EHIGHUNIVERSITYv_rV here the Lehigh's rocky rapids' Rush from out theWest,Mid a grove of spreading chestnutsWalls in ivy dressed.On the breast ofold South MountainReared against the sky,Stands our nobleAlma Mater, our dear Lehigh.V. will everVVe hve to love her,Live to praise her name,Live to make our lives add luster^ To her glorious fame.Let the glad notes wake the echo,oyfully we cry:Hail to thee, ourAlma Mater;Hail, all hail, Lehigh.ike awatchman on the mountain(5**^Stands she grandly bold,Earth's and Heaven's-secret seeking.Hoarding them like gold.All she wrests from Nature's storehouseNaught escapes her eye,Gives she gladly to her dear ones.While we bless Lehigh.hhuQ^. i^ibs^ri24 Features 64 tAcademics Athletics 160 Greekt Orgs.jResidence Life 456 Closingrganizations 262 Undergraduates 286 Seniors 356 tt ff'''"!'," .'. "'l;--^^A';'";;^T,/i-•'r.'''i:v-'''i^'-- ,^pm126Volume29 Trembley DriveUniversityLehigh18015PennsylvaniaBethlehem,/ ri1Christmas Hall was the first buildingused by the universit)'. It was acquiredfrom the Moravians even before theyhad the chance to use it as a church.Luehigh w:ls founded in I86S b\' .\sa Packer. Packer was bom in December of 1805 in Mystic, Connecticut, but eventuallytravelled down to a small town on the upper reaches of the Sus(|uehanna River. Packer began working as a carpenter and marriedawoman Irom Vermont, Sarah blakslee. He spottedmany oi)portunities lor himselfearly on ;uid entered ...