1 TALKING POINTS PURPOSE The Talking Points will assist you when you meet with Members of Parliament and/or senior federal government officials to discuss the national policy issues of concern to members of ACAHO. While these issues have been clearly articulated in the Association's Briefs' to the federal government (i.e., House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance, Health and Industry, and Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science & Technology), the major points are summarized below: MEMBERS OF ACAHO AS A NATIONAL RESOURCE IN THE SYSTEM 1.
- acaho
- décisions en matière de politiques de santé
- investissement de fonds additionnels
- prestation de services de santé
- health system
- national health
- instituts de recherche en santé du canada
- soins de la santé
- soins de santé
- soins santé
- santé publique
- santé public
- santé du public