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THE SPECTRUM OF SOLUTION PRIMITIVES FOUND IN CONCEPTUAL ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM PROBLEMS IN UNDERGRADUATE PHYSICS TEXTBOOKS A Masters Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of a Masters of Arts in Physics by Jessica A. Clanton Summer 2007 Physics Department J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences University of Arkansas
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August 2006
San Diego Unified School District Office of the Deputy Superintendent  Instruction and Curriculum Division Literacy and HistorySocial Science Department Grade 4 NARRATIVE Writing Rubrics
Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1  Skillfully develops a  Develops a central idea that  Central idea is  No discernable central central idea that relates relates ideas, observations or underdeveloped idea ideas, observations or recollections of an event or  Significance of the  No rationale is recollections of an experience selected event or provided about the event or experience  Provides insight into why the experience is vague significance of the event  Provides powerful selected event or experience is or experience insight/rationale about memorable WS 1.0; WA 2.0, 2.1; FW pp. 97, 104 the significance of the 105 selected event or experience  Skillfully develops an  Develops an effective  Introduction is  Introduction is effective introduction introduction that moves the underdeveloped and indiscernible/confusing that compels the reader reader forward may not create a  Conclusion is abrupt forward  Conclusion conveys a sense of anticipation  No identifiable  Conclusion conveys a satisfying resolution for the for the reader structure or structure is compelling or reader  Conclusion is random unexpected sense of  Uses an organizational underdeveloped  Context is confusing resolution for the reader structure that is purposeful to  Structure is or absent  Structure is creative the genre, task and clear to the formulaic/ and purposeful to the reader underdeveloped genre, task and clear to  Provides a context (e.g.,  Context is vague the reader setting, dialogue, background and lacks clarity for  Provides a compelling information) to enable the the reader context that enables the reader to imagine the world of reader to clearly the event or experience WS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; WA 2.0, 2.1; FW imagine the world of pp. 104105 the event or experience  Writer’s voice adds  Writer’s voice is appropriate  Writer’s voice is  No sense of voice, interest to the message to the audience and purpose mechanical and/or purpose and/or audience  Point of view (e.g.,  Point of view (e.g., who tells repetitive (e.g., series  Point of view (e.g., who tells the story) is the story) is evident of facts/ideas) who tells the story) is WS 1.0; FW pp. 26, 104 evident and skillfully  Point of view (e.g., absent articulated who tells the story) is  confusing  Words/phrases convey  Words/phrases convey  Words/phrases are  Limited use of precise meaning meaning appropriate to vague or repetitive vocabulary/phrasing appropriate to purpose, purpose, audience and genre WS 2.0, 2.1.c; WA 1.0, 1.7, 1.10; FW audience and genre p. 102  Uses purposeful and  Uses purposeful and varied  Sentence structures  Sentences are varied sentence sentence structures to convey convey meaning but incomplete, rambling structures to enhance intended meaning are and/or awkward intended meaning/effect  Transitions effectively mechanical/repetitive  Lacks transitional  Transitions skillfully connect ideas within and  Limited/repetitive expressions connect ideas within between sentences and use of transitional and between sentences paragraphs expressions WS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; WA 2.0, 2.3; FW and paragraphs pp. 9798, 104105DRAFT1 page
August 2006
San Diego Unified School District Office of the Deputy Superintendent  Instruction and Curriculum Division Literacy and HistorySocial Science Department Grade 4 NARRATIVE Writing Rubrics (continued)
 Shows creativity and flexibility when using conventions to enhance meaning
 Uses grade level appropriate conventions; errors are minor and do not obscure meaning WS 1.0; LC 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7; FW p. 105
 Uses grade level appropriate conventions; errors occasionally obscure meaning
 Limited understanding of grade level appropriate conventions
DRAFT2 page
August 2006
