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SAN DIIEGO THEATRE CRIITIICS CIIRCLE 760-839-3341 ▫▪▫ 1613 Madrid Drive, vista, Ca 92081 ▫▪▫ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Pam Kragen 760-839-3341 2011 Craig Noel Award nominees named Award in memory of critic Don Braunagel announced SAN DIEGO (Dec. 20, 2011) ---- More than 100 local and national theatre artists representing more than 40 San Diego theatrical productions at a dozen local theaters will compete for the 2011 Craig Noel Awards on Feb.
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Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington
th 4311 11 Avenue NE #300 Seattle, WA 98105 phone: (206) 543-8637; fax: (206) 616-5927 e-mail: website:
NACC Uniform Data Set (UDS)
Initial Visit PacketSpanish Module
B5S, B6S, B7S, C1S
(Version 1.2, March 2006)
Copyright pending. University of Washington. Created and published by the ADC Clinical Task Force (John C. Morris, MD, Chair) and the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center (Walter A. Kukull, PhD, Director). All rights reserved.
This publication was funded by the National Institutes of Health through the National Institute on Aging (Cooperative Agreement U01 AG016976)
This guidebook contains procedures to be followed when completing the Spanishtranslated versions of the data forms prepared for the Uniform Data Set (UDS) by the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center (NACC) and approved by the Clinical Task Force of the Alzheimer’s Disease Centers (ADC’s).
Introduction In September 2005, the ADC Clinical Task Force established a subcommittee to translate and adapt UDS instruments to be used by ADC personnel when administering the UDS to Spanishspeaking subjects or informants. It is understood that the UDS will be used with Spanish speakers who reside in different regions of the U.S. and who may be from different nationalities and/or backgrounds. Thus, care was taken to evaluate translations currently available with respect to appropriateness for different Spanishspeaking groups. Specific problem areas were resolved by consensus and, where necessary, modifications were made to assure some degree of universality and to incorporate regional variations into the guidelines for correct responses. Given the heterogeneity of the Spanishspeaking population residing in the U.S., it is not possible to present all conceivable correct responses within the present guidelines. When in doubt as to whether or not a response is correct, the examiner should query the participant regarding the response in question, including spelling of words, if indicated. If needed, this query should be followed by consultation with a comprehensive Spanish dictionary such as theDiccionario de la Real Academia Española(Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy), which is available online, and/or with a reliable source who is knowledgeable about expressions used by the participant’s group of reference. This is not intended as a complete translation of all UDS forms or the entire coding guidebook. The ADC Clinical Task Force selected the following specific forms for standardized translation, along with the appendix and relevant sections of the coding guidebook: Form B5, NPIQ Form B6, GDS Form B7, FAQ Test forms for neuropsychological battery (Form C1): C1.1, MMSE C1.3, Logical Memory IA  Immediate C1.4, Digit Span Forward C1.5, Digit Span Backward C1.6, Category Fluency C1.7, Trail Making Test (instructions only) C1.8, WAISR Digit Symbol (instructions only) C1.9, Logical Memory IIA  Delayed C1.10, Boston Naming Test
These translated forms are to be completed as part of the overall UDS packet for each subject, and should be submitted with the remaining forms listed on Z1, Form Checklist.
NACC expects and intends that all UDS forms will be attempted on all subjects, but we realize this may be impossible when the patient is terminally ill, or when there is no informant, or for other reasons. NACC requires that Forms Z1, A1, A5, B4, B9, C1, D1, and E1 be submitted for a subject to be included in the UDS database, even though these forms may include some missing data. For forms not designated as required, if it is not feasible to collect all or almost all of the data elements for a subject and the ADC therefore decides not to attempt to collect those data, an explanation must be provided. Please indicate this decision on Form Z1 by including the appropriate explanatory code and any additional comments.
