ftistoryofSURVEYHISTORICALmiflOlSHISTORY OFBARTONVILLE, ILLINOISCompiled and Published byTHE HERITAGE COMMITTEEtheofBARTONVILLE BICENTENNIAL COMMISSIONHERITAGE COMMITTEEMr. Edward W. RoseMrs. Bryon BallMr. Wilbur H. LauterbachMrs. Leroy PetersMrs. Laverne VelpelMrs. Karen DriesBARTONVILLE BICENTENNIAL COMMISSIONMrs. Donald StewartJ.Mr. BlanquartJoeMrs. Norma RebbecJ.Mrs. Isom ZachmanMrs. Virginia BlanquartMr. Zack MonroeMrs. David MarkwalderMr. Richard LauterbachMr. Edward W. RoseThis Commission was authorized by an ordinance passed bythe Bartonville VillageBoard andMayorGeraldA. Stuaan.Forewordloyal Americansis the Bicentennial our nation, allBecause 1976 ofThis commission has publishedhomage to our pioneers.want to payhave gone before us,book and dedicated it to those whothissacrifices and hardships, our greatrecognizing that without theirnation woxdd not be what it is today.Acknowledgementsthis book. We are especiallyMany among us have contributed tophotographs and specificindebted to the following who have donatedinformation:Hazel Randall, Mr. Stephenand Mrs. Charles Paschon, Mrs.Mr.Mrs. Lottie Bruninga, Mr. ArtBarton, Mrs. Amalia Gerdes Burke,Mr.Peoria Public Library,Reidlinger, Alpha Park Library District,Church, Bartonville MethodistKen Hinrichs, Bethel LutheranBaptist Church,Christian Oak GroveChurch, BartonvilleChurch, St. Anthony'sPresbyterian Church, St. John LutheranTrinityOak Grove School, MonroeLiturgical ...