Wá.\<\//^Sfeí*.*.tó^^W L,ff'^^7i0'5'^A SAESNEGGEIRIADUR CYMRAEG'Spurrell jWelsh-English DictionaryEdited byANWYLBODVANJ.hyWith a Preface the lateSIR EDWARD ANWYLTwelfth Edition^ corrected and augmentedCarmailbcnW. SPURRELL & SON1934SPURRELL'S WELSH-ENGLISH DICTIONARYDEDICATED BY PERMISSIONTOTHE RIGHT HON. SIR JOHN RHYS, P.C., D.LITT., LL.D.,IN RECOGNITION OF HIS GREAT SERVICESTO LEARNING AND TO WALES.PREFACE TO SIXTH EDITIONgreatest pleasure to be able to associate mj'self most cordiallyir gives me thewith the present re-issue, under the editorship of my brother, BodvanJ.Anwyl, of Spurrell's well-known Welsh-English Dictionary. Nor is my co-operation confined to the writing of the present preface. Along with someof my friends and colleagues, I have, as opportunity offered, given the editorwhatever assistance was within my power in the pursuance of his difficulthand it was necessary to eliminate from the dictionarytask. On the one allthose words whose existence is only lexicographical, while, on the other hand,it was found necessary to include many words, both ancient and modern,which have from their actual use a tr\ie place in the Welsh tongue. Owing tothe marked increase in recent years of the students of the older Welsh litera-it thought advisable to e.xplain as many as possible of the wordsture, wasoccur in the course of their reading. At the same time, itwhich might wasregarded as most important that the Dictionary should remain a ...