NACC UDS Coding Guidebook(Version 1.2, March 2006)
(Spanish module) – 1
Please ask the following questions based upon changes. Indicate “yes” only if the symptom has been present in the past month; otherwise, indicate “no”.U U U U For each item marked “yes”, rate the SEVERITY of the symptom (how it affects the patient): 1 = Mild (noticeable, but not a significant change) 2 = Moderate (significant, but not a dramatic change) 3 = Severe (very marked or prominent; a dramatic change)1. NPI informante:…1 Cónyuge…2 Hijo(a)…3 Otro (especifique): ________________ Yes No Severity 2. DELIRIOS: 2a.…1…0 2b.…1…2…3 ¿Cree el paciente que otras personas le están robando o que planean hacerle daño de alguna manera?
9. PÉRDIDA DE LA INHIBICIÓN: ¿Parece el paciente actuar impulsivamente? Por ejemplo, habla el paciente con extraños como si los conociera o dice el paciente cosas que podrían herir los sentimientos de los demás.
13. APETITO Y ALIMENTACIÓN: ¿Ha perdido o aumentado de peso el paciente o ha habido algún cambio en la comida que le gusta?
6. ANSIEDAD: ¿Se molesta el paciente cuando se separa de usted? ¿Muestra otras señales de nerviosismo, como falta de aire, suspiros, incapacidad de relajarse o sentirse excesivamente tenso?
3. ALUCINACIONES: ¿Actúa el paciente como si oyera voces? ¿Habla el paciente con personas que no están presentes?
5. DEPRESIÓN O DISFORIA: ¿Actúa el paciente como si estuviera triste o con la moral baja? ¿Llora?
4. AGITACIÓN O AGRESIVIDAD: ¿Es el paciente terco o testarudo y resiste la ayuda de otros?
NACC UDS Coding Guidebook(Version 1.2, March 2006)
11. DISTURBIO MOTOR: ¿Lleva a cabo el paciente actividades repetitivas, como dar vueltas por la casa, jugar con botones, enrollar hilos o hacer otras cosas repetitivamente?
12. CONDUCTA NOCTURNA: ¿Lo(a) despierta el paciente durante la noche, se levanta muy temprano por la mañana o toma demasiadas siestas durante el día?
(Spanish module) – 2
7. EUFORIA O EXALTACIÓN: ¿Parece el paciente sentirse demasiado bien o actúa excesivamente alegre?
8. APATÍA O INDIFERENCIA: ¿Parece el paciente menos interesado en sus actividades habituales y en las actividades y planes de los demás?
1 Copyright©Jeffrey L. Cummings, MD. Reproduced by permission. TP PT
10. IRRITABILIDAD O LABILIDAD: ¿Se muestra el paciente irritable o se impacienta? ¿Tiene el paciente dificultad lidiando con retrasos o esperando por actividades planeadas?
ADC personnel must be certified as an NPIQ interviewer through the online training system developed by the University of California Los Angeles and NACC. The NPIQ Interviewer Certification system may be accessed through the NACC website at The procedures established in the training TUH THU system must be followed to complete this form.
The form is intended for completion by clinician/clinic staff as a direct subject interview. The form is not to be U U administered to the informant. If your Center prefers to administer the entire 30item GDS, please first administer U U this 15item form and score appropriately; then administer the remaining 15 items on a separate nonUDS form. The Geriatric Depression Scale was developed by Stanford University as a basic screening measure for depression in older adults. Further information is available online at UTH HTU
…this box and enter “88”(did not complete) below for the Total GDS Score only if the subject Check 1) does not attempt the GDS, or 2) does not answer four or more of the questions.
