The Natural History Library $1.45NIO:^romPhilosophHOMER W. SMITHA DoubledayAnchorTheAmerican Museum ofNatural HistoryClifford HardingBIOLOGY DEPARTMENTFISH PHILOSOPHERFROM TOHOMER w. SMITH is onc of the outstanding figures inmodem physiology. Presently Chairman of the Depart-ment and Professor of Physiology at the New York Uni-versity School of Medicine, he has undertaken extensiveresearches on the structure and function of the kidney,and has written, in addition to numerous scientific arti-cles, the following key works on the subject: The Physi-Kidney;ology of the The Kidney: Structure and Func-tion in Health and Disease; and Principles RermlofPhysiology.Bom Denver,in Colorado, in ^^ prepared for a1895,career in medicine at the University of Denver where hereceived his A.B. degree, and Hopkinswent on to JohnsUniversity his Sc.D.for degree. As a National ResearchCouncil Fellow in Physiology, Dr. Smith studied for twoyears at the Harvard Medical School. A recipient of thePassano and Lasker awards, and a former Guggenheimfellow, he has also been awarded the Presidential Medalfor Merit.Dr. Smith is a member of the National Academy ofSciences, the American Physiological Society, the Ameri-can Society for Biological Chemists, the Association forAmerican Physicians, the Society for Experimental Biol-ogy and of the MountMedicine. Formerly presidentDesert Island is presently aBiological Laboratory, hetrustee of the Bermuda Laboratory for ...