NCEA Level 2 Assessment Specifications








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1 NCEA Level 2 Assessment Specifications General Information Sub-field Mathematics Level 2 Mode of Assessment Written examination For Year 2009 (updated March 2009) This document contains the assessment specifications for achievement standards 90284, 90285, 90286, 90287, 90290, 90292, 90806, 90807 and 90808. Format of the assessments The questions will allow for the awarding of all levels of achievement. This can be achieved in a variety of ways.
  • use of sensible rounding
  • understanding of differentiation
  • graph to the context
  • question with reference to the relevant criteria of the achievement standard
  • further clarification of the achievement standard
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  • question
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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Registration (at the head offices of FBK, via Santa Croce 77, Trento)………...17:00-19:00

Monday, January 16, 2012
Venue: FBK, Via Sommarive 18, Povo (Trento) – Conference Room “Luigi Stringa”


Opening & Welcome…………………………………………………...09:30-10:00
Chairs: Maurizio Ferrari and Giancarlo C. Righini

Welcome words by:
Massimo Egidi, FBK President
Michele Nulli, Director PAT UNIRicerca
Giuseppe Dalba, Director Physics Dept. UNITN
Marian Marciniak, MC Chair of COST Action MP0702

MINAP2012 - Micro- and nano-photonics materials and devices COST MP0702 Final Conference SESSION 1
Conference Room……………………………………………………………………Monday 10:00 to10:30
Session Chair: Marian Marciniak

110:00 am: Optical buffer memories based on photonic crystals(Invited Paper)Andrea Blanco , Imanol
1 2 1Andonegui , Joseba Zubía , TECNALIA, TELECOM Unit, Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Bizkaia
2(Spain); UPV/EHU, ETSI de Bilbao, Bilbao (Spain)
Coffee Break…………………………………………………………….10:30-11:00

Conference Room…………………………………………………………………....Monday 11:00 to13:00
Session Chair: Lorenzo Pavesi

1 2 111:00 am: Nanophotonic sensors(Invited Paper)Nigel P Johnson , Basudev Lahiri , Graham Sharp , Ali
1 1 1 4 1Khokhar , Ghazali A Rahman , Philippe Velha , Richard M De La Rue, Scott McMeekin , School of
Engineering, Optoelectronics Research Group, University of Glasgow,Glasgow (United Kingdom)
2; Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
3Gaithersburg(USA); Photonics Research Centre, Physics Department, Science Faculty, University of
4Malaya,Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia); School of Engineering and Built Environment, Glasgow Caledonian
University, Glasgow (United Kingdom)
11:30 am: Microstructured and standard optical fibers for the detection of relevant components in
biological fluids(Invited Paper)Stefano Selleri, Information Engineering Department, University of
Parma (Italy)
12:00 am: Femtosecond laser micromachining for the fabrication of optofluidic devices(Invited
Paper)Roberto Osellame, Rebeca Martinez Vazquez, Andrea Crespi, Giulio Cerullo, Roberta Ramponi,
Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico e IFN-CNR Milano (Italy)
12:30 am: Magnetic resonance force microscopy at millikelvin temperature, Andrea Vinante, Geert
Wijts, OleksandrUsenko and Tjerk H. Oosterkamp, Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden
University,NielsBohrweg 2, 2333CA Leiden (The Netherlands)
12:45 am: Synthesis of plasmonicgold/carbon nanotubeshybridstructures for cellimaging and drug
1 1 2 2 1 1delivery, L. Minati , S. Torrengo , V. Antonini , M. Dalla Serra , G. Speranza , Fondazione Bruno
2Kessler, Trento(Italy); Istituto di Biofisica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Trento (Italy)
Lunch Break……………………………………………………….....13:00 to 14:00
MINAP2012 - Micro- and nano-photonics materials and devices COST MP0702 Final Conference SESSION 3
Conference Room…………………………………………………………………....Monday 14:00 to15:30
Session Chair: Bjorn Maes

14:00 am: Silicon photonics: recent results on high speed optoelectronic devices (Invited Paper)
Laurent Vivien, Delphine Marris-Morini, Gilles Rasigade, Melissa Ziebell, Papichaya Chaisakul,
Mohamed-Saïd Rouifed, Eric Cassan, Jean-Marc Fédéli, Institutd’ElectroniqueFondamentale, CNRS &
Univ. Paris Sud (France)
a a a a14:30 am: Subwavelength silicon nanophotonics, P.Cheben , P. J. Bock , J.H. Schmid , J. Lapointe , S.
a a a a a a b bJanz , D.-X. Xu , R. Ma , A. Densmore , A. Delâge , B. Lamontagne , R. Halir , I. Molina-Fernández , A.
b b c c d eOrtega-Moñux , C. Alonso-Ramos , A. VillafrancaVelasco , M.L. Calvo , I. Glesk , J.-M. Fédélie , L.
f g g aVivien, M. Ibrahim , W.N. Ye , Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council,
b cOttawa (Canada); ETSITelecomunicación, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga(Spain); Facultad de CC.
dFisicas, Universidad Complutense, Madrid(Spain); University of Strathclyde, Glasgow(United
e fKingdom); CEA, LETI, Minatec, Grenoble (France); Institutd'ElectroniqueFondamentale, University of
Paris Sud, Orsay (France); Department of Electronics, Carleton University, Ottawa (Canada)
14:45 am: Optical coupling of double L7 photonic crystal microcavities on InP suspended slab with
embedded quantum wells,L. E. Munioz-Camuniez, I. Prieto, J. M. Llorens, P.A. Postigo, IMM-Instituto
de Microelectrónica de Madrid (CNM-CSIC), Madrid (Spain)
15:00 am: Realtime Mapping of Temporal Soliton formation and Pulse acceleration in III-V
1 1 1 3Semiconductor Photonic Crystal Waveguides, F. Raineri , Karle , P. Monnier , S. Combrié , A. De
3 1 1 3Rossi , and *R. Raj , Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures, Marcoussis (France); Thales
Research and Technology, Palaiseau (France)
15:15 am: Zero Bias GaAs Schottky Junctions for Terahertz Array Camera, R. Casini, A. Di
Gaspare, E. Giovine, A. Notargiacomo, M. Ortolani and V. Foglietti, Istituto di Fotonica e
Nanotecnologie, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma (Italy)
Coffee Break…………………………………………………………….15:30-16:00