San Diego Unified School District Office of the Deputy Superintendent  Instruction and Curriculum Division Literacy and HistorySocial Science Department Grade 4 RESPONSE TO LITERATURE Writing Rubric Advanced Proficient Basic 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1  States a compelling  States a central idea that  Weak central idea that central idea that demonstrates an demonstrates a limited demonstrates an insightful understanding of a literary understanding of a understanding of a literary work literary work WS 1.0; WA 2.0, 2.2; FW p. 103 work 104  Analysis demonstrates  Analysis demonstrates  Analysis includes an insightful understanding of the limited understanding of understanding of the impact of literary the impact of literary impact of literary elements/devices (e.g., elements/devices elements/devices within character traits/ and across texts motivations/types, theme, personification, figurative language) within and across texts RC 2.0, 2.2; LR 3.0, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5; FW pp. 97; 103104  Insightful interpretation  Effective interpretation of  Summarizes text details of texts/ideas/literary texts/ideas/literary and/or limited elements elements interpretation  Interpretation skillfully  Interpretation effectively  Interpretation is loosely supports central idea supports central idea linked to central idea RC 2.0, 2.2; LR 3.0; FW pp. 97; 103104  Judgments are skillfully  Supports judgments with  Judgments are supported with significant references to text and prior inadequately supported and convincing examples knowledge with limited references to RC 2.0, 2.2, 2.3; LR 3.0, 3.2; FW from multiple texts and text and/or prior pp. 97; 103104 relevant prior knowledge knowledge  Structure creatively  Structure is effectively  Structure is formulaic conveys meaning to the organized appropriate to  Provides limited reader purpose, audience and information about the  Skillfully provides genre text for the reader appropriate information  Provides appropriate about the text for the information about the text reader for the reader (e.g., summary, title, author)WS 1.0, 1.3, 1.5; WA 2.0, 2.2; FW pp. 103105  Writer’s voice adds  Writer’s voice is  Writer’s voice is interest to the message appropriate to the audience mechanical and/or  Point of view (e.g., and purpose repetitive (e.g., series of writer’s stance) is evident  Point of view (e.g., facts/ideas) and skillfully articulated writer’s stance) is evident  Point of view (e.g., WS 1.0; FW pp. 26, 104  writer’s stance) is confusing  Words/phrases convey  Words/phrases convey  Words/phrases are precise meaning meaning appropriate to vague or repetitive appropriate to purpose, purpose, audience and audience and genre genre WS 2.0, 2.1.c; WA 1.0, 1.7, 1.10; FW p. 102
Below Basic 3 2 1  Lacks central idea and/or demonstrates little to no understanding of a literary work
 Analysis is absent or illogical
 Literal retell or no interpretation  Interpretation does not support central idea
 Evidence is absent or does not support interpretation
 Structure is random  Provides no information about the text for the reader
 No sense of voice, purpose and/or audience  Point of view (e.g., writer’s stance) is absent
 Limited use of vocabulary/phrasing
DRAFT3 page
August 2006
San Diego Unified School District Office of the Deputy Superintendent  Instruction and Curriculum Division Literacy and HistorySocial Science Department Grade 4 RESPONSE TO LITERATURE Writing Rubric (continued)  Uses purposeful and  Uses purposeful and  Sentence structures varied sentence structures varied sentence structures convey meaning but are to enhance intended to convey intended mechanical/repetitive meaning/effect meaning  Limited/repetitive use  Transitions skillfully  Transitions effectively of transitional connect ideas within and connect ideas within and expressions between sentences and between sentences and paragraphs paragraphs WS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; WA 2.0, 2.3; FW pp. 9798, 104105 Shows creativity and  Uses grade level  Uses grade level flexibility when using appropriate conventions; appropriate conventions; conventions to enhance errors are minor and do not errors occasionally meaning obscure meaning obscure meaning WS 1.0; LC 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7; FW p. 105
 Sentences are incomplete, rambling and/or awkward  Lacks transitional expressions
 Limited understanding of grade level appropriate conventions
DRAFT page 4
August 2006
San Diego Unified School District Office of the Deputy Superintendent  Instruction and Curriculum Division Literacy and HistorySocial Science Department Grade 4 RESPONSE TO EXPOSITORY TEXTWriting Rubric
Advanced 3 2 1  Skillfully synthesizes the central idea(s) of the text  Skillfully demonstrates literal, inferential and applied understandings of text
 Analysis demonstrates an insightful consideration of text  Analysis includes the strategic evaluation of new and known information and ideas
 Demonstrates an insightful interpretation of the text
 Skillfully supports interpretation with significant and convincing textual evidence and prior knowledge
 Structure is purposeful to the purpose and genre and creatively conveys meaning to the reader  Skillfully provides appropriate information about the text for the reader  Writer’s voice adds interest to the message  Point of view (e.g., writer’s stance) is evident and skillfully articulated
Proficient 3 2 1  Effectively synthesizes the central idea(s) of the text  Effectively demonstrates literal, inferential and applied understandings as appropriate to the text and task WS 1.0; WA 2.0, 2.2; FW p. 120  Analysis demonstrates a thoughtful consideration of text (e.g., cause and effect, fact and opinion, text features)  Analysis includes the evaluation of new and known information and ideas RC 2.0, 2.4, 2.6; LR 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7; FW pp. 97; 119120  Demonstrates an appropriate interpretation of the text including text features such as maps, graphs, timelines, tables, and diagrams RC 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6; WS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; LS 2.0; FW pp. 103 106 Supports interpretation with relevant textual evidence and prior knowledge RC 2.0, 2.3, 2.4; LR 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7; FW pp. 97; 119120  Structure is purposeful to the purpose and genre and clear to the audience  Provides appropriate information about the text for the reader (e.g., summary, title, author)WS 1.0; WA 2.0, 2.2; FW pp. 120 121
