Foreign service list








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Given By^IU. S. IPT 0. DOCUMENTS—^S5-3.1FOREIGN SERVICE LLS'IJANUARY 31, 1941In the interest economy,of beginning uith thisissue the ''Foreign Service Lisl" nill he issued incompleteform only once a year, uiih snpph'nimtsdated April 1, July i, and October 1Note: To avoid delay and insnro jtromjii alt«'ii-lioii, correspondoiue upon consnlar business sliuiddhe addressed, for example, loThe Anieriean ConsulateNiagara FallsOnlario, (.'anadaIMill) .srvrFsOKHCKCOVERiNMEM- PRINTINC;: l'>llWASHINGTON1U. S. SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUr/iENTBMAY ^ 1944OF STATEDEPARTMENTPublication 2079Division of ResearchPlease report to theDepartmentand Publication of thein this List.any omission or error foundBUDGETOF THE DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF THEfUBLISHED gUAKTERLY WITH THE APPROVALOflSceof Documents, U. S. Government PrintingFor sale by the Superintendent• Price 20 centsWashington 25, D. C.price cents a year. 65 cents foreignSubscription 50CONTENTSPaK€Foreign Service of the United States . 1Argentina,Afghanistan, 1; 1; Australia, 2; Belgium and Possessions, Bolivia,3; 4;Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile,4; 6; 6; 8; China, 10; Colombia, Costa Rica,11;Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark,12; 13; 14; 15; Dominican Republic, 15;Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia,16; 17; 17; 18; Ethiopia, 18; Finland, 18;France and Possessions, Germany, Great18; 19; Britain and Northern Ireland,and India, 20; Greece, 24; Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras,24; 25; 25; Hungary, 26;Iceland, ...
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llWASHINGTON1U. S. SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUr/iENTBMAY ^ 1944OF STATEDEPARTMENTPublication 2079Division of ResearchPlease report to theDepartmentand Publication of thein this List.any omission or error foundBUDGETOF THE DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF THEfUBLISHED gUAKTERLY WITH THE APPROVALOflSceof Documents, U. S. Government PrintingFor sale by the Superintendent• Price 20 centsWashington 25, D. C.price cents a year. 65 cents foreignSubscription 50CONTENTSPaK€Foreign Service of the United States . 1Argentina,Afghanistan, 1; 1; Australia, 2; Belgium and Possessions, Bolivia,3; 4;Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile,4; 6; 6; 8; China, 10; Colombia, Costa Rica,11;Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark,12; 13; 14; 15; Dominican Republic, 15;Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia,16; 17; 17; 18; Ethiopia, 18; Finland, 18;France and Possessions, Germany, Great18; 19; Britain and Northern Ireland,and India, 20; Greece, 24; Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras,24; 25; 25; Hungary, 26;Iceland, ..." />
Given By ^IU. S. IPT 0. DOCUMENTS — ^S5-3.1 FOREIGN SERVICE LLS'I JANUARY 31, 1941 In the interest economy,of beginning uith this issue the ''Foreign Service Lisl" nill he issued in completeform only once a year, uiih snpph'nimts dated April 1, July i, and October 1 Note: To avoid delay and insnro jtromjii alt«'ii- lioii, correspondoiue upon consnlar business sliuidd he addressed, for example, lo The Anieriean Consulate Niagara Falls Onlario, (.'anada IMill) .srvrFs OKHCKCOVERiNMEM- PRINTINC; : l'>llWASHINGTON 1 U. S. SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUr/iENTB MAY ^ 1944 OF STATEDEPARTMENT Publication 2079 Division of ResearchPlease report to the Departmentand Publication of the in this List.any omission or error found BUDGETOF THE DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF THEfUBLISHED gUAKTERLY WITH THE APPROVAL OflSceof Documents, U. S. Government PrintingFor sale by the Superintendent • Price 20 centsWashington 25, D. C. price cents a year. 65 cents foreignSubscription 50 CONTENTS PaK€ Foreign Service of the United States . 1 Argentina,Afghanistan, 1; 1; Australia, 2; Belgium and Possessions, Bolivia,3; 4; Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile,4; 6; 6; 8; China, 10; Colombia, Costa Rica,11; Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark,12; 13; 14; 15; Dominican Republic, 15; Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia,16; 17; 17; 18; Ethiopia, 18; Finland, 18; France and Possessions, Germany, Great18; 19; Britain and Northern Ireland, and India, 20; Greece, 24; Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras,24; 25; 25; Hungary, 26; Iceland, 26; Iran, 26; Iraq, 26; Ireland, 27; Italy and Possessions, 27; Japanese Empire, 27; Latvia, 27: Lebanon, 27; Liberia, 28; Liechtenstein, 28; Lithu- ania, 28; Luxembourg, 28; Mexico, 28; Monaco, 30; Morocco, Netherlands31; and Possessions, 31; New Zealand, 32; Nicaragua, 32; Norway, Palestine33; and Trans-Jordan, 33; Panama, 34; Paraguay, 34; Peru, 34; Philippine Islands, 36; Poland, 36; Portugal and Possessions, 36; Rumania, 37; Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden,Kingdom of, 38; 38; 39; Switzerland, 40; Syria, 41; Thailand, of Africa,41; Turkey, 41; Union South 42; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, 46.43; Uruguay, 44; 45; Foreign Service assigned the DepartmentOfficers of the to 47 of the on special and temporary detail 50 Foreign Service officers on detail as inspectors 50 Officers of the Foreign Service now unassigned 50 of the detained by the enemy 51 CoNSTJLAR Districts . 