eçton I — Modue A: comparatve tudy of Text and context
Queton 1 — Eeçtve 1: Exporn conneçton OUCôMé àéé: h h2 h2A h4 h5 h6 h0 h2A MARKIN UIDELINE crtera Mar • Comparesskilfully how a study of the connections between Kn RCà iii/lôôn ô RCà,Té AUn’ ôy/RôéMày Dôbôn’ pôéy,Pé àn PéjUCé/léé ô ACé ôn F Réàn Jàné AUén,Jôn Dônné’ pôéy/w;, provides a deeper understanding of ambition and identity / place and identity / relationships and identity / 1720 suffering and identity • Demonstratesskilfully an understanding of the relationships between texts and contexts using well-selected and detailed textual reference • Composesa perceptive comparison using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Compareseffectively how a study of the connections between Kn RCà iii/lôôn ô RCà,Té AUn’ ôy/RôéMày Dôbôn’ pôéy,Pé àn PéjUCé/léé ô ACé ôn F Réàn Jàné AUén,Jôn Dônné’ pôéy/w;, provides a deeper understanding of ambition and identity / place and identity / relationships and identity / 1316 suffering and identity • Demonstrateseffectively an understanding of the relationships between texts and contexts using detailed textual reference • Composesan effective comparison using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Compareshow a study of the connections betweenKn RCà iii/ lôôn ô RCà,Té AUn’ ôy/RôéMày Dôbôn’ pôéy, Pé àn PéjUCé/léé ô ACé ôn F Réàn Jàné AUén, Jôn Dônné’ pôéy/w;, provides an understanding of ambition and identity / place and identity / relationships and identity / suffering and 912 identity • Demonstratesan understanding of some aspects of the relationships between texts and contexts using relevant textual reference • Composesa sound comparison using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Explainsaspects of the connections betweenKn RCà iii/lôôn ô RCà,Té AUn’ ôy/RôéMày Dôbôn’ pôéy,Pé àn PéjUCé/léé ô ACé ôn F Réàn Jàné AUén,Jôn Dônné’ pôéy/w; 58 • Demonstrateslimited understanding of the relationships between texts and contexts • Composesa limited response • Describesaspects of the texts using elementary knowledge • Mayattempt to describe aspects of texts and contexts14 • Attemptsto compose a response to the question
eçton I — Modue A: comparatve tudy of Text and context
Queton 2 — Eeçtve 2: Text n Tme OUCôMé àéé: h h2 h2A h4 h5 h6 h0 h2A MARKIN UIDELINE crtera Mar • Comparesskilfully how a consideration of the parallels between Fànénén/Bàé RUnné,Té Géà Gàby/Ezàbé Bàé Bônn’ pôéy,wô’ Aà ô Vnà wôô/A RôôM ô Oné’ On, provides a deeper understanding of disruption and identity / aspirations and identity / independence and identity 1720 • Demonstratesskilfully an understanding of the relationships between texts and contexts using well-selected and detailed textual reference • Composesa perceptive comparison using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Compareseffectively how a consideration of the parallels between Fànénén/Bàé RUnné,Té Géà Gàby/Ezàbé Bàé Bônn’ pôéy,wô’ Aà ô Vnà wôô/A RôôM ô Oné’ On, provides a deeper understanding of disruption and identity / aspirations and identity / independence and identity 1316 • Demonstrateseffectively an understanding of the relationships between texts and contexts using detailed textual reference • Composesan effective comparison using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Compareshow a consideration of the parallels between Fànénén/Bàé RUnné,Té Géà Gàby/Ezàbé Bàé Bônn’ pôéy,wô’ Aà ô Vnà wôô/A RôôM ô Oné’ On, provides an understanding of disruption and identity / aspirations and identity / independence and identity 912 • Demonstratesan understanding of some aspects of the relationships between texts and contexts using relevant textual reference • Composesa sound comparison using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Explainssome parallels betweenFànénén/Bàé RUnné, Té Géà Gàby/Ezàbé Bàé Bônn’ pôéy,wô’ Aà ô Vnà wôô/A RôôM ô Oné’ On 58 • Demonstrateslimited understanding of the relationships between texts and contexts • Composesa limited response • Describesaspects of the texts using elementary knowledge • Mayattempt to describe aspects of texts and contexts14 • Attemptsto compose a response to the question
Queton 3—aepeare Drama Queton 4— Proe Fçton Queton 5— Drama Queton 6— Fm Queton 7— Poetry Queton 8— Nonfçton – Eay Queton — Nonfçton – peeçe OUCôMé àéé: h h2A h3 h4 h5 h6 h8 h0 h MARKIN UIDELINE crtera Mar • Arguesskilfully with detailed textual reference the extent to which their own interpretation of the prescribed text supports the view presented in the statement • Demonstratesa perceptive understanding of the language and ideas of the1720 text • Composesa sustained analysis using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Argueseffectively with detailed textual reference the extent to which their own interpretation of the prescribed text supports the view presented in the statement • Demonstratesan informed understanding of the language and ideas of the1316 text • Composesan effective analysis using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Argueswith appropriate textual reference aspects of their own interpretation of the prescribed text and the view presented in the statement 912 • Demonstratesa sound understanding of the language and ideas of the text • Composesa sound analysis using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Describeswith some textual reference aspects of their own interpretation of the prescribed text 58 • Makeslimited reference to the language and ideas of the text • Composesa limited response • Attemptsto explore aspects of their prescribed text using elementary knowledge of the text 14 • Attemptsto compose a response to the question
Queton 1 — Eeçtve 1: confçtn Perpeçtve OUCôMé àéé: h h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h0 MARKIN UIDELINE crtera Mar • Analysesperceptively the ways conflicting perspectives generate diverse and provocative insights • Evaluatesskilfully the relationship between representation and meaning1720 • Composesa skilful analysis using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Analysesthoughtfully the ways conflicting perspectives generate diverse and provocative insights • Evaluateseffectively the relationship between representation and meaning1316 • Composesan effective analysis using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Analysesthe ways conflicting perspectives generate diverse and provocative insights • Presentsan evaluation of the relationship between representation and 912 meaning • Composesa sound analysis using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Presentsa limited response about the ways conflicting perspectives generate insights • Describessome aspects of the relationship between representation and58 meaning • Composesa limited response • Attemptsto describe aspects of the texts 14 • Attemptsto compose a response
Queton 11 — Eeçtve 2: tory and Memory OUCôMé àéé: h h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h0 MARKIN UIDELINE crtera Mar • Analysesperceptively the ways an exploration of history and memory generates compelling and unexpected insights • Evaluatesskilfully the relationship between representation and meaning1720 • Composesa skilful analysis using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Analysesthoughtfully the ways an exploration of history and memory generates compelling and unexpected insights • Evaluateseffectively the relationship between representation and meaning1316 • Composesan effective analysis using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Analysesthe ways an exploration of history and memory generates compelling and unexpected insights • Presentsan evaluation of the relationship between representation and 912 meaning • Composesa sound analysis using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form • Presentsa limited response about the ways an exploration of history and memory generates insights • Describessome aspects of the relationship between representation and58 meaning • Composesa limited response • Attemptsto describe aspects of the texts 14 • Attemptsto compose a response