Minutes CESE Annual Meeting, June 13, 2009








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Minutes CESE Annual Meeting, June 25, 2011 Out-going president, Becky Reiss, geneticist and Associate Professor of Biology at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, called the 15th annual CESE meeting to order on Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 1:15 p.m. in the auditorium of the new Science and Mathematics Learning Center at the University of New Mexico (UNM). Dave Thomas began with a “magic trick.
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Geography & AnthropologyLATITUDES
Newsletter of the LSU Department of Geography & Anthropology Summer 2008
LSU Boyd Professor Jesse Walker
Recipient of Prestigious
Geography Award
This money was sufficient so that in LSU Boyd Professor Emeritus H.
1839 it was decided to add another gold Jesse Walker in the LSU Department of
medal of equal importance; the two of & Anthropology, is the
them representing the Royal 2008 recipient of the Royal
Geographical Society's highest honors. Geographical Society's Patron's
It became known as the Patron's Medal Medal, which is one of the two most
and has been awarded every year since prestigious awards given by the
then except for two years during World society. Walker was awarded the gold
War II. These two awards are given for medal “for the encouragement,
“the encouragement and promotion of development and promotion of coastal
geographical science and discovery” geomorphology.”
and are presented only after approval Other notable winners include from high school in San Luis Obispo,
by Her Majesty the Queen, Elizabeth Robert McClure for his discovery of Calif., he attended the University of
II.the Northwest Passage, Capt. Robert C a l i f o r n i a , B e r k e l e y . H i s
Walker, born in Michigan in 1921, Scott for services as leader of the undergraduate studies were soon
lived in Colorado for eight years and National Antarctic Expedition and Sir interrupted by World War II.
then moved with his family to Morro Edmund Hillary for Himalayan Walker joined the Navy flight
Bay, Calif., just before the stock exploration. program at UC Berkeley as a member
market crash and the beginning of the In 1831, King William IV gave 50 of the Flying Golden Bears. He
Great Depression. After graduation guineas to establish a Founder's Medal. continued on page 2
Underwater Maya: Ancient Wooden Canoe Paddle
by Heather McKillop
In the spring of 2004 during my
last sabbatical and with an LSU
Faculty Research Grant, we made a
major, unexpected discovery. We were
searching for archaeological sites that
had been inundated by sea-level rise in
a shallow coastal lagoon in Belize,
Central America. I had previously
found and excavated four sites in the
area that were salt works where brine
was boiled in pots over fires to make
salt—a basic biological necessity in
short supply at nearby inland cities of
the Classic Maya. I wanted to know the
extent of the coastal salt industry and
so began the search for more salt
works. Ultimately several years of
continued on page 3Walker Award (from page 1)
From the Chair received his wings
and commission I am enormously proud to have been elected the
two weeks before Chair of an 80 year old Department with a
John Glenn and, phenomenal list of renowned faculty, and a long
l i k e h i m , history of ground breaking research.
transferred into the
We had some wonderful achievements this past M a r i n e C o r p s .
year including Boyd Professor H. Jesse Walker Walker spent the
being awarded the Patrons Medal by Her Majesty war years flying
the Queen, Elizabeth II, Heather McKillop transport planes
awarded the LSU Distinguished Faculty Award, w i t h t h e U . S .
three LSU Rainmakers chosen from the M a r i n e C o r p s
around the South Department faculty (Keim, McKillop and Hesp),
Pacific, mostly in William Rowe awarded the A&S Tiger Athletic
t h e S o l o m o n Foundation Award for Outstanding Teaching, Jill
Islands.Brody a Fullbright, Helen Regis and Jay Edwards
After WWII, Atlas grants, former Chair Bill Davidson receiving
Dr. Walker in Alaska.Walker returned to
a special tribute in Honduras for his Honduras U C B e r k e l e y,
Atlas, and a host of new grants. Many of our finished his undergraduate degree and then earned a
students excelled in their fields and received master's degree. He taught at Georgia State University in
awards and funding. Atlanta during the early 1950s, before coming to LSU in
We also launched a fabulous new tradition and 1955. At LSU, he completed his Ph.D. in 1960, and with the
created the Krewe du Monde and float for our first exception of a one-year leave before joining the faculty, he
has been on the campus ever since.ever participation in the Baton Rouge Southdowns
Walker served as the chair of the Department of Mardi Gras parade. Visit the Department web site
Geography & Anthropology during the 1960s and rose at: http://www.ga.lsu.edu/video/gamardigras.wmv
through the ranks, becoming Boyd Professor in 1976.to see several dorky professors and students
Walker's research focus includes geomorphology, the interviewed on local TV. Long may this tradition
Arctic and alluvial and coastal morphology. He received the
continue! Patron's Medal for his work in the field of .
