HAMILTONCANADACOMMERCE, INDUSTRIESITS HISTORY,AND RESOURCESILLUSTRATIONS300 PHOTOTHE CITYTHE AUSPICES OFISSUED UNDERYEARCENTENNIALCOUNCIL IN THE1913"^ *~ . v ,; .*..METROPOLITANTORONTOv LIBRARY .-:*S*cS*JTi*^ ^ ;1L *> .. H. *,* 1^< ^^- *,rt^ / V-., ,*^ ^F,.... JK *>? Mv* ..**. .i-.:_ * 4* <ii ^%* %.% *r .I-r "* -i*li lariMi^tMu,TORONTOPUBLICLIBRARIESHAMILTONgCANADAONTARIO,w^fCLNTLNNIALINDUSTRIALEXPOSITIONpplNGHAMILTON:CANADAF _, HISTORY, COMMERCE, INDUSTRIESRESOURCESISSUED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE CITYCOUNCIL IN THE CENTENNIAL YEAR1913HERBERT LISTER30 KING STREET EAST 47 KESTON ROADHAMILTON WEST CREENCANADA LONDON, N.ENGLANDPRINTING CO.,SPECTATORLIMITEDCANADA.HAMILTON,OCT 1 1AN ACKNOWLEDGMENTHE andpreparation publication of this volume has onlybeen rendered bypossiblethe financial ofco-operationthose and broad-enterprisingminded business men whosenames are recorded at the end of the book.if of these could lookFew, any, gentlemenfor direct returns from theirany expenditure the true of citibut, impelled by spiritthesubscribed funds,zenship they necessaryabroad of thisthat thebelieving spreadingthe wonderfulauthentic record *of progressof wouldand undoubted Hamilton,advantagesthe and wouldbe to the ofgood community,advancement and enhancementresult in theTo and theseof their these, then, only,city.credit and it is to beis the due, hopedthat will a reward ...