Instruct the sub ect:róxima arte  “En la sobre susre untas a hacer unas de esta entrevista, le vo sentimientos. Algunas de las preguntas que le voy a hacer puede que no le apliquen y algunas podrían hacerle sentir incómodo a . Para cada pre unta, por favor responda “sí” o “no”, dependiendo de cómo usted se ha a estado sintiendoen la última semana, incluyendo el día de hoy.” En la última semana:Yes No 1. ¿Está usted básicamente satisfecho(a) con su vida? 0 1 2. ¿Ha dejado muchas de sus actividades e intereses? 1 0 3. ¿Siente que su vida está vacía? 1 0 4. ¿Se aburre usted a menudo? 1 0 5. ¿Está usted con buen ánimo la mayor parte del tiempo? 0 1 6. ¿Teme que algo malo le va a pasar? 1 0 7. ¿Se siente feliz la mayor parte del tiempo? 0 1 8. ¿Se siente incapaz a menudo? 1 0 9. ¿Prefiere quedarse en su casa en vez de salir y hacer cosas nuevas? 1 0 10. ¿Cree que tiene más problemas con su memoria que las demás personas? 1 0 11. ¿Cree usted que es maravilloso estar vivo(a) en este momento? 0 1 12. ¿Se siente inútil de la manera en que está en este momento? 1 0 13. ¿Se siente lleno(a) de energía? 0 1 14. ¿Siente que su situación no tiene remedio? 1 0 15. ¿Piensa que la mayoría de las personas están en mejores condiciones que usted? 1 0 16. Sum all circled answers for a Total GDS Score (maximum score = 15) __ __ (did not complete = 88) Calculate the sum of values for all circled answers and enter the total score in the s ace provided. The calculation may include a maximum of 3 missing items, and the final sum must be rorated for the number of missin items see instructions below for roratin scores . If more than 3 items are missin , however, the test must be considered incom lete and the Total GDS Score coded “88”. Proratin scores what to do if the sub ect misses up to 3 items : If up to 3 of the 15 items are U U missin , add the total score on the com leted items lus an estimated score for the missin U items to get a total score. The estimated score for missing items is calculated as: U  Total score of completed items/(# of completed items) x (# of missing items) You ma et a fractional answer that requires roundin . For example, if the sub ect ot a score of 4 for 12 completed items, then the estimated total score is 4 + [(4/12) x 3] = 5.
1 Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): Recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clinical PT PT Gerontology: A Guide to Assessment and Intervention 165173, NY: The Haworth Press, 1986. Reproduced by permission of the publisher.
NACC UDS Coding Guidebook(Version 1.2, March 2006)
(Spanish module) – 3
Circle the most accurate representation of the subject’s level of ability to perform each activity over the preceding four weeks, based on the informant’s assessment.
(Spanish module) – 4
9. Recordar las citas, los eventos familiares, los días de fiesta, las medicinas.
4. Participar en juegos de destreza como jugar cartas o canasta, ajedrez o trabajar en un pasatiempo.
8. Prestar atención y entender un programa de la televisión, un libro o una revista.
5. Calentar agua, preparar una taza de café, apagar la estufa.
6. Preparar una comida balanceada.
3. Hacer compras solo(a) (por ejemplo, comprar ropa, cosas para la casa o alimentos).
2. Organizar los documentos para la declaración de impuestos, los asuntos de negocio u otro tipo de documento.
7. Estar al tanto de las noticias.
NACC UDS Coding Guidebook(Version 1.2, March 2006)
1 Pfeffer RI, Kurosaki TT, Harrah CH, et al. Measurement of functional activities of older adults in the community.J GerontolTP TP 37:3239, 1982. Copyright©The Gerontological Society of America. Reproduced by permission of the publisher.
En las últimas cuatro semanas, ha tenido el paciente alguna dificultad o ha necesitado ayuda con:
1. Hacer cheques, pagar las cuentas o llevar un balance correcto en su chequera.
Depende totalmente de otros
10. Viajar fuera de su vecindario, manejar un automóvil o planear un viaje usando transporte público.
No aplica (por ejemplo, nunca lo ha hecho)
Selfex lanator . If the informant indicates that the sub ect no lon er does a articular task, it is reasonable to probe further and ask if they think the subject could still do the task. This will help tease out the relevant cognitive U U impairment.
Con dificultad, pero lo hace por sí mismo(a)
Requiere ayuda
This form should be completed by ADC or clinic staff, based on subject response. If the subject cannot complete a particular exam, refer to the appropriate key for coding entry. Worksheets and instructions referenced below and included in the Appendix are based on those provided in the Multiplex Family Study Procedures Manual (created by Columbia University for the Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Initiative) and adapted by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative.
