Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS) Summer 2012 ...








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Click Here for Complete Course Descriptions Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS) Summer 2012 Program and Course Listing - A fr ic an A m er ic an S tu d ie s A n th ro po lo gy /F ol k St ud ie s A rt a nd A rc hi te ct ur e B io lo gy B us in es s Ch in es e Co m m un ic at io n Co m pu te r Sc ie nc e Co un se lin g D ig it al M ed ia Ec on om ic s Ed uc at io n En gl is
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Full project name:
Center for Curricula Modernisation and Lifelong Learning
Project No. 511354-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-ES-TEMPUS-SMHES
(2010-3368/ 001-001)
List of Contents:
University of Dzemal Bijedic
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineerig: Production Engineering ......................... 3
- Faculty of Humanities: English Language and Literature ............................ 5
University of Banja Luka
- Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering: Civil Engineering ................ 9
University of Bihac
- Faculty of Pedagogy: Physical Education and Sport ..................................... 13
- Biotechnical Faculty: Food Technology and Environmental Protection ....... 15
University of East Sarajevo
- Medical Faculty: Medicine ............................................................................. 18
University of Sarajevo
- Faculty of Political Science: Introduction into Public Law .......................... 20
- Faculty of Pedagogy: Philosophy of Education ............................................. 21
University of Mostar (Sveuciliste u Mostraru)
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineerig: Mechanical Engineering ....................... 22
- Faculty of Economics: Business Economy ................................................... 29
University of Zenica
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Wood Processing ................................. 32
- Faculty of Economics: Management ............................................................. 33
University “Džemal Bijedić”
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Production Engineering
Subject Competence targeted
- To solve basic problems of complex numbers, polynomials, vectors and Mathematics I
functions with one variable
Statics To solve basic problems of static systems-
- To define and describe the different materials.
Materials - To define and describe the mechanical properties of materials
- To interpret different diagrams of materials.
To read the technical drawings.-Technical Drawing and CAD
To make the technical drawings using computers.-
- To recognize PC hardware.
- To use modern software for text, presentation and internet.Fundamentals of Informatics
- To explain the importance of lifelong learning because of the constant
changes in the field of informatics.
Fundamentals of Electrical To explain the basic principles of electrical components and devices-
Mathematics II - To solve basic problems of single integrals and differential equations.
Kinematics To solve basicems of kinematic systems-
- To identify and formulate various methods of testing mechanical properties of Materials Testing
Strength of Materials I To solve basic problems of stretching and compacting machine parts-
Manufacturing Technologies - To enumerate and describe the basic production technology
To make less demanding applications for a PC in C language.-
Programming To explain the importance of lifelong learning because of the constant -
changes in the field of informatics.
Automation - To explain the principle of automated devices used in manufacturing
To solve basic problems of theoretical dynamics-Dynamics
Components of Machines I - To make basic calculation of joints, springs, shafts and bearings
Theory and Techniques of To identify the different measurement instruments and their purposes.-
Measurement To use the measurement instruments properly-
- To enumerate and explain the basic principles of design
Design Principles
Strength of Materials II To solve basic problems of solid mechanics of deformable bodies-
Statistical and Numerical Methods - To solve basicems of the statistical data processing
To solve basic problems of the heat transfer and the heat passes through. -
Thermodynamics To explain the principle of the plant with the energy cycles-
Components of Machines II To make the basic calculation of the transmissions, gears and pipe lines -
Fluid Mechanics - To solve the basic problems of mechanics of liquids and gases
To use different software for the design process.-
To explain the importance of lifelong learning because of the constant -Computer Aided Design
changes in the field of informatics.
Oscillations To solve the basic problems of mechanical system’s vibration -
To recognize and explain the machining of chips removing (cutting)-
Cutting Machining
To apply methods for organizing production that gives the best economic -
Organization and Economics of
- To recognize and explain the processes of machining by deformation of Deformation Machining
Technology for Joining Materials To recognize and explain the processes of joining materials-
- To list, recognize and explain the machine tools and accessoriesMachine Tools
Heat Treatment And Casting To list, recognize and explain the different heat treatment and casting -
Industrial Practices - To define and present the problems of production in the real environment
Mechanisms To describe and calculate the movement of different kind of mechanisms-
- To explain the methods and importance of quality systems and quality Quality Management
assurance in production systems (factories)
Technological To make the technological documentation for the basic technological -
Processes processes of metal industry
Welded Construction - To design simpler welded construction
To make the drivers for CNC machines.-CNC Programming
To perform machining simulation with computer.-
- To select the standard parts for the deformation machining tool. Tools And Equipment For
- To calculate the dimensions and shape for the nonstandard parts of the Deformation
deformation machining tool.
Final Paper Properly set up and solve a common engineering problem-
University of “Džemal Bijedić” MOSTAR
Faculty of Humanities
English Language and Literature
Course Competences
English Morphology I use system of English tenses correctly-
be able to apply basic rules and exceptions when it comes to usage of verbs-
use verbs in written and oral communication-
independently analyze verbs in texts-
Phonetics and Phonology I recognize specific features of the English sound system-
be able to compare phonetic systems of English and Bosnian languages-
be able to pronounce correctly English sounds and words, by using general and -
specialized dictionaries
English in Use understand speech at the A2 level of CEF scale-
read and write at the CEF A2 level using common practices for writing short -
written forms in English (paragraph, short essay)
initiate and maintain oral communication in a controlled situation, about -
familiar topics at the CEF A2 scale
use language skills at the first level of independence (threshold level)-
Correnspondence to be able to recognize basic forms of written correspondence in English-
recognize and use in an appropriate way specific features of bureaucratic style. -
keep business correspondence using traditional and modern written forms-
switch between the English and Bosnian language codes when it comes to -
written correspondence
use technological support and tools in document production-
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian acquire knowledge on Bosnian orthography rules-
Language know principles of phonetic and phonological system of B/C/S Language-
know substandard oral norms -
Introduction to Literature be able to recognize literary forms-
Research differentiate structural features of literary works-
know literary genres-
be able to analyze independently literary works-
Morphology II use correctly system of word classes in English, based on semantic and -
contemporary classification approaches
use independently different word classes in appropriate grammatical contexts,-
analyze usage of all word classes in chosen texts (CEF A2 level)-
use correctly typical exceptions and specific qualities in English grammar at -
the morphological level
Phonetics and Phonology apply correctly knowledge on English sound system-
II be able to compare phonetic systems of English and Bosnian languages-
be able to pronounce correctly English sounds and words, by using general and -
specialized dictionaries
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian acquire knowledge on morphological and syntactic system of the Bosnia -
Language II language
know categories at morphological and syntactic level-
know principles of phrasal interrelatedness.-
Interpretation of Literary identify and apply basic literary terms and concepts-
Works apply knowledge in further studies-
use acquired knowledge in professional fields (teaching, literary criticism, -
translation, research)
use a range of techniques they learned in essay writing, research papers etc.-

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