MMHWWRMMRnianMniiiiR^^MB3S^^^^^^^^^^^^3EasBiological Laboratory Library IWoods Hole, Mass. IIII•/^'s.IIIIPresented byIIInc.Prentice-Hall,He-K York ICityIIIDB3^^^^^^^^^^^^^BIGENERAL BIOCHEMISTRYPRENTICE-HALL CHEMISTRY SERIESWendell M. Latimer, Ph.D., EditorVrGENERALBIOCHEMISTRYbyWILLIAM H. PETERSON, Ph.D.Emeritus Professor BiochemistryofUniversity W isconsin, MadisonofFRANK M. STRONG, Ph.D.Professor BiochemistryofUniversity Wisconsin, MadisonofPRENTICE-HALL, INC. 1953New YorkCopyright, 1953, by Prentice-Hall, Inc., 70 Fifth Avenue, NewYork. All rights resei-ved. No part of this book may be re-produced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, ,writing the publishers.without permission in from Library of]Catalog Number 53-8022.Congress Card :jPrinted in the United States op AmericaPREFACEThis book considers the chemical activities onlynot of animals butalsi) those of plants and microorganisms. It aims to be a complete,though brief, treatise on the whole field of biochemistry, stressing themost important features of the subject.The first part withdeals the materials of the cell, and the second withtiie functions of the cell. Emphasis, however, has been placed on thedynamic aspects of biochemistry as well as on its material features.This purpose inevitably leads to a consideration of complex phenomena.To make such phenomena understandable is no easy task, but the attempthas been made.The subject matter is by no ...