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A.Jeffrey HumphreyStevensJoan W.CompilersU.S, Fish ami Midllfa ServiceOffice ofInformation TransferData Uase Section1201 Oak Klttge Drloe, Suite 200Fort Collins, Colorado 80525558!)Phone: (303) 333-9709: 228-M55(303)FisheriesReviewIsinlendcd to furnish fishery blologlil) with nbslraclsofcurrent IHcriilure in tiMulJitlitiyandmanagementOne volume, of four number*. Is Issued each Each number contains (!econsisting year teiwrnlc Aiillntr,Taxonomle, and Subject Indcws Aul()o who publish In Journal! not Kremctl fur ftthiiTtei Ih'vlew. rtii.l who wu!Jlike theirpublications Included, should submit abstract! to Ilic KilllorThe US. Fish and Wildlife Service assumes for the malerhi ouhliteHoresponslblllly accuracy of fmmVol. No. 2 199338,ContentsAQUATIC PLANTSAND THEIRCONTROL 1CULTUREANDPROPAGATIONGeneral Fish Culture . . iTrout and Salmon Culture . 3CultureWarmwater . , .6Marlcullure . . 10Feeds, Feeding, and Nutrition . 11FishTransporting . 1414AquariumsMiscellaneous Culture Techniques and Equipment 16LIMNOLOGYAND OCEANOGRAPHY18PhysicalChemical 18MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, GENCTICS AND BEHAVIOR1QMorphology... 25PhysiologyGenetics, Variation Studies and Hybridlzallon .... ,49Behavior 54NATURAL HISTORYLife Works 60History-GeneralPopulation Studies, Production, Recruitment, etc. 63etc 66Spawning Habits and Movements, fecundity,Movements, Seasonal and Distribution, etc 69DepthFoods/Feeding 71and Growth 76AgeDistribution, Fish ...
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A.Jeffrey Humphrey StevensJoan W. Compilers U.S, Fish ami Midllfa Service Office ofInformation Transfer Data Uase Section 1201 Oak Klttge Drloe, Suite 200 Fort Collins, Colorado 80525558!) Phone: (303) 333-9709 : 228-M55 (303) FisheriesReviewIsinlendcd to furnish fishery blologlil) with nbslraclsofcurrent IHcriilure in tiMulJitlitiy and management One volume, of four number*. Is Issued each Each number contains (!e consisting year teiwrnlc Aiillntr, Taxonomle, and Subject Indcws Aul()o who publish In Journal! not Kremctl fur ftthiiTtei Ih'vlew. rtii.l who wu!J like their publications Included, should submit abstract! to Ilic Killlor The US. Fish and Wildlife Service assumes for the malerhi ouhlite Horesponslblllly accuracy of fmm Vol. No. 2 199338, Contents AQUATIC PLANTSAND THEIRCONTROL 1 CULTUREANDPROPAGATION General Fish Culture . . i Trout and Salmon Culture . 3 Culture Warmwater . , .6 Marlcullure . . 10 Feeds, Feeding, and Nutrition . 11 Fish Transporting . 14 14 Aquariums Miscellaneous Culture Techniques and Equipment 16 LIMNOLOGYAND OCEANOGRAPHY 18 Physical Chemical 18 MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, GENCTICS AND BEHAVIOR 1Q Morphology ... 