Given By^IU. S. IPT 0. DOCUMENTS—^S5-3.1FOREIGN SERVICE LLS'IJANUARY 31, 1941In the interest economy,of beginning uith thisissue the ''Foreign Service Lisl" nill he issued incompleteform only once a year, uiih snpph'nimtsdated April 1, July i, and October 1Note: To avoid delay and insnro jtromjii alt«'ii-lioii, correspondoiue upon consnlar business sliuiddhe addressed, for example, loThe Anieriean ConsulateNiagara FallsOnlario, (.'anadaIMill) .srvrFsOKHCKCOVERiNMEM- PRINTINC;: l'>llWASHINGTON1U. S. SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUr/iENTBMAY ^ 1944OF STATEDEPARTMENTPublication 2079Division of ResearchPlease report to theDepartmentand Publication of thein this List.any omission or error foundBUDGETOF THE DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF THEfUBLISHED gUAKTERLY WITH THE APPROVALOflSceof Documents, U. S. Government PrintingFor sale by the Superintendent• Price 20 centsWashington 25, D. C.price cents a year. 65 cents foreignSubscription 50CONTENTSPaK€Foreign Service of the United States . 1Argentina,Afghanistan, 1; 1; Australia, 2; Belgium and Possessions, Bolivia,3; 4;Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile,4; 6; 6; 8; China, 10; Colombia, Costa Rica,11;Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark,12; 13; 14; 15; Dominican Republic, 15;Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia,16; 17; 17; 18; Ethiopia, 18; Finland, 18;France and Possessions, Germany, Great18; 19; Britain and Northern Ireland,and India, 20; Greece, 24; Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras,24; 25; 25; Hungary, 26;Iceland, ...