 Writer’s voice is appropriate to the audience and purpose  Point of view (e.g., writer’s stance) is evident WS 1.0; FW pp. 26, 104
Basic 3 2 1  Synthesis of the central idea(s) requires some revision  Demonstrates an over reliance on literal understandings of text
 Analysis demonstrates a limited or literal understanding of text  Analysis includes limited evaluation of new and known information and ideas
 Interpretation of text/text features is weak or loosely connected to the analysis
 Supports interpretation with limited and/or questionable textual evidence and prior knowledge
 Structure is formulaic  Provides limited information about the text for the reader
 Writer’s voice is mechanical and/or repetitive (e.g., series of facts/ideas)  Point of view (e.g., writer’s stance) is confusing
Below Basic 3 2 1  No evidence of synthesis  Demonstrates a weak or incomplete understanding of text
 Little or no analysis of text
 Interpretation is absent or erroneous
 Little or no evidence is offered
 Structure is random or absent  Provides no information about the text for the reader
 No sense of voice, purpose and/or audience  Point of view (e.g., writer’s stance) is absent
DRAFT5 page
August 2006
San Diego Unified School District Office of the Deputy Superintendent  Instruction and Curriculum Division Literacy and HistorySocial Science Department Grade 4 RESPONSE TO EXPOSITORY TEXTWriting Rubric(continued)
 Words/phrases convey precise meaning appropriate to purpose, audience and genre
 Uses purposeful and varied sentence structures to enhance intended meaning/effect  Transitions skillfully connect ideas within and between sentences and paragraphs
 Shows creativity and flexibility when using conventions to enhance meaning
 Words/phrases convey meaning appropriate to purpose, audience and genre WS 2.0, 2.1.c; WA 1.0, 1.7, 1.10; FW p. 102  Uses purposeful and varied sentence structures to convey intended meaning  Transitions effectively connect ideas within and between sentences and paragraphs WS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; WA 2.0, 2.3; FW pp. 9798, 104105 Uses grade level appropriate conventions; errors are minor and do not obscure meaning WS 1.0; LC 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7; FW p. 105
 Words/phrases are vague or repetitive
 Sentence structures convey meaning but are mechanical/repetitive  Limited/repetitive use of transitional expressions
 Uses grade level appropriate conventions; errors occasionally obscure meaning
 Limited use of vocabulary/phrasing
 Sentences are incomplete, rambling and/or awkward  Lacks transitional expressions
 Limited understanding of grade level appropriate conventions
DRAFT page 6
August 2006
San Diego Unified School District Office of the Deputy Superintendent  Instruction and Curriculum Division Literacy and HistorySocial Science Department Grade 4 INFORMATIONAL REPORT Writing Rubric Advanced Proficient Basic 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1  Skillfully develops a  Develops a central idea about  Central idea is central idea about an issue an issue or situation underdeveloped; WS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8; WA or situation report may be limited 2.0, 2.3; FW pp. 9798, 104105  to facts about a topic  Central idea is supported  Central idea is supported by  Central idea is by significant facts and facts and details minimally supported details  Quotations and paraphrased by facts and details  Appropriately cites information is appropriately  Quotations and compelling quotations and cited to support the central idea paraphrased information to skillfully  Uses appropriate resources information develop the central idea including technology to locate minimally support the  Uses appropriate and present relevant information central idea RC 2.0, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6; WS 1.0, 1.5, 1.6, resources including 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10; WA 2.3 technology to locate and skillfully present relevant information  Skillful explanation of  Effective explanation of  Limited explanation information information of information RC 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5; WS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2; WA 2.3; FW pp. 9798, 104105  Introduction skillfully  Introduction establishes the  Introduction is establishes the central central idea/question underdeveloped idea/question  Conclusion summarizes  Conclusion is  Conclusion skillfully important ideas and findings underdeveloped summarizes important  Structure is purposeful to the  Structure is ideas and findings genre, clear to the audience and formulaic or  Structure is purposeful appropriate to the task underdeveloped RC 2.0, 