Conference Room…………………………………………………………………....Monday 16:00 to18:15
Session Chair: Maurizio Ferrari

16:00 am: Photopolymerizable glasses for holographic technologies: performances and challenges
(Invited Paper)Maria L. Calvo, Department of Optics, Faculty of Physics, Complutense University of
Madrid (UCM) (Spain)
MINAP2012 - Micro- and nano-photonics materials and devices COST MP0702 Final Conference 16:30 am: Design of high-performance lasers and amplifiersexploiting rare
earthdopedglasses(InvitedPaper)Marco De Sario, Annalisa Di Tommaso, Pietro Bia, Luciano Mescia,
Francesco Prudenzano, Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica, Politecnico di Bari, Bari (Italy)
17:00 am: Novel Cross-Relaxation Energy Transfer Calculation Applied on Thulium Highly-Doped
1 1 1 1 2 3,4Tellurite Glasses,M. Taher , H. Gebavi , M. Zannin , S. Taccheo , D. Milanese , and Rolindes Balda ,
1 2College of Engineering, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea (UK); PhotonLab - Dipartimento
3di Scienza dei Materiali ed Ingegneria Chimica, Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy); Departamento de
Fisica Aplicada I, EscuelaSuperior de Ingenieria, Universidad del Pais Vasco UPV/EHU, Bilbao
4(Spain); Materials Physics Center CSIC-UPV/EHU and Donostia International Physics Center, San
Sebastian (Spain)
17:15 am: Effect of oxygen content in gas mixtures on luminescence of ZrO2 doped up to 8 mol %
3+ 1 1 1 1with Eu ions, Witold Łojkowski , Anna Świderska- Środa , Agnieszka Opalińska , Krzysztof Gałązka ,
2 2 2 3 3Donats Millers , Larisa Grigorieva , Krisjanis.Smits , Aharon Gedanken , Irena Grigorianis , Cristina
4 1 2Leonelli , Institute of High Pressure Physics, PAS, Warsaw (Poland); Institute of Solid State Physics,
3Riga University, Riga (Latvia); Department of Chemistry, Bar-IlanUniversity, Ramat-Gan (Israel);
4Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali e dell'Ambiente, Facolta' di Ingegneria, Universita' degli Studi
di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena (Italy)
1 117:30 am: Photoinduced Optical Manipulations with Azo-Polymers, D. Urbonas , L. Kucinskaite , R.
1* 2 2 2 3 1Petruskevicius , G. Navickaite , G. Seniutinas , R. Tomasiunas , V.Getautis , Center for Physical
2Sciences and Technology, Vilnius (Lithuania); Institute of Applied Research, Vilnius University, Vilnius
3(Lithuania); Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas (Lithuania)
17:45 am: Photonic Bandgap Confinement in an All-Solid Tellurite Glass Photonic Crystal Fibre,
1 1 2 1 1Gerardo Scarpignato , Joris Lousteau , George Athanasiou , Emanuele Mura , Nadia Boetti , Massimo
1 2 1 1 2Olivero , Trevor Benson , Daniel Milanese , Photonlab, DISMIC, Politecnico di Torino (Italy); George
Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
1,2 118:00 am: Fuse effect dynamics in optical fibers, Paulo André , Instituto de Telecomunicações,
2Campus de Santiago, Aveiro (Portugal); Departamento de Física, Universidade de Aveiro, Campus de
Santiago, Aveiro (Portugal)
Welcome reception (beer tasting at Antica Birreria Pedavena, Piazza Fiera, 13,

MINAP2012 - Micro- and nano-photonics materials and devices COST MP0702 Final Conference Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Conference Room……………………………………………………………………Tuesday 09:00 to10:30
Session Chair: Emilia Giorgetti

09:00 am: Engineering of Quasiperiodic Gratings for Multiple Surface Plasmons Polaritons
1 1 1 1 1Couplers, Ido Dolev , Michael Miller , Gil Porat and Ady Arie , Department of Physical Electronics,
Fleischman Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv (Israel)
09:15 am: Hybridization of Plasmons in Coupled Nanowires, Nataliya Sakhnenko, Nadiia Stognii,
Alexander Nerukh, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv (Ukraine)
1,*09:30 am: Two-dimensionalplasmonic nano-structures for linear and nonlinearregimes,M. Grande ,
2 3 4 1 1 1,5 2M. A. Vincenti , T. Stomeo , G. Bianco , G. Morea , R.Mar

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