;:M. L^Gc942.41019Aalpv,61379120COLLECTIONGENEALOGYALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRAR833 00673 8352GLOUCESTERSHIREREGISTERSPARISHVI.PHILLIMORE SPARISH REGISTER SERIES.VOL. XVII. (GLOUC, VOL. VL)printed.One hundred and fiftyNumberThis is .^S:GloucestershireParish RegistersEdited byB.C.L.PHILLIMORE, M.A.,W. P. W./.^VOL. VI.XonDonCo.,by Phillimore &to the SubscribersIssuedLane.Chancery124,1900.—1379120PREFACE.In this, the sixth volume, are given nine GloucestershireRegisters.Marriage The former volumes contain those of:the forty-two following parishesVolume I. Volume II.King's Stanley Swindon Leonard Stanley UleyOwlpen Forthamptnn Stonehouse OwlpenQuedgeley Nimpsfield Stinchcombe ChedworthRendcombe Slimbridge |Volume III.Nether Swell MatsonStone Bishop's CleeveMickleton Charlton King'sAston Subedge DorsingtonVolume IV.Hinton-on-the-Green SnowshillAston Somerville Temple GuitingKemerton WormingtonLemington Parva Child's WickhamBuckland Weston SubedgeSaintbury Guiting PowerPreston-upon-Stour Sutton-under-BrailesStanton TodenhamVolume V.Hawkesbury DursleyCoaley Clifford ChambersMoreton-in-the-Marsh.inThe Registers the present volume have been tran-scribed by the Rev. Harvey Bloom, Rector of Whitchurch,J.near Stratford-upon-Avon, the Rev. W. Symonds, late Vicarof Frocester, but now of Great Sherston, in Wilts, and theRev. R. H. M. Rector of Elkstone, and to themBouth,the Editor desires to tender his best thanks. Thanks ...