25 Physiology Genetics, Variation Studies and Hybridlzallon .... ,49 Behavior 54 NATURAL HISTORY Life Works 60 History-General Population Studies, Production, Recruitment, etc. 63 etc 66 Spawning Habits and Movements, fecundity, Movements, Seasonal and Distribution, etc 69 Depth Foods/Feeding 71 and Growth 76 Age Distribution, Fish Surveys, etc 79 Geographical Abundance, Factors of, Survival and Mortality . . .02 Classification , . . 03 Identification, Keys, PARASITESAND DISEASES General 85 86 Bacterial 90 Fungal Protozoan 90 92 Viral Other 94 POLLUTION ANDTOXICOLOGY Pollution 9C 101 Fish Kills 101 Toxicology; Bloassays RESEARCH ANDMANAGEMENT General 114 119 Administration and Planning 120 Habitat Alterations etc 122 Harvest, Creel Census, 124 Regulaflons 124 Fish Conlrol and Removal . , . . , ant) ... 125 Marking Tagging 125 Stocking and Introductions , . . , and 126 Fishing Gear Techniques Fish Dams, etc 129 Flshways, Passage Through 130 Mathematics, Statistical Methods, and Modeling . . . . Lake and Research 134 Management 130 River and Stream Management and Research Farm Pond and Small and Research 145 Impoundment Management Large and Research 145 Impoundment 146 EstuaryManagement and Research Marine and 147 160 Utilization of Fishery Products Mlsc 1G6 Techniques and Equipment Miscellaneous 170 AUTHOR INDEX . . 171 (Blue) GEOGRAPHIC INDEX (While) 235 INDEX . 249 SYSTEMATIC [Blue) AVAILABILITY OF REPRINTS AND PUBLICATIONS Fisheries Review does not distribute any of the papers cited herein, nor can the editor of Fisheries Review obtain copies of these papers for anyone. A reprint of an article published In a journal may be available from the author, from the organization with which the author is affiliated, or from the publisher of the journal In which the article appeared. When an author's address is known, it is shown in square brackets following the citation. Addresses of most wildlife organizations can be obtained from the Conservation Directory, an annual publication available from the National Wildlife Federation, 1412 ICth SI, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. This directory lists more than 900 agencies and organizations concerned with natural resources use. Camera-ready copy for this Issue of FisheriesReview has been generated by computer programs developed by the Data Base Section, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Information Transfer, 1201 Oak Ridge Drive, Suite 200, Port Collins, CO 80525-5589. FisheriesReview IsNow Available On DiscCompact For more information contact: please National Information Services Corporation 3100 St. Paul St. Suite 6, TowersWyman MD 21218 Baltimore, (410)243-0797 FISHERIES REVIEW AQUATIC PLANTS AND THEIR CONTROL Marek and Izabela 93-002192 Swierczynskl, Czerniawska IMPACT OF BLUF-GREENS FROM GENERA OF MICROCYSTISON SOME AQUA! 1C ANIMALS Acta fiseatoria 163-100 1992 In with Ichthyol 22(2) English Polish summ PR 38(2) Uniw fWydzlal Dial & Nauk o Mor/u, Szc^eonski, ul Felczaka 3a, 71-412 Szczecin, Poland] Carassius Gasteroslcus acutcattis, Cyprmus and in Poland carassius, carpio, Anguilla anguitla FISH CULTUREGENERAL 93-0021 93 Alcantara