Young integrals and SPDEs Antoine Lejay Project OMEGA, INRIA Lorraine IECN, Campus Scientifique BP 239 – 54506 Vandœuvre-les-Nancy CEDEX, France Massimiliano Gubinelli Laboratoire Analyse, Geometrie & Applications – UMR 7539 Institute Galilee, Universite Paris 13, 93430 – Villetaneuse, France Samy Tindel Institut Elie Cartan Universite Henri Poincare (Nancy) BP 239 – 54506 Vandœuvre-les-Nancy CEDEX, France July 2004 Abstract In this note, we study the non-linear evolution problem dYt = ?AYtdt+B(Yt)dXt, where X is a ?-Holder continuous function of the time parameter, with values in a distribution space, and ?A the generator of an analytical semigroup. Then, we will give some sharp conditions on X in order to solve the above equation in a function space, first in the linear case (for any value of ? in (0, 1)), and then when B satisfies some Lipschitz type conditions (for ? > 1/2). The solution of the evolution problem will be understood in the mild sense, and the integrals involved in that definition will be of Young type. 1
- evolution equation
- all ? ?
- dimensional fractional
- linear additive
- holder continuity
- all ?
- noise
- solution can