feiplt.ClassBookCOPYRIGHT DEPOSITHISTORICAL SKETCHOPFranklin County, Pennsylvania.PREPARED FORTHE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION,HELD ATJulyGhambersburg, Pa., 4, 1876.By II.I. M'CAIILEY.'Incompleteness pervades all things human."—Dryden.SECOND EDITION—ENLARGED.HARIIISBURG, PA.:PATRIOT PUBLISHING COMPANY.18t8.Entered according to of Congress, byact in the year 1878,I. H. M'CAULEY,In the OflBce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.Hl^PREFATORY.has not at-The undersigned, in the following "Sketch,"History of our county. He hastempted to give a completesought, chiefly, to bring to notice those matters which haveescaped the attention of former writers. In doing this, histhe loss of Publiclabors have been greatlyaugmented by theRecords the county, and the destruction of private papers,ofin the great fire of July 30th, 1864. He trusts, however, thatwithhe has brought together many things connected the Past,the general reader and in thethat cannot fail to interest ; 7c]Lists jngressional, Judicial and other Public Oflicers ofof C, times, he believes the people will find a Record both3tiful and interesting.returns his sincere thanksThe undersigned hereby to Hon.hn B. Linn, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth;xiiomas M'Camant, Esq., his Chief Clerk,^ and B. F. Chand-ler, Esq., of the same office 0. H. Miller, Esq., State Libra-;assistant; M.rian, and J. R. Orwig, Esq., his B. Nead, Esq.,Auditor General's Office Dr. Wm. H. Egle, of ...