Bocanegra, Fernando [THE STATUSOF FISHCULTURE INAMAZONIAN PERUAND A STRATEGY FOR ITS DEVELOPMENT ] /Q/I Amazon/at Vo! 3 p 83-95 1991 In Spanish. FR 33(2) 93-002194 Alston, Dallas RECOMMENDATIONS BY THF AQUACULTURETASK FORCE - PRESENTEDTO HON GILBERTO RIVERA ORTIZ PRESIDENT, SENATE CONSUMER AFFAIRS COMMISSION OF PUERTO 1987 Tree GulfCarlbbCOMMONWEALTH RICO, DECCMBFR, Fish Inst. Vol 42 p 412-425, 1992. FR 38(2) jDep Mar Scl, Univ. Puerto Rico, Mayaguez 00709] 93-002195 Avaull, James W., Jr AQUACULTURE ENVIRONMENTAL AND CONSERVATION CONSIDERATIONS Aquacult Mag 19(1)64-67. 1993, FR 38(2) Slate (School For, Wild! & Fish,, Agric Exp Sin, La Unlv, Agrlc Cent, Baton Rouge 70B03| 93-002196 Avaull, James W,, Jr WATERMANAGEMENT IN PONDS, SOMb BASICS REVIFWED OXYGEN AquaculL Mug 19(2)77-80 1993 FR 30(2} State Baton [School For., Wildl,&Flsh, Agric. Exp. Stn.La Unlv,, Agric Cent, Rouge 70003] 93-002197 Boldreghlnl, Paolo; Rlccardo Sanlolinl and Stefano Volponi. THE GRCAT CORMORANT Soc Bull.(PHALACROCORAX CARBO SINEHSIS) IN ITALY. Colon. Watwbird 16{2)'64, 1992. Abstract only FR 38(2) [Inst. Zoocult,, Unlv Bologna, MQ1000 Bologna, Italy] E DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANTS AND FISHERIES IN FLORIDA. Colon 93-00219B Brugger, Kristin WaterbtrdSoc Bull 1992. Abstract FR 3fl{2) 16(2):49, only. JU S Dep. Agrlc/APHIS/ADC Denver Wlldl. Res, Cent , Field Stn , Gainesville, FL 32601 ] 93-002199 R. E ANDTHE FUTURE OfTHE WATERS. World Coker, AQUICULTURE Aquacult 23(3)-44-46 1992. FR 38(2) 93-002200 Kris Orwlcz and Gerald Bouck.WATER CONSIDERATIONSANDCRITERIA Colt, John; QUALITY FOR HIGH-DENSITY FISH CULTURE WITH SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN Am. Fish Soc. Symp No, 10. p. 372-385. 1991. FR 38(2) Consult. 2375 130th Suite WA (James M. Montgomery, Dig, Ave., N.E., 200, Bellevuo, 9800S| 93-002201 Costa-Pierce, Barry A.AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENTAND LARGE-SCALE RESETTLEMENT IN editor World 1 992. INDONESIA. WorldAquaculture 90, Halifax, Canada, Michelle Hibler, AquaculL 23(1 ):33-39. FR 38(2) ProJ,, ICLARM, P.O Box 229, Zomba, Malawi] [Aquacult. editors, USE CONFLICTS IN A 93-002202 DeVoe, M. Richard and Robert Pomcroy, AQUACULTURE: WORLDWIDE PERSPECTIVE ON ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS, WORLD AQUACULTURE 90, HALIFAX, CANADA. World Aquacult. 23{2):13-35. 1992. FR 38(2) this issued of Fisheries Review. [Sea Grant Consortium, Charleston, SC) Selected papers indexed In 93-002203 DeVoe, M. Richard; Robert S Pomeroy and Alex W. Wypyszinski.AQUACULTURE CONFLICTS IN THE EASTERN UNITED STATES. World Aquacullure 90, Halifax, Canada. M. Richard DeVoe and Robert World 1992. PR Pomeroy, editors. Aquacult. 23(2):24~25. 38(2) Grant Charleston, (Sea Consortium, SC] 992. 22nd 93-002204 Gallagher, Gregory J , editor. STATUS OFWORLDAQUACULTURE 1 AquaculL Mag. Annu Cuide 22-26. 1993, FR Buyer's p 8, 10, 12, 14-16, 10, 20, 38(2) Box 2329, Asheville, NC Ictalurus, and Morons saxatilis. (P.O. 20802] Jilapia, 8-26. 