2.1; WS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; WA to the genre, clear to the 2.0, 2.3; FW pp. 9798, 104105 reader, appropriate to the task, and skillfully developed  Writer’s voice adds  Writer’s voice is appropriate to  Writer’s voice is interest to the message the audience and purpose mechanical and/or  Point of view (e.g.,  Point of view (e.g., writer’s repetitive (e.g., series writer’s stance) is evident stance) is evident of facts/ideas) WS 1.0; FW pp. 26, 104 and skillfully articulated  Point of view (e.g.,  writer’s stance) is confusing  Words/phrases convey  Words/phrases convey  Words/phrases precise meaning meaning and are appropriate to chosen are vague or appropriate to purpose, purpose, audience and genre repetitive WS 2.0, 2.1.c; WA 1.0, 1.7, 1.10; FW p. audience and genre 102  Uses purposeful and  Uses purposeful and varied  Sentence structures varied sentence structures sentence structures to convey convey meaning but to enhance intended intended meaning are meaning/effect  Transitions effectively connect mechanical/repetitive  Transitions skillfully ideas within and between  Limited/repetitive connect ideas within and sentences and paragraphs use of transitional WS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; WA 2.0, 2.3; FW between sentences and expressions pp. 9798, 104105paragraphs
Below Basic 3 2 1  Central idea is absent; presents unrelated information on a topic  Central idea is absent or not supported by facts or details  Quotations and paraphrased information are absent; writer relies on personal experience and anecdotal information  Explanation of information is absent or irrelevant
 Introduction is absent or confusing  Conclusion is absent or confusing  Structure is random
 No sense of voice, purpose and/or audience  Point of view (e.g., writer’s stance) is absent
 Limited use of vocabulary/phrasing
 Sentences are incomplete, rambling and/or awkward  Lacks transitional expressions
DRAFT page 7
August 2006
San Diego Unified School District Office of the Deputy Superintendent  Instruction and Curriculum Division Literacy and HistorySocial Science Department Grade 4 INFORMATIONAL REPORT Writing Rubric (continued)  Shows creativity and  Uses grade level appropriate  Uses grade level flexibility when using conventions; errors are minor appropriate conventions; conventions to enhance and do not obscure meaning errors occasionally WS 1.0; LC 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, meaning obscure meaning 1.6, 1.7; FW p. 105
 Limited understanding of grade level appropriate conventions
DRAFT page 8
August 2006
San Diego Unified School District Office of the Deputy Superintendent  Instruction and Curriculum Division Literacy and HistorySocial Science Department Grade 4 SUMMARY Writing Rubric Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1  Clearly and concisely  Includes central ideas  Central idea is  Central idea is absent; presents central ideas and most significant underdeveloped; some includes irrelevant or and the most significant details of the reading details are included erroneous details details of the reading selection WS 1.0, 1.1; WA 2.0, 2.4; FW selection pp. 104105  Structure is skillfully  Structure is effectively  Structure is  Structure is random organized based upon organized based upon the underdeveloped/formulaic and/or confusing the genre, purpose, genre, purpose, audience, audience, and format and format requirements WS 1.0, 1.1; WA 2.0, 2.3; FW requirements pp. 104105  Writer’s voice adds  Writer’s voice is  Writer’s voice is  No sense of voice, interest to the message appropriate to the mechanical and/or purpose and/or audience  Point of view (e.g., audience and purpose repetitive (e.g., series of  Point of view (e.g., writer’s stance) is  Point of view (e.g., facts/ideas) writer’s stance) is evident and skillfully writer’s stance) is evident  Point of view (e.g., absent WS 1.0; FW pp. 26, 104 articulated writer’s stance) is  confusing  Words/phrases convey  Words/phrases convey  Words/phrases are vague  Limited use of precise meaning meaning appropriate to or repetitive vocabulary/phrasing appropriate to purpose, purpose, audience and audience and genre genre WS 2.0, 2.1.c; WA 1.0, 1.7, 1.10; FW p. 102  Uses purposeful and  Uses purposeful and  Sentence structures  Sentences are varied sentence varied sentence structures convey meaning but are incomplete, rambling structures to enhance to convey intended mechanical/repetitive and/or awkward intended meaning/effect meaning  Limited/repetitive use of  Lacks transitional  Transitions skillfully  Transitions effectively transitional expressions expressions connect ideas within connect ideas within and and between sentences between sentences and and paragraphs paragraphs WS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; WA 2.0, 2.3; FW pp. 9798, 104105 Shows creativity and  Uses grade level  Uses grade level  Limited understanding flexibility when using appropriate conventions; appropriate conventions; of grade level conventions to enhance errors are minor and do errors occasionally appropriate conventions meaning not obscure meaning obscure meaning WS 1.0; LC 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7; FW p. 105
DRAFT9 page
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