31REYNOLDS HISTORICALOfiNEALOGY COLLECTIONnun" "•111 I! Illl Ill 1111 I" _M8732008643 1833Fort Wayne City.andAllen CountvDIRECTORYAy:-'B > 1915.>——— « - ___s —V _CONTAININGAn alphabetically arranged list of Business Firms andPrivate Citizens in Fort Wayne Miscellaneous—ADirectory of City and County Officers, Public andPrivate Schools, Churches, Banks, Incor-porated Institutions, Secret and Benevo-lent Societies, Etc.—A Directory ofAllen County and a completeCLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY"THE BUYER'S GUIDE"SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $8.00VOLUME XLIIR. L. POLK & CO., Publishers401 BASS BLOCK, FORT WAYNEEntered according to Act of Congress, the year 1915, by k L. CO..POLK &in the office of the Librarian ol C fress, at Washington. D. C.HupmobileAlways in Perfect Condition—The «COR.RANDALL AUTO SALESWAYNE DIRECTORY 723FORTMcNulty Mary, b 1815 Webster." Lumbard.Wm, oprW K Mills, b 1531Calvin P, fireman Wabash R R, r Weber Hotel.McNutt" Grant.Henry T (Daisy), foreman R-N-M Co, h 1158Physician and Surgeon, OfficeMcOSCAR EDWARD J,1 to and 7 to 8 P M, 129W Jefferson, h Same,Hours 3Both Phones 230.(wid Thomas), h 801 Poplar.McPartland Catherine(i T (Mary), frt agt Wabash R R, h 801Johnav.McPhail AnsonW (McPhail Bros), h Spy Run" McPhail), plumbers 403W Jefferson.Bros (AW" Janet (wid Wm), h 1302 Ewing." 5th.Janet, bkkpr McPhail Bros, b 211" Jefferson Sch, 1302 Ewing. tchr b" Margaret M, prin Bloomingdale Sch, b 1302 Ewing.'' Mary R, b 1302 ...