TaylorT of; iUchool liter/A132U2ZYourCard inThis PocketKeepBooks will bf> lisuixl on ofonly presentation properoards.libraryunleii labeled otherwise, book* bt> witeifwdmayfor four w<tfki Borrowers booknfinding marked, do-fiOftd or mutilfttod ar to mm fitx^otd wportotherwise the Imit borroworlibrary dbik; will ki hulcifor all dioaovorod.riipqtibl tmporfcotionaThe card holder in re8ponibl for all hooka drawnon thii card,for over-duePtnalty boob 2o a coat ofday plunnotiotiii.Imi and of mutt bechange rtported promptly*Public LibraryKansas Mo.City,YourCard in ThisKeep PocketMO tKANSAS ( \\ V,OBMfllflV0001!/A .SCHOQI,HISTORY OF GERMANY :Tufi EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OFGERMAN EMPIRE INTHE 18T1.Qtf EUJfDMD AM) TWELVE ANJ) MAPS.ILLUSTRATIONS SIX HES70RICALBYBAYARD TAYLOR.NEW YORK:ANDD. .APPLETON COMPANY,AND 5 BOND STEEET.1, 8,1884-4- 21to Act of in thoaccording Congress, year 1874,1&I). AVl^KTON COMPANY,Jn tho Oillco ofllio Librarian of atCongress, Wasliljiglou,KTKODUCTORY WORDS,THE of is not the of aHistory Germany History Nation,but of a Eace. It has little therefore: it isunity, complicated,and attached on all sides to the histories of otherbroken,In its ofcountries. earlier it covers the-periods greater partand does not return to untilEurope, exclusively Germanyafter and the Italian States have beenFrance, Spain, Englandfounded. the iteven before fall of the BomanThus, Empire,becomes the ...