To all alumni – may we extend our best wishes Walker, who has been retired from teaching for some 25
and hope for your continued success, and urge you years, still travels to Alaska almost every year. He is also
to keep in touch (let us know your latest position, asked to present guest lectures at numerous conferences and
academic or professional), and consider supporting universities around the world. In the past five years, he has
the Department in the future. given keynote addresses in Mexico, Taiwan and Spain and
has traveled to other places around the globe such as
Switzerland, Italy, Scotland, Japan, Palau, China and Patrick Hesp,
Antarctica.Professor and Chair
Walker has been published in more than 150 books,
monographs, research reports and
articles. In 1986, he was awarded an
honorary doctorate by the University
of Uppsala in Sweden. In 2004, he
received the Laureat d' honneur from
the International Geographical Union.
In 2006, he was presented the Lifetime
Geography & AnthropologyL AT ITUDESL AT ITUDES A c h i e v e m e n t Aw a r d b y t h e
A s s o c i a t i o n o f A m e r i c a n Latitudes, the newsletter of the LSU Department of Geography & Anthropology, is
Geographers, and in 2005, the LSU published once a year. Correspondence relating to the newsletter may be submitted to:
Board of Supervisors approved the
naming of the geomorphology c/o Patrick Hesp
laboratory in the Howe-Russell-Department of Geography & Anthropology
Kniffen Geoscience Complex as the H. Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: 225/578-5942 v FAX: 225/578-4420 v E-Mail: gachair@lsu.edu J. Walker Geomorphology Laboratory.
Chair: Patrick Hesp Co-Editors: Amy Potter and Katherine Renken
Designer: Mary Lee Eggart Courtesy of E. Ballard
LSU Office of Public Affairs
2Anthrogeography Concentration in Geography Ph.D.
Approved at LSU
The faculty at the Department of Geography and Anthropology at Louisiana State University are pleased to announce the
approval of the Anthrogeography concentration in the Ph.D. program in Geography. The concentration officially
recognizes the combined interests of Ph.D. students in Geography and Anthropology in course work and dissertations.
Current and former Ph.D. students have, for example, pursued dissertation research in Archaeology or Cultural
Anthropology within the Ph.D. in Geography, gaining expertise in both disciplines. Many theoretical and methodological
areas of Geography are increasingly valuable in Anthropology, notably remote sensing, GIS, physical geography, and
human geography. Some Geography students have included Anthropology in their course and dissertation research.
Upon successful completion of the Ph.D. General Exam, students may apply to the Graduate School at LSU to have
“Anthrogeography Concentration” written on their transcript.
Canoe Paddle (from page 1)
fieldwork and subsequent grants from h a s a l o n g s h a f t . ( s e e Proceedings of the National Academy
National Geographic, NSF, and http://www.famsi.org/reports/05032/) of Sciences in 2005 brought extensive
FAMSI (Foundation for the I received a temporary permit from the p r e s s c o v e r a g e . ( S e e
Advancement of Mesoamerican government of Belize to export the http://www.pnas.org/content/102/15/
Studies Inc), we found over 100 salt paddle for conservation and study. 5 6 3 0 . a b s t r a c t ; s e e a l s o
works. But the unexpected discovery Drs.Wayne Smith and Helen DeWolf http://www.lsu.edu/highlights/053/m
of wooden architecture and artifacts at at the Texas A & M conservation lab aya.html). LSU students on the
the salt works expanded our used his newly patented polymer project include Cory Sills (M.A. 2007
knowledge of the Classic Maya, in an process to conserve the paddle. and current Ph.D. student), Mark
area where wood normally decays Woman's Hospital Radiology Robinson (current Ph.D. student),
after 1300 years. Department kindly did a CT Scan, Bretton Somers (Ph.D. 2007), Kevin
Walking through a coastal swamp, allowing us to see the wood structure Pemberton (M.A. 2007), Mike
we expected to find stumps and old (for a better species identification) and Mirobelli and Margaret Wrenn
wood, but not wood preserved from a digital image. With colleagues at (current M.A. Anthropology
the ancient Maya. Reluctantly, I LSU, we will

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