The MMSE can be administered by the clinician during the neurological evaluation or by the neuropsychometrist/clinic staff as part of the neuropsychological test battery. In either case, the MMSE must be administered exactly as described in the UDS Appendix – Spanish Module (pages 3–9).
KEY: If the subject cannot complete any of the following exams, please use the following codes for the test scores (except the Trail Making Test): 95 = Physical problem 97 = Other problem 96 = Cognitive/behavior problem 98 = Verbal refusal 1.Mini Mental State Examination1a. The administration of the MMSE was:…ADC/1 In …2 In home clinic 1) Language of MMSE administration:…1 English…2 Spanish
Indicate the primary language used when administering the MMSE test. Orientation subscale scores: 1) Time: __ __ (0–5)see Key
Total MMSE score (using ODNUM)
__ __
__ __
(0–5)see Key
(0–30)see Key
…3In person–other
…3Other (specify): ________________
The MiniMental State Examination is a screenin scale that evaluates orientation to lace, orientation to time, re istration immediate re etition of three words , attention and concentration (spelling ODNUM), recall (recalling the previously repeated three words), lan ua e namin , repetition, readin , writin , comprehension , and visual construction cop two intersectin enta ons . The MMSE is scored as the number of correctl com leted items, with lower scores indicative of poorer performance and greater cognitive impairment. Follow the instructions beginning on page 3 of “Appendix – Spanish Module” and complete a co of the master worksheet located in the section entitled “Neuro s cholo ical Tests for UDS Form C1, Spanish Module”. Compute the total scores for Orientation to Time, Orientation to Place, and Total MMSE Score, and enter those numbers in the spaces provided on NACC UDS Form C1, items 1b.1, 1b.2, and 1c, respectively.
The form and instructions are re roduced b s ecial ermission of the ublisher, Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 North Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549, from the Mini Mental LLC, Inc. Published 2001 b Ps cholo ical Assessment Resources, Inc. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission of PAR, Inc.
It is intended that the tests be administered in the order in which they appear beloweven if they were previously administered at a recent clinic screening. This is necessary in order to standardize among Centers the delay intervals for testing memory, and also to eliminate any differences due to the order of test administration. It is therefore suggested that the UDS be administered in its entirety either before or after the administration of other tests commonly used by the Center.
NACC UDS Coding Guidebook(Version 1.2, March 2006)
(Spanish module) – 5
__ __
(0–25; 88 = N/A)
2a. Language of test administration:
(Spanish module) – 6
…3In person–other
…home2 In
…1 In ADC/ clinic
This test is a measure of memor declarative/e isodic in which a brief stor is read to the subject, who is then asked to retell it from memory immediately. The primary measure of performance is the number of stor units recalled. Alternate para raphs for the Lo ical Memor stories are not available, so as not to introduce more variability. Enter the date of administration if the subject has completed this test within the three months prior to the current visit. Wechsler Memor Scale® – Revised. Cop ri ht©Harcourt1945, renewed 1974, 1987 b Assessment, Inc. Re roduced with ermission. All ri hts reserved.Scale”“Wechsler Memor and“WMS”are trademarks of Harcourt Assessment, Inc., registered in the United States of America and other jurisdictions.
…1 English
…2 Spanish
NACC UDS Coding Guidebook(Version 1.2, March 2006)
2. The remainder of the battery (below) was administered:
If the test was administered in the ast three months, enter the score here. If the test has not been administered within the past three months, enter “88”.
…3Other (specify): ________________
Indicate the primary language used when administering the remainder of the tests. 3.Logical Memory IA – Immediate3a. If this test has been administered to the subject within the past 3 months, specify the date previously administered: __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __
3b. Total score from the previous test administration:
3c. Total number of story units recalled from this current test administration:
__ __
Follow the instructions be innin on a e 10 of “A endix –S anish Module”, com lete a co of the worksheet located in the section entitled “Neuropsychological Tests for UDS Form C1, Spanish Module” and enter the total score here.
