A.Jeffrey HumphreyStevensJoan W.CompilersU.S, Fish ami Midllfa ServiceOffice ofInformation TransferData Uase Section1201 Oak Klttge Drloe, Suite 200Fort Collins, Colorado 80525558!)Phone: (303) 333-9709: 228-M55(303)FisheriesReviewIsinlendcd to furnish fishery blologlil) with nbslraclsofcurrent IHcriilure in tiMulJitlitiyandmanagementOne volume, of four number*. Is Issued each Each number contains (!econsisting year teiwrnlc Aiillntr,Taxonomle, and Subject Indcws Aul()o who publish In Journal! not Kremctl fur ftthiiTtei Ih'vlew. rtii.l who wu!Jlike theirpublications Included, should submit abstract! to Ilic KilllorThe US. Fish and Wildlife Service assumes for the malerhi ouhliteHoresponslblllly accuracy of fmmVol. No. 2 199338,ContentsAQUATIC PLANTSAND THEIRCONTROL 1CULTUREANDPROPAGATIONGeneral Fish Culture . . iTrout and Salmon Culture . 3CultureWarmwater . , .6Marlcullure . . 10Feeds, Feeding, and Nutrition . 11FishTransporting . 1414AquariumsMiscellaneous Culture Techniques and Equipment 16LIMNOLOGYAND OCEANOGRAPHY18PhysicalChemical 18MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, GENCTICS AND BEHAVIOR1QMorphology... 25PhysiologyGenetics, Variation Studies and Hybridlzallon .... ,49Behavior 54NATURAL HISTORYLife Works 60History-GeneralPopulation Studies, Production, Recruitment, etc. 63etc 66Spawning Habits and Movements, fecundity,Movements, Seasonal and Distribution, etc 69DepthFoods/Feeding 71and Growth 76AgeDistribution, Fish ...