ESSAYS TR^ISFERREINANDOCCULTISM, SPIRITISM,DEMONOLOGYBYDEAN W. R. HARRISAuthor of and in the"Days Nights Tropics,Path and Pioneers of the"By Trail,"Cross in etc.Canada,"GOODCHILD &MCCLELLAND, LimitedSTEWART,PUBLISHERS TORONTO1919OCT 3 .953NIHIL OBSTAT1918.dieSti. Ludovici, 29, Sept.F. G. Holweck,LibrorumCensorIMPRIMATURdie 1918.Sti. 30, Sept.Ludovici,oannes J. Glennon,ArchiepiscopusSti. Ludovici1919,Copyright,byGummersbachJosephAll reservedrights8. A.Printed in V.TOC.S.B.VERY REV. ROBERT McBRADY,As a mark of for hisslight gratitudeand of admiration forkindnesshis character and ability"These Hindoos of when asked in theirMalabar, land,if,there were or but we lookYes,apparitions phantoms, replied:them as evil We believe them to be the souls ofupon spirits.those who committed or a violent death.suicide, perished byis their favorite time for seduce theNight appearing. Theyweak-minded and the curious and others in a thousandtemptdifferent aim to do all the can toways. They injury they;human beings."LaJ. Vol. 63.Gorres, Mystique," Ill, p.PKEFACEfar back as at all inAs history goes, times,materializationsall and alllands, among peoplesThe manifestaof have occurred.spirits spirittions are but a of those whichto-day repetitionin times.took pre-Christianplaceof Sir ArthurThe war and the publicationsW. J.Conan Sir Oliver CrawDoyle, Lodge,and Emile Boirac have togiven Spiritismford,a and ...