(0–25)see Key
4.Digit Span Forward4a. Total number of trials correct prior to two consecutive errors at the same digit length:
4b. Digit span forward length:
__ __
__ __
(0–12)see Key
(0–8)see Key
This is a widel used test of workin memor or attention in which the sub ect is read number se uences of increasin len th and asked to re eat them. The di it s an forward len th is the length of the highest digit sequence the subject is able to repeat correctly. Follow the instructions beginning on page 15of “Appendix – Spanish Module”, complete a copy of the master worksheet located in the section entitled “Neuro s cholo ical Tests for UDS Form C1, S anish Module”, and enter here the number of total correct trials and the di it s an forward length. Wechsler Memor Scale® – Revisedri ht. Cop ©1945, renewed 1974, 1987 b Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Re roduced with ermission. All ri hts reserved.“Wechsler Memor Scale”and“WMS”are trademarks of Harcourt Assessment, Inc., registered in the United States of America and other jurisdictions.
5.Digit Span Backward5a. Total number of trials correct prior to two consecutive errors at the same digit length:
5b. Digit span backward length:
__ __
__ __
(0–12)see Key
(0–7)see Key
This is a widely used measure of working memory (or attention) in which the subject is read number se uences of increasin len th and then asked to re eat each se uence backward. The rimar measure of erformance is the number of di it se uences correctl reversed. The digit span backward length is the length of the highest digit sequence the subject is able to reverse.
Follow the instructions be innin on a e 17 of “A endix – S anish Module”, com lete a co of the master worksheet located in the section entitled “Neuropsychological Tests for UDS Form C1, Spanish Module”, and enter here the total number of correct trials and the di it span backward length.
Wechsler Memor Scale® – Revised. Co ri ht©1945, renewed 1974, 1987 b Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved.“Wechsler Memory Scale”and“WMS”istered in the United States ofare trademarks of Harcourt Assessment, Inc., re America and other jurisdictions.
6.Category Fluency6a. Animals – Total number of animals named in 60 seconds:
6b. Vegetables – Total number of vegetables named in 60 seconds:
__ __
__ __
(0–77)see Key
(0–77)see Key
This is a widel used measure of semantic memor verbal fluenc , lan ua e . The sub ect is asked to name different exem lars of a iven semantic cate or , and the number of uni ue exemplars named is scored.
Follow the instructions beginning on page 21 of “Appendix – Spanish Module”, complete a copy of the master worksheet located in the section entitled “Neurops cholo ical Tests for UDS Form C1, Spanish Module”, and enter the appropriate score for each test here.
NACC UDS Coding Guidebook(Version 1.2, March 2006)
(Spanish module) – 7
KEY 2: If necessary, use the following codes for the Trail Making Test only:  995 = Physical problem 997 = Other problem  996 = Cognitive/behavior problem 998 = Verbal refusal7.Trail Making Test7a. Part A–Total number of seconds to complete __ __ __ (0–150)see Key 2(if not finished by 150 seconds, enter 150):
7b. Part B–Total number of seconds to complete (if not finished by 300 seconds, enter 300):
__ __ __
(0–300)see Key 2
This is a test of rocessin s eed and executive function. Althou h both Parts A and B de end on visuomotor and erce tualscannin skills, Part B also re uires considerable co nitive flexibility in shifting from number to letter sets under time pressure. Follow the instructions be innin on pa e 26 of “Appendix – Spanish Module” and complete a co of the master worksheet located in the section entitled “Neuro s cholo ical Tests for UDS Form C1, Spanish Module”. Enter the appropriate score for each test here.
8.WAISR Digit Symbol8a. Total number of items correctly completed in 90 seconds:
__ __
(0–93)see Key
This subtest of the WAISR en a es multiple co nitive abilities, includin attention, psychomotor speed, complex scanning, visual tracking, and immediate memory.
