Traveling waves for nonlinear Schrodinger equations with nonzero conditions at infinity, II David CHIRON? and Mihai MARIS¸ † Abstract We present two constraint minimization approaches to prove the existence of traveling waves for a wide class of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with nonvanishing conditions at infinity in space dimension N ≥ 2. Minimization of the energy at fixed momentum can be used whenever the associated nonlinear potential is nonnegative and it gives a set of orbitally stable traveling waves. Minimization of the action at constant kinetic energy can be used in all cases, but it gives no information about the orbital stability of the set of solutions. Keywords. nonlinear Schrodinger equation, nonzero conditions at infinity, traveling wave, Gross-Pitaevskii equation, cubic-quintic NLS, constrained minimization, Ginzburg- Landau energy. AMS subject classifications. 35Q51, 35Q55, 35Q40, 35J20, 35J15, 35B65, 37K40. 1 Introduction We study a class of special solutions to the nonlinear Schrodinger equation (1.1) i ∂? ∂t + ∆? + F (|?|2)? = 0 in RN , where ? is a complex-valued function on RN satisfying the ”boundary condition” |?| ?? r0 as |x| ?? ∞, r0 > 0 and F is a real-valued function on R+ such that F (r20) = 0.
- associated nonlinear
- any
- minimizers completely
- local minimizers
- has been
- there exist
- †institut de mathematiques de toulouse umr
- nonlinear potential
- ginzburg-landau energy