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Microsoft Research
FOUNDED IN 1991 to user interfaces as a key area
advance computer science, of research. We collaborate
software engineering, and with leading researchers in
scientific discovery through medicine, education, and earth craig mundie
Chief Research and Strategy Officer both basic and applied and environmental sciences to
microsoft corporation
research, Microsoft Research transform society for the better
has a long history of through technology.
valuable collaboration with
These principles provide
the academic and research
the foundation for the
communities across a range
work of Microsoft Research
of computing disciplines.
Connections, the division
We envision a future in which of Microsoft Research that
computers increasingly work promotes and facilitates
on your behalf rather than collaboration between
at your command, and we academic and research
see the emergence of natural communities. lMAglNE
We BeLieVe THaT WorKing T oge THer— Microsoft Research
across industries and disciplines, Connections
collaboratively—is the only way we can
OUR VISION IS to seek out develop new solutions, and
solve the most urgent global challenges.
worldwide thought leaders we strive to inspire those
researchers who are pushing in computer and scientific
the envelope of scientific research and establish
discovery. collaborations with them
to advance knowledge and
In collaboration with the world’s
development in computer lNVENT top scientific researchers,
science and enable computing
computer scientists, and commiTed T o reSearcH, we strive to
to accelerate the pace of academic institutions, we
accelerate time-to-insight by working with the scientific exploration. pursue data-intensive scientific
research to shape the future academic community to release open tools and At Microsoft Research
of computing in fields such as Connections, we imagine a services that extend microsoft platforms and Tony Hey parallel programming, software
future in which computing Corporate Vice Presidentproductivity software. engineering, and natural user
microsoft r esearch connections research transforms society’s
ability to respond to critical
global challenges. We We offer various fellowships,
collaborate with computer grants, and awards to help
scientists and scientific cultivate future world-class
researchers in academia to computer and research lNSplRE
invent new ways through which scientists. These programs
THrougH a SerieS oF educa TionaL
seek to help bright young computing enables innovation
oPPor TuniTieS, awards, and diversity scientists succeed and facilitate for a better world, we extend
their research as they work the Microsoft platform to initiatives, we’re inspiring both emerging and
to develop the next critical the academic community as
experienced scholars to delve further into scientific breakthroughs.a resource to help scientists
computer science and scientific research fields.Contents
24 Education 12 Computer 18 Earth, Energy,
and Scholarly Science and Environment
30 Health and 36 Natural User
Wellbeing Interface
WELLNESS WITH TECHNOLOgYWe enjoyed working with Microsoft to “
FoSTering innoV aTiVe produce teaching material for students
reSearcH T o adV ance to learn F#. With TryF#, anyone can
SociaL and Human learn F# on any platform.”
Po TenTiaL
Imperial College London, UK our computer science
projects promote and support
innovative research in software
engineering; semantic
computing, parallelism, and
concurrency; programming
languages; and mobile-
plus-cloud computing. We
12 13
collaborate with academics
and researchers to identify
future crucial requirements,
and work with them to find
technological solutions. We
then take these technologies
to universities worldwide
through outreach programs,
often through competitions
that challenge bright young
computer scientists.Computer Science
r esear ch.micr oso f t.com/comput er science
Mobile and
Cloud Computing
nec, vulputate eget, arcu. in
enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet
innovations in wireless
a, venenatis vitae, justo. nullam
networking technology are dictum felis eu pede mollis
pretium. integer tincidunt. cras driving our increasingly
dapibus. Vivamus elementu
connected world; the
vast majority of mobile
Student creativity project Hawaii, Windows Azure, ”applications now rely on
and Windows phone 7 have cloud services to deliver in project Hawaii
collectively enabled my students user experiences. project
to explore and develop new Hawaii, which currently ACADEMIC OUTREACH
technology applications that 14 involves more than 30 15IN pROjECT HAWAII
push the boundaries of scientifc universities worldwide, AS SMARTpHONES ARE
data gathering beyond what was is fostering the creation increasingly used for both
possible just a few years ago.”professional and private use, we of the next generation of
are witnessing a correspondingly mobile applications that pROFESSOR jAY BORENSTEIN
rapid growth of innovations Computer Science Departmentexploit enriched cloud
Stanford University in wireless networking
Hawaii have access to a set services on the Windows
technologies. We anticipate
of innovative cloud services Azure platform. that the majority of future
that are accessed via Windows
smartphone applications will rely
phone 7 and use Windows
on cloud services to enhance the
Azure for computation and
mobile-computing experience.
data storage. In short, we
provide students with the tools, Through partnerships with
services, and mobile-plus-cloud universities around the world,
platforms that they need to we empower students to develop
Project Hawaii consists of a Windows Phone 7 smartphone and
create their applications; the novel cloud-enhanced mobile
various cloud services, including Windows azure for storage and
students bring their creativity applications. The universities computation, optical character recognition, speech to text
and imagination.conversion, relay, and rendezvous. that are participating in project We are offering a set of Language DATA/INFORMATIONLack of access to large-scale, real-world “
Model Services to the research
TO HELp EXpLORE the data has been a long-standing barrier for
community through a cloud
data value chain, Microsoft academia research in data science-related
infrastructure. These take the
Research Connection’s “Thank you for the wonderful areas. The Language Model Cloud-based form of web language models
collaborations provide opportunity you provided for the Services provided by Microsoft have and query language models that
scientists with access to data
research community to test new ideas can be used to research topics broken this barrier with a very promising that promotes:
such as human speech, spelling, in the feld of spell checking and query novel model for data sharing.” • Innovation—through the
information extraction, learning, recommendation.”opportunity to access novel,
pROFESSOR CHENgXIANg ZHAI and machine translation.
real-world, web-scale data Dr. ALEXANDRU CEAUSU Computer Science Department
The Language Model Services School of Computing University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign services
Dublin City Universitygenerate more than 10 billion
• Scientific discovery—by
queries per week for users
allowing wider use of data
and validation of large-scale
data analysis in a domain KNOWLEDgE/INTELLIgENCE future of information processing we explore how to transform
where the sheer size of the and discovery at web scale semantic knowledge in a way TO ADVANCE BEYOND data/
data under investigation and use the power of collective that is useful for commodity information and attain
16 17makes the reproducibility of intelligence. Each year, Microsoft computing and that aids in the knowledge/intelligence, we are
research a major challenge Research Connections hosts creation of knowledge services investigating the development
a series of “mind swaps” and that are relevant to the research • Training—real-world, large- of semantically-rich knowledge
“think tanks” during which community. scale data is a powerful services that enable agile
tool for training the next experimentation. To progress
Professor Haym Hirsh of rutgers university computer Science
generation of data analysts from data services to knowledge department discusses how collective intelligence helps advance
and researchers services, we look towards the human knowledge. Semantic Computing
assists users as they explore complex data from To further efforts in this field, we are creating research
disparate sources. One might say that it creates a path programs that are associated with computational