- revision
- exposé
- cours - matière potentielle : deposition
- expression écrite
YEAR 8 FIELDWORK: ‘STREAM CHANNEL CHANGES DOWNSTREAM‛ CONTENTS PAGE This should be the very FINAL thing that you do (just in case there are any last minute revisions!!) The contents page should obviously have page numbers and accurately reference every section of your project (if it doesn‛t there is no point in putting it in) MAKE SURE THAT THIS IS ACCURATE – IT WILL BE ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS THAT THE EXAMINER SEES AND YOU SHOULD TRY TO MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION!
- predictions on cross-section depth
- lots of upper course deposition
- further analysis highlights
- channel cross- section size
- bank to the right bank
- left hand bank
- channel changes
- river
- section