Visual Computer manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Combinatorial mesh optimization Vincent Vidal · Christian Wolf · Florent Dupont Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract A new mesh optimization framework for 3D triangular surface meshes is presented, which formu- lates the task as an energy minimization problem in the same spirit as in Hoppe et al. [1]. The desired mesh properties are controlled through a global energy func- tion including data attached terms measuring the fi- delity to the original mesh, shape potentials favoring high quality triangles and connectivity as well as budget terms controlling the sampling density. The optimiza- tion algorithm modifies mesh connectivity as well as the vertex positions. Solutions for the vertex repositioning step are obtained by a discrete graph cut algorithm ex- amining global combinations of local candidates. Results on various 3D meshes compare favorably to recent state-of-the-art algorithms. Applications con- sist in optimizing triangular meshes and in simplifying meshes, while maintaining high mesh quality. Targeted areas are the improvement of the accuracy of numeri- cal simulations, the convergence of numerical schemes, improvements of mesh rendering (normal field smooth- ness) or improvements of the geometric prediction in mesh compression techniques. Keywords Triangular meshes · mesh optimization · discrete optimization · graph cuts This work has been supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR) through the MDCO program (project MADRAS No.
- all optimization
- vertex position
- refined using local
- mesh
- output quality
- detec- tion process
- global energy