mGiven ByU. S. LIBRARY OFCONGRESS3^^-^"15^\'-FOREIGNSERVICELIST+-0s—FOREIGNSERVICELISTJAi^UARY 19491,^BNX o*.NOTE: To avoid delay and insure promptattention, correspondence upon consularbusiness should be addressed, for example,toThe American ConsulateNiagara FallsOntario, CanadaWAY 11 la^yI,3'beginning will longerThe Foreign Service List, with this issue, nocontain section Foreign officers, Foreignthe classification of ServiceService Reserve officers, and Foreign Service Staflf officers. Thisinformation will be published annually in a separate publicationdated July 1.The January issues of the List will include the sections showingthe posts of assignment, retirements in the Foreign Service, theconsular districts, the tariff of Foreign Service fees, the index ofpersons, and the geographic index.The April, July, and October issues will include only the posts ofassignment and the two indexes.This List is compiled and edited by the General Editing Branch,Division of Publications. Pfease report to that Branch anynecessary corrections.DEPARTMENT OF STATEPublication 3388Released April 1949THE PRINTING OF THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEENTHE DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAUAPPROVED BY(MARCH 1949)OF THE BUDGET 10,Washington D. C.For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, 25,Price 40 Subscription price a year; $2.00 foreigncents. $1.50CONTENTSPageAbbreviations and Symbols ivCategories and Salaries of Foreign ...