\/''fCI Doyioa^^JHISTORY OF AIcDONOUGH COUNTY.633fromsandstone is found below the coal, ten as the concretionary member of the St. Louisin It ofto fifteen feet thickness. is No. 11, limestone was found on the creekoutcroppingisthe section, and believed to be a short distance belowforegoing where the coal was dis-the of the sandstone in the McLean covered. On tneequivalent northwest of Sec-quarter•and Stewart near Macomb. A section tion 33quarries (Bethel) a coal seam was andopenedof the bed In the of these worked inexposed vicinity on land then owned J.1S58, byshows this succession of strata: Thinquarries Stouching, The coal was worked by "strip-1 2 Thin bedded incoal, foot; Shaly clay, feet; the bed or a small theping" creek, deposit1 to 6 Massive 10sandstone, feet; sandstone, flrom to inches inranging eighteen twentyto 12 Bituminous shale No. 4teef; (coal 1), thickness and overlaid about two feetbeing byCarbonate of Firefeet; iron, % foot; clay. V2 of shale.grayBituminous or 2-3foot; slate, shale, foot; Shale, These two lower seams also on Job'soutcrop5 feet. Creek near andtslandinsville, have beenIn at of thethe Colchester most worked from the firstregion, settlement of the coun-examined, the same horizon was aiso onoutcrops rep- ty. They appear all the tribu-nearly12 of theresented by dark blue shales (No. taries on the east fork of Crooked Creek, andsection nodulespreviously given), containing probably underlie at least of ...