Opportunities and Obstacles - Incorporating Positive Psychology ...








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‘Opportunities and Obstacles' Dissertation u0636038 Page 1 1/25/2009 Lucy Ryan u0636038 MSc Applied Positive Psychology Module: PYM706, Semester A (2008) Dissertation “Opportunities and Obstacles – Incorporating Positive Psychology into Business Coaching” Submitted: January 5th, 2009
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Seafloor Spreading/Google Earth Discussion Questions 1. Whatis the age of the seafloor at the MidAtlantic Ridge? 2. Whatis the age of the Earth? 3. Whyis the seafloor so much younger? 4. TheJOI Learning activity asks you to calculate the rate of seafloor spreading in question 12.The wording is problematic. What have you actually calculated? 5. Whatfamous ship was theGlomar Challengernamed after? 6. UTIGresearchers are taking a Texas teacher on a research cruise to the South Scotia Sea this April and May to study the tectonic history of the region. Use Google Earth to find the South Scotia Sea.Visit the Navy FMOC site and look at models of the predicted wave and swell heights. What do the models reveal? 7. WhichGMO TEKS does this activity address?  1 Using Google Earth and ocean cores to analyze seafloor spreading.
Seafloor Spreading/Google Earth Discussion Suggested Answers 1. Whatis the age of the seafloor at the MidAtlantic Ridge? Zeroage crust.2.What is the age of the Earth? 4.6billion years. 3.Why is the seafloor so much younger? Sincethe breakup of the last supercontinent, Pangaea (Pangea), about 200 million years ago, subduction has recycled the oceanic crust that formed, and the sediments that were deposited on top, back into Earth’s interior. 4. TheJOI Learning activity asks you to calculate the rate of seafloor spreading in question 12.The wording is problematic. What have you actually calculated? The halfspreading rate. The seafloor spreading rate is double the half spreading rate.5.What famous ship was theGlomar Challengernamed after? TheHMSChallenger. TheChallengerexpedition in 1872 heralded the birth of modern oceanography.For more information, visit http//www.divediscover.whoi.edu/historyocean/challenger.html The space shuttleChallengerwas also named after HMSChallenger.6. UTIGresearchers are taking a teacher on a research cruise to the South Scotia Sea this April and May. Use Google Earth to find the South Scotia Sea. Visitthe Navy FMOC site and look at models of the predicted wave and swell heights. What do the models reveal? Very rough seas. 7.Which GMO TEKS does this activity address?See rubric.
 2 Using Google Earth and ocean cores to analyze seafloor spreading.
Geology, Meteorology & Oceanography Benchmark Targets by Strand By year’s end, all students will: Link Strand #Benchmark TargetCurriculum to Connection TEKS 1. Demonstratesafe practices and proper use ofGMO1 Allunits Nature of equipment; use and dispose of materials in a Science safe, appropriate manner while performing geological, meteorological and oceanographic investigations. 2. Conductinvestigations using scientific methodsGMO2 Allunits and metric measurements; organize, interpret, and analze data to communicate experimental findings.* 3. Investigatethe historical and currentGMO3 GeologicTime contributions of scientists in the fields ofEarthquakes and geology, meteorology and oceanography.Earth’s Interior Plate Tectonics Air Pressure and Wind 4. Describethe Earth’s placement in the solarGMO4 EarthHistory: A brief Earth  system,and analyze the conditions on Earthsummary Science which enable organisms to survive. Targets 5. Describethe historical development of scientificGMO5 GeologicTime  theoriesof the Earth’s formation and constructEarth History: A brief a geologic time scale form that information.summary 6. Differentiatethe theories of plate tectonicsGMO6 PlateTectonics  includingcontinental drift and seafloor spreading: relate the historical development of each. 7. Identifyminerals using their density, hardness,GMO7 Minerals:Building  streak,and cleavage while identify rocksBlocks of Rocks according to how they are formed during theRocks: Material of the rock cycle based on rate of cooling and mineralLithosphere composition. 8. Distinguishchemical from mechanicalGMO8 Weathering,Erosion, weathering and identify the role of weatheringMass Waste agents such as wind, water and gravity while illustrating their role in soil formation. 9. Describethe origin of fossil fuels and theGMO9 Introductionto Earth consequences of depletion while being awareScience of other renewable, nonrenewable, and alternative energy resources. 10. Investigatethe impact of floods, droughts,GMO10 Introductionto Earth irrigation and industrialization of the watershed.Science, Composition, Structure and Temperature 11. Identifyphysical characteristics of ocean waterGMO11 OceanWaters and the including salinity, solubility, heat capacity,Ocean Floor colligative properties, and density.The Restless Ocean 12. Evaluatethe effects of tides, tidal bores, andGMO11 Earthquakesand tsunamis. Earth’sInterior The Restless Ocean 13. Identifythe atmosphere as a mixture of gases,GMO12 Composition, water vapor, and particulate manner.Structure and Temperature
3 Using Google Earth and ocean cores to analyze seafloor spreading.
14. Analyzethe range of atmospheric conditionsGMO12 Composition, that organisms will tolerate including types ofStructure and gases, temperature, particulate matter, andTemperature moisture. EarthHistory: A brief summary 15. Determinethe impact of the atmosphere fromGMO12 Weatherand Severe natural events and human activity.Storms Introduction to Earth Science Earth History: A brief summary 16. Describethe transfer of heat energy at theGMO13 Comosition, boundaries between the atmosphere, landStructure Temperature masses, and oceans resulting in layers ofOcean Water and the different temperatures and densities in both theOcean Floor ocean and atmosphere. 17. Identify,describe and compare climatic zones.GMO13 Climate 18. Deict earthmovinrocesses such asGMO6 MountainBuilding, faulting, folding, mountain building whileEarthquakes and understanding what occurs in earth’s interiorEarth’s Interior, such as earthquakes, and the different types ofIgneous Activity volcanic activity. 19. Recognizethe different types of precipitation,GMO12 Moisture global circulation patterns and visually identifyAir pressure and wind different clouds based on form and height. 20. Applrelative and absolute datintechniques GMO3Geologic Time and the various laws to put a date on a rock strata or fossil. * Note: The student, for at least 40% of the instructional time, conducts field and laboratory investigations (may include both prelab instruction and postlab evaluations).
4 Using Google Earth and ocean cores to analyze seafloor spreading.
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