Follow the instructions be innin on a e 33 of “A endix – S anish Module”, com lete a co of the master worksheet located in the section entitled “Neuropsychological Tests for UDS Form C1, Spanish Module”, and enter the appropriate score here. Wechsler Adult Intelli ence Scale® – Revised. Co ri ht©Harcourt1981, 1955 b Assessment, Inc. Re roduced with ermission. All ri hts reserved.ence“Wechsler Adult Intelli Scale”and“WAIS”are trademarks of Harcourt Assessment, Inc., registered in the United States of America and other jurisdictions.
9.Logical Memory IIA – Delayed9a. Total number of story units recalled:
9b. Time elapsed since Logical Memory IA – Immediate:
__ __
__ __
(0–25)see Key
(0–85 minutes) (88 = N/A) (99 = Unknown)
This is a measure of dela ed recall e isodic memor of the stor read to the artici ant at the beginning of the testing session. Follow the instructions beginning on page 36 of “Appendix – Spanish Module”, complete a copy of the master worksheet located in the section entitled “Neuro s cholo ical Tests for UDS Form C1, S anish Module”, and enter here the total score and the number of minutes ela sed following the administration ofLogical Memory IAImmediate. (Note: Aim for a 20minute dela ; if 20 minutes have not ela sed, do not add other tests to fill the interval. Administer U U Logical Memory IIA – Delayedand enter the actual time that elapsed.) IfLogical Memory IIA – Delayedwas not attempted or not completed, enter “88” for item 9b. Enter “99” (Unknown) if the time elapsed was not recorded or improperly recorded. Wechsler Memory Scale® – Revised. Copyright©1945, renewed 1974, 1987 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Reproduced with permission. All ri hts reserved.Scale”“Wechsler Memor and“WMS”are trademarks of Harcourt Assessment, Inc., re istered in the United States of America and other jurisdictions.
NACC UDS Coding Guidebook(Version 1.2, March 2006)
(Spanish module) – 8
10.Boston Naming Test (30 items –Spanish Module)
10a. Total score:
__ __
(0–30)see Key
The Boston Namin Test is a measure of the abilit to orall label name line drawin s of objects. This test is sensitive to aphasia and also to object recognition deficits.
Follow the instructions beginning on page 38 of “Appendix – Spanish Module”, complete a co of the master worksheet located in the section entitled “Neuro s cholo ical Tests for UDS Form C1, S anish Module”, and enter the total score here. You ma elect to administer the 60item test, but onl the 30 items specified on the Spanish version of the test form should U be scored for the UDS.)
Boston Namin Test, second editionlan E, Good lass H, Weintraub S. Philadel . Ka hia: Lea and Febiger; 1983. Adapted by special permission of the publisher, PROED Inc., 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin TX 787576897 (8008973202; Copyright©2001.
11.Overall Appraisal
11a. Based on the neuropsychological examination, the subject’s cognitive status is deemed:
…1 Better than normal for age
…for age2 Normal
…or two test scores3 One abnormal
…4 Most test scores are abnormal or lower than expected
…0 Clinician unable to render opinion
The interpretation of neuropsychological test performance can be influenced by many factors e. ., rior co nitive abilit , education, racial/ethnic variables , includin the sub ect’s level of coo eration and motivation. This item is included to obtain the clinical neuro s cholo ist’s opinion of the sub ect’s performance, based not onl on the UDS but also on all other testin that has been done on the sub ect at the ADC. Based on the examination, the clinician is asked to rate the cognitive status as: 1) Better than normal for age: most test scores are at a level above what is considered avera e for a e and education based on available commonl used clinical norms; 2 Normal for a e: most test scores fall at least in what is considered the avera e ran e for age and education; 3) One or two test scores abnormal: most scores are normal or better but one or two are distinctl abnormal; 4 Most test scores are abnormal or lower than ex ected: the ma orit of scores are in the abnormal range for age and education OR in someone who is previously very high functioning, the scores are beneath expectation, albeit not distinctl abnormal; 0) Clinician is unable to render an opinion based on exam and test results.
NACC UDS Coding Guidebook(Version 1.2, March 2006)
(Spanish module) – 9
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