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CEA Statistics N°44
European Insurance in Figures
December 2011CEA Statistics
European Insurance in Figures
About the CEA
The CEA is the European insurance and reinsurance federation. Through
its 34 member bodies — the national insurance associations — the
CEA represents all types of insurance and reinsurance undertakings,
eg pan-European companies, monoliners, mutuals and SMEs. The CEA,
which is based in Brussels, represents undertakings that account for
around 95% of total European premium income. Insurance makes a
major contribution to Europe’s economic growth and development.
European insurers generate premium income of over €1 100bn, employ
nearly one million people and invest almost €7 500bn in the economy.European Insurance in Figures
CEA full member associations 6
Methodological note 7
Abbreviations 7
Executive summary 8
I. Premiums11
I.1 Life insurance premiums 12
I.2 Non-life insurance premiums
I.2.1 Motor 16
I.2.2 Health17
I.2.3 Property18
I.2.4 Other non-life business lines 19
II. Insurance density and penetration 20
II.1 Insurance density20
II.1.1 Overall density20
II.1.2 Life density21
II.1.3 Property, casualty and accident density 22
II.1.4 Health density 22
II.2 Insurance penetration 24
III. Insurers’ investment portfolio 28
III.1 Structure of the portfolio 28
III.2 Ratio of investment portfolio to GDP 29
IV. Market operators 31
IV.1 Companies 31
IV.2 Employees31
IV.3 Distribution channels32
IV.3.1 Life insurance32
IV.3.2 Non-life insurance33
4 | CEA Statistics N°44European Insurance in Figures
Annex I. Statistical tables 36
Part A: Insurance market data 36
Table 1 | Total European gross written premiums — 2001–2010 (€m) 36
Table 2 | Worldwide premiums — 2000–2010 ($bn) 37
Table 3 | Life gross written pr 38
Table 4 | Non-life gross written premiums — 2001–2010 (€m) 39
Table 5 | Motor gr 40
Table 6 | Health gross written pr 41
Table 7 | Property gr 42
Table 8 | Other non-life gross written premiums — 2001–2010 (€m) 43
Table 9 | Total insurers’ investment portfolio — 2001–2010 (€m) 44
Table 10 | Life insur 45
Table 11 | Non-life insur 46
Table 12 | Structure of insurers’ investment portfolio — 2000–2009 (%) 47
Table 13 | Number of insurance companies — 2001–2010 48
Table 14 | Number of employees — 2001–2010 49
Table 15 | Breakdown of life premiums by distribution channel — 2009 50
Table 16 | Breakdown of non-life pr 50
Part B: Macroeconomic data 51
Table 17 | Euro exchange rates — 2001–2010 51
Table 18 | GDP at current market prices — 2001–2010 (€m) 52
Table 19 | Population — 2001–2010 (thousands) 53
Annex II. Distribution channel classifcation 54
Author’s note
To strip out the effects of exchange rate changes and better refect economic reality, the growth rates
shown in the text have been calculated on the basis of 2010 exchange rates.
CEA Statistics N°44 | 5 ń
European Insurance in Figures
CEA full member associations
Austria (AT) — Versicherungsverband Österreich (VVO)
Belgium (BE) — Assuralia
Bulgaria (BG) — Association of Bulgarian Insurers (ABZ)
Croatia (HR) — Hrvatski ured za osiguranje
Cyprus (CY) — Insurance Association of Cyprus
Czech Republic (CZ) — Česká asociace pojišt’oven (ČAP)
Denmark (DK) — Forsikring & Pension (F&P)
Estonia (EE) — Eesti Kindlustusseltside Liit
Finland (FI) — Finanssialan Keskusliitto
France (FR) — Fédération Française des Sociétés d’Assurances (FFSA)
Germany (DE) — Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft (GDV)
Greece (GR) — Hellenic Association of Insurance Companies
Hungary (HU) — Magyar Biztosítók Szövetsége (MABISZ)
Iceland (IS) — Samtök Fjármálafyrirt�kja (SFF)
Ireland (IE) — Irish Insurance Federation (IIF)
Italy (IT) — Associazione Nazionale fra le Imprese Assicuratrici (ANIA)
Latvia (LV) — Latvijas Apdrošinātāju asociācija (LAA)
Liechtenstein (LI) — Liechtensteinischer Versicherungsverband
Luxembourg (LU) — Association des Compagnies d’Assurances (ACA)
Malta (MT) — Malta Insurance Association
Netherlands (NL) — Verbond van Verzekeraars
Norway (NO) — Finansn�ringens Fellesorganisasjon (FNO)
Poland (PL) — Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń (PIU)
Portugal (PT) — Associação Portuguesa de Seguradores (APS)
Romania (RO) — Uniunea Naţionalã a Societãţilor de Asigurare şi Reasigurare (Unsar)
Slovakia (SK) — Slovenská asociácia poist’ovní
Slovenia (SI) — Slovensko Zavarovalno Združenje (SZZ)
Spain (ES) — Unión Espaola de Entidades Aseguradoras y Reaseguradoras (Unespa)
Sweden (SE) — Svensk Försäkring
Switzerland (CH) — Schweizerischer Versicherungsverband (ASA/SVV)
Turkey (TR) — Türkiye Sigorta ve Reasürans Şirketleri Birliği
United Kingdom (UK) — The British Insurers’ European Committee:
Association of British Insurers (ABI)
International Underwriting Association of London (IUA)
6 | CEA Statistics N°44European Insurance in Figures
Methodological note
This report is based on annual data collected by the CEA from its member
associations (see list on p6). Most 2010 fgures are provisional.
