FAYETTE COUNTYIN THE,WORLD WARBY-M.FREDERICK HANESPastor of St. James Lutheran ChurchEvangelicalIllinoisVandalia,PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE FAYETTECOUNTY CHAPTER AMERICAN RED CROSSPRINTED BY THE VANDALIA UNIONDEDICATED TOSons andCounty's DaughtersFagettewho served inand dead,livingThe Great World WarPREFACEThe of ofawriting history Fayette County's partin the Great WorldWar was first the Warinstigated byRecords of the Illinois HistoricalSection State Library.In with Ira D. editor of the Van-correspondence Lakin,dalia it was that the war records of Fay-Union, urgedandette be in some formCounty preserved permanentthat a committee should take the work in Thecharge.and the Statecommittee as selectedfinally approved byoffice was of Williamcomposed the following: JudgeM. Ira D. F. E. C.Farmer, chairman, Lakin, Crawford,F. N. C. Dr. A. L. T.Easterday, Gochenour, Williams,G. L. Hausmann and Will P. Welker.At a of the committee itJan.meeting 21, 1921,was decided that the would bedefinitely history pub-lished in book form and the writer was asked to under-take the task of and it. The workcompiling writingwas somewhat andundertaken, although reluctantly,has been as as other dutiespushed rapidly pressingwould permit.The task has been a difficult one;peculiarly pro-has been alike to the limited amountgress slow, owingof time at the writer's and the difficultiesdisposal manyencountered in authentic data. No time norgatheringhave been ...