED AND COMPILED BYMARTIN R. ANDREWS. M. A.DOUGLAS PUTNAM PROFESSOR OF HPSTORTAND POLITICAL SCIENCE.MARIETTA COLLEGE.Ustony is Philosophy Xeachirig by E.xat-nples.1T00-1900BYPUBLISHEDPUBLISHING COMPANY,BIOGRAPHICALGeorge Richmond, Pres. ; S. Harmer Neff, Sec'y. ; C. R. Arnold, Treas.Chicago, Illinois.1902.1222033Preface.preparing this history of Washington County, we have kept in view the fact that sinceany former history was written a generation has passed away. The I'.tth century hasTNbeen completed with all its records. It is therefore fitting that a history, which e.xtendsover parts of three centuries, should devote a larger proportion of space to the first halfof the 19th century; to that period, when the various elements of our population were blend-ing into one people.the early partIn of the last century, the great lessons to be learned were not how torepress a savage foe, but how ourto make county a productive economic unit in our Stateand nation. We have, therefore, devoted much space to a description of the attempts toestablish various forms of industry and of long struggle to secure lines of commercethe bywater and land. In this, as well as in the history of political contests, we have given thestory as far as possible in the very words of ...