The fgures are based on samples that represent more than 90% of the market
for most countries. The fgures for Romania represent around 70% of the market.
For Slovenia, all fgures (excluding those referring to the number of companies)
refer to association members only.
For data on European insurance groups, the source is L’Argus de l’Assurance.
For data on worldwide premiums, the source is Swiss Re. Macroeconomic data,
ie, population, gross domestic product (GDP) and exchange rates, have been
taken from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, and from
national statistical offces.
The monetary unit used for the fnancial data is the euro. For the periods prior
to the introduction of the euro, for which the ECU is the reference currency, and
for the countries that are not part of the euro area, the fgures are converted
into euro using the annual average exchange rate.
Unless otherwise stated, premiums are gross written premiums (direct business)
on home territory underwritten by companies with their head office in the
corresponding country.
Year-on-year changes have been calculated by subtracting from the total the
data for those countries for which there is no information for the previous or
subsequent year. The average growth over time represents the average of the
past year-on-year changes. The changes are calculated in nominal terms, ie non-
infation adjusted.
bn billion
EU European Union
GDP gross domestic product
m million
n.a. not available
pp percentage point
CEA Statistics N°44 | 7 European Insurance in Figures
Executive summary
Gross written premiums
Provisional fgures for 2010 show that European insurers weathered the ongoing
economic turmoil well, as total gross written premiums increased by 2.5%, at
constant exchange rates, to reach €1 104bn. This growth is slightly lower than
that experienced in 2009, which was 3.0% at constant exchange rates, but a
signifcant improvement on 2008 when total premiums dropped by almost 6%
(at constant exchange rates).
European life premiums, which account for 60% of all insurance premiums,
amounted to €676bn in 2010, based on provisional fgures. This corresponds
to a 2.5% increase at constant exchange rates over 2009, when the year-on-
year increase was +4.6%. The largest markets continue to be the UK, France,
Germany and Italy, which jointly account for almost 70% of total European life
premiums. The latter three countries experienced increases, but the UK saw
premiums fall. The increases, which were refected in a rise in new business, are
considered to be the consequence of customers’ desire for security during times
of economic turbulence, while the decline in the UK is the result of a drop in
group pensions.
After two successive years of relatively stable premium income, there appears
to be a recovery in the non-life sector in 2010, since the provisional fgures
show a growth of 2.7% at constant exchange rates to €428bn. This overall
increase is mainly the result of improvements in the economy, with households
and companies showing a renewed interest in insurance products. The three
largest classes of non-life insurance — motor, health and property — saw their
premiums growing by respectively 1.3%, 5.9% and 2.6% (at constant exchange
rates), amounting to €125bn, €108bn and €84bn in 2010.
1Insurance density and penetration
On a per capita basis, an average of €1 879 was spent on insurance in 2010 in
the 32 full member countries represented by the CEA. Of this amount, €1 150
was spent on life insurance and the remaining €729 on non-life insurance, of
which €184 was on health. In total, this is €38 more (at constant exchange rates)
than in 2009.
With a nominal GDP growth of +3.6% in Europe and overall insurance premium
growth of +2.5% (at constant exchange rates) in 2010, average insurance
penetration remained stable at 8.2%. Life insurance penetration (5.0%) and