55 Description of consular districts 55 Allocation of provinces, states, etc., to consular districts 66 Tariff of United States Foreign Service Fees 87 91Classification of Foreign Service Officers 113Retirements in the Foreign Service Index 116of Persons 127Geographical Index HI ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS —Temporary specialists appointed for the emergency. These appointees are arran(T) according to salary; where salary is the same, according to the date of assignmt and where date of assignment is the same, alphabetically. >—Consulate (M) —Mission(C) (CA)—Consular agency (MA)—Office of military attach^ (CG)—Consulate general (MD)— of maritime delegate (E) —Embassy (NA)—Office of naval attach^ (L) —Legation (VC)—Vice consulate indicates that the date given does not show the total length of continuous service of the offI at the post. For this information regarding an officer in the Foreign Service, his biograj in the Register the Department State should be consulted.of of indicates that the officer's service in the Foreign Service of the United States has been in'§ rupted. The date given represents the commencement of his present period of serv For his prior service the officer's biography in the Register the Department State shoof of be consulted. indicates a vice consul who receives no compensation except when in charge of a post. II FOREIGN SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES Post - SERVICE LIST: JANUARY 31. 1944FOREIGX Post Name and rank ARGENTINA—Continued Buenos Aires (E)—Con. Jr.. asst. naval Navy Dept... Apr. 17,1943CSi.K & XA)—Cod Lt. Comdr. John J. Wilkinson, attache. Jr., asst. naval attach^ Navy Dept.. Aug. 10,1943 , Lt. Age5ilau5 W. Walker, naval attach^ for air.and asst. W. Green, a.=«t. naval attach^ and Navy Dept. Oct. 16,1943Lt. Archie naval attach^ for air.asSt. Ha\"ward Keniston, cultural relations attach^ Michigan ...' Aug 11,1942 assistant Dist. Colimibia..! Sept. 29,1941Warren D. Robbins, special attache New York. Apr. 24,1942Philip P. Clover,! assistant Texas Aug. 15,1942Byron George Skelton, special assistant Kentucky.. Aug. 20,1942James H. Mann, special cultural relations California.. Sept. 8,1941John F. Griffiths, senior assistant. special assistant New York. Sept. 1941James MacGregor Byrne, 3, Herron, senior economic analyst Kansas Jan. 15, 1942Connie E. analyst. Ohio Apr. 1942Charles F. Merkel, 20, analyst Oklahoma. Dec. 1942John T. Fishbum, economic 9, Ryan, special assistant California.. Jan. 14, 1944Daniel V. Dec. 1942George F. Jasper, Jr., economic analyst Illinois 4, economic analyst Dec. 1942Grant McDougall, 4, analyst Argentina.. Mar. 1943WalterAdam Hebeler, economic 24, Asher Xorman Christensen, asst. cultural rela- Minnesota. Dec. 16, 1942 tions attache. Wallin, economic analyst California Jan. 14,1944Paul J. New York Dec. 4,1942Francis K. Jovin, analyst Lawrence Daniels, economic analyst. .. Michigan.. _ Dec.Chandler York i Dec. 4,1942William H. Melvin, economic ansilyst New economic analyst... Indiana Dec. 27,1941Richard F. Lankenan, junior Leonhart, ec-onomic analyst West Virginia I Dec. 28,1943William K. economic analyst Massachusetts. . . > 4,1942Herman H. Barger, JDec. New YorkLawrence Hoguet, JDec. economic analyst New York. 4,1942H. .4.ndr6 Weismann, tDec. Elizabeth Richardson, juiuor Arkansas... Dec. 21, 1943Miss Marie eco- nomic analyst. Nov. 3,1942Herman R. Kasper, junior economic analyst nitnois W. consul New York. Sept. 1941Alfred Wells, vice 30, {Dec. 31,1942Joseph E. Gross, vice Colorado.. W. consul... Minnesota July 26,1943BahlaBlanca(VC). Leslie Johnson, vice viceconstil New York May 19, 1943Mendoza (\"C) Richard H. Post, - Apr. 27,1943Rosario (C) Aubrey E. Lippincott, consul Arizona... E. Matthews, vice consul. South Carolina... Sept. 5, 1942Tobias W. vice Dec. 17,1943Raford Herbert, consul.. AUSTRALIA Canberra, Australian Johnson, envoy extraordinary and Oklahoma.. Feb. 11,1941Capital Nelson T. Territory (L). iminister plenipotentiary. John R. Minter, counselor of legation South Carolina... 'tDec. 3, 1943 commercial attache Tennessee Mar. 21,1942Lacey C. Zapf, A. Foote,' first secretary Texas June 23,1942Walter .\. secretary Dec. 26,1940Randolph Kidder, third Massachusetts... (MA ANA). Col. Karl Ferguson Baldwin, military attache....; War Dept Apr. 6, 1942 Lt. Comdr. Malcolm Mackenzie, nav-il attache Navy Dept {Jan. 22,1944 I I I and asst. naval attache for air. > Assigned also to Asuncion, Montevideo, and Santiago; resident at Buenos Aires. > Resident at Melbourne.
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