Relays Media Bus Visits Newton Park Campus








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April 2010 Relays Media Bus Visits Newton Park Campus A double decker bus with a difference visited Bath Spa University in March, giving students the opportunity to produce short films about their expectations and feelings about the forthcoming London 2012 Games. RELAYS, the Regional Educational Legacy for Arts and Youth Sport, arranged the visit as part of a regional tour designed to engage young people in the South West with the 2012 Games. Trainers on the Media Bus, which is converted into an innovative state-of-the-art digital media facility, helped the nine Creative Writing and Media students to produce two short films in a day.
  • art digital media facility
  • psychology students to present posters
  • green park station
  • student community partnership
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5E Lesson Design: Application
to CSCOPE Social Studies
Presented by:
CSCOPE State DDevelopmentevelopment
Team for Social Studies
Developed by the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC)Agenda
• Introductions
• Students Today
• Background on the 5-E model of instruction
• Components of the 5-E model/5E Social Studies
Developed by the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC)Students Today
Developed by the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC)Change
• How does educational learning of today differ
from your experiences with educational
• How have the needs off students today changed
compared to when we were students?
Developed by the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC)Now think about
changes in education
• Discuss with an elbow partner how education
has changyged in the last 20 years.
• Topics could include:
– Textbooks
– Technology
– Testing
– Curriculum
Developed by the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC)Implications
What are ththe implications for
curriculum and instruction?
Developed by the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC)What dodo We Need?
• An instructional model that is
– Based on a constructivist or inquiry
bdbased approach to learning
– Where students are actively engaged in
acquiring knowledge in ways that
promote student success
Developed by the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC)InIn the classroom
• With an elbow partner, discdiscussss what you hhaave
noticed about students who are actively
engaged inin a cclassroomlassroom. What were the
students doing? What was the teacher doing?
Developed by the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC)What is thethe 5E?
• An Instructional model based on the
constructivist approach or inquiry based
approachth to learning.
– Draws on students’ existing knowledge, beliefs, and
– Students synthesize new understandings from prior
learning and new information
– Teacher sets up the problem and monitors student
exploration, guides student inquiry, and promotes
new patterns ofof thinkingthinking
Developed by the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC)What Does It Look Like?
• Phases of instruction characterized by
teacher and student behaviors
• Teachers present problems, monitor
student exploration, facilitate student
inquiry, and provide opportunities fforor new
patterns of thinking
•• Students synthesize ttheirheir ppriorrior learning
with new information to construct
knowledge andand understandings
Developed by the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC)

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