93-002205 Gomes, Lulz Antonio ZEN AND THE ART OFAQUAFARMING. WorldAquacult 23(3):1 1992. FR 38(2) [Rua Dona Mariana 72/707 22200 Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil] Roberto R. DEVELOPMENT OF IN THE NETHERLANDS ANTILLES 93-002206 Hensen, AQUACULTURE ANDARUBA. Proc. GulfCaribb. Fish. Inst Vol. 40. 363-366. 1991. FR 30(2) p. [Marcultura Found., P.O. Box 43, Bonaire, Netherlands] 1 1993 FR38(2) FISHERIES REVIEW GENERAL FISHCULTURf (Conlinucd) 93-002207 editor USER PARTICIPATION IN RESEARCH AND Hibler, Michelle, AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT. TWELVE ARTICLES FROM A SYMPOSIUM AT WORLD 90, HALIFAX, CANADA, WorldAqtiaculL 23(1 }'20-60 1992 FR 38(2) Selected indexed in this issue of Fisheries Review. papers ENGINEERING 93-002200 Holt, John K. AQUACULTURE SITE SELECTION IN THE CARIBBEAN. AN VIEWPOINT, Proc. GulfCanbb fish Insi Vol 41, 570-570. 1992. FR p. 38(2) [Div App! Bid, Harbor Branch OceanoBr. Inst, 5600 Old Dixie Hwy, Fart Pierce, Ft 34946] 93-002209 Thomas A and William E Manci. OPPORTUNITY NOW. PART 2 - Hopkins, AQUACULTURE THE POWER OF ECONOMICS. AquaculL Mag. 19(1)-30, 32, 34-38 1993. FR30(2) [Biometrics Trie., Boyds, MD] PART - 93-002210 Hopkins, Thomas A and William E Manci. AQUACULTURE- OPPORTUNITY NOW, 3 EDUCATIONAND COOPERATION 1993. FR Aqiiacutl Mag, 19(2).60-72. 30(2) Inc., Boyds, [Bfomelrics MD] 93-00221 1 John CONFLICTSANDTHE MEDIA WHATASSOCIATIONSCANDO Joyce, AQUACULTURE Woifd Aqttaculturc 90, Halifax, Canada. M Richard DeVoe and Robert Pomeroy, editors. World AquaculL 23(2}:I4-15 1992. FR 30(2) Salmon Growers Assoc Dun Dublin Co [Irish , Laoghalre, , Ireland] 93-002212 Meade, James W.APPLICATION OFTHE PRODUCTION CAPACITYASSESSMENT BIOASSAY Am Ftsh. Soc No 10 365-367. 1991. FR Symp. p 3B{2} [U.S Fish & Wildl,Serv,Tunison Lab Fish Nulr., 3075 Grade Rd,Corlland, NY 13045] 93-002213 P A. WORLDPRODUCTIONOF Biol. Molseev, [CURRENT AQUACULTURE.] Morya (VladivosQ 1991. In Russian with English summ. FR 1991(5):83-91. 3B(2) [AllUnion lns( Food Incl , Moscow 113149, Russfa] 93-00221 4 Mural, Takeshi. AQUACULTURECONFLICTS IN JAPAN. WorldAquaculluie 90, Halifax, Canada M. Richard DeVoe and Robert editors Woild 1992 FR Pomeroy, Aqusculi 23(2)-30~31 38(2) Res Inst Fish. Scl , [Wall Tokyo, Japan] 93-002215 Aklra CONTROL OF FISH DISEASE IN Control of Disease in Miirata, JAPAN Aquacullurc: of the Nineteenth Meeting on Ise, Mie Prefecture, 29-30 October Proceedings U.S-fapan Atiuaculture, Japan, 1990. Ralph S. Svrjcek, editor. NOAA (Nail Oceanic Almos Admin.) Tech. Rep. NMFS (Natl Mar Fish Serv) No. 1 1 1 . 135-143. 1992. FR p, 3G(2) Agency, Res. Div., Kasumlgaseki 1 -2-1, Tiyoda-ku, Japan] |Ffsh Tokyo, 93-002216 Charles, PEACE CORPS FISHERIES- MARINE CORPS OF THE PEACE CORPS. Petroccl, THE 19(2):2Q, 30, 32, 36, 38, 40. 1993 FR AqusculL Mag. 34, 38(2) 93-00221 7 Richard B, MULTIUSE CON
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