GRADE 4 English Language Arts Proofreading: Lesson 9








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  • expression écrite
  • cours - matière potentielle : 9 -2 pencils
Grade 4 English Language Arts 180B Proofreading Lesson 9 GRADE 4 English Language Arts Proofreading: Lesson 9 Read aloud to the students the material that is printed in boldface type inside the boxes. Information in regular type inside the boxes and all information outside the boxes should not be read to the students. Possible student responses are included in parentheses after the questions. Any directions that ask you to do something, such as to turn to a page or to hand out materials to students, will have an arrow symbol ( ) by them.
  • explanations of sentence formation
  • -1 name
  • -1 student worksheet
  • written stories
  • variety of sentence patterns
  • appropriate formatting
  • sentence formation
  • correct capitalization
  • verb
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said Bonnet. “It’s really a tech- Pro Line Fusion aimed at the other attributes needed for it to
nology demonstrator. In current Part 23 cockpit market. However, be an autonomous system. And by
cockpits, there’s no such thing as touchscreen panel displays likely autonomous, I mean it interacts
a single screen. As you can imag- won’t find their way into larger with the crew without any inter-
ine, there are a lot of issues still aircraft cockpits, Ellis explained, action from the ground.”
to handle regarding dispatch, because reaching out and touch- The simpler way would be to
safety and reliability. Therefore, ing the instrument panel isn’t shift some of that processing to
we imagine having such a prod- always possible in large cockpits, systems on the ground. “Airlines
uct by 2020 or around [then].” especially when the seat is moved do it in their dispatch centers,”
back during cruise. Ellis said, “and we do it through
Rockwell Collins “In all classes of airplanes, our [Ascend] Houston Network
The head-up display (HUD) larger format displays with Operations Center. We have fully
and synthetic vision are key devel- touchscreen capability in the qualified dispatchers and accu-
opments in Rockwell Collins’s throttle quadrant and pedes- rate aircraft performance profil-
cockpits, especially when the two tal area are going to become the ing software. So in the future, we The view out the cockpit window on a Honeywell demo flight on approach to Santa
Barbara, left, is hazy, while Honeywell’s SVS/EVS display, right, shows the integration technologies are merged, allowing norm,” he said. “It’s clearly more could move to an environment
of the infrared enhanced vision with synthetic vision in mountainous terrain. pilots to see an image of the out- feasible to implement touch- where the flight management
side world while looking through screen on sidestick-equipped air- and the navigation function on
the HUD. Earlier last year, planes than those with yokes and the airplane are significantly these high-speed connections to manifest themselves in avionics
Rockwell Collins announced that columns because of the reach- simplified and most of the com- deliver information between air- control or display, but they have
it has developed a compact HUD, ing-around-the-yoke issue.” plex computation for what- craft. An aircraft flying near haz- far-reaching implications into
the HGS-3500, which elimi- For Ellis, the most exciting ifs and flight planning is done ardous weather transmits data to the other subsystems and tech-
nates the heavy cockpit-ceiling- development has been the intro- within the ground environment.” a ground station, which retrans- nologies across the aircraft.”
mounted projector and makes it duction of high-speed communi- Even if the broadband link to mits it to another aircraft farther That said, Esposito added
cost-effective to install HUDs in cations, especially the Inmarsat the ground is lost, there remains away but headed toward the area that he could not identify spe-COCKPIT smaller jets and turboprops. Global Xpress–a Ka-band satel- enough processing capabil- of hazardous weather, in plenty cific aircraft that manufacturers
Synthetic vision is a core lite broadband system expected ity on the airplane to fly safely, of time to make alternate plans. and Honeywell are working on.
technology in the Pro Line to make its debut in 2014. “I’m perhaps not optimized for fuel “Connectivity has a num- “But you’ll see more efficient
Fusion flight deck, which enters focused on how we take advan- burn, but “not a hazard to avi- ber of benefits,” he explained, utilization of the cockpit tech-2012AVIONICS service soon on the Bombardier tage of increased global data- ation,” Ellis said. His point is “both to airplane operations in nology to provide the mainte-
Global 6000 and Gulfstream link capacity,” he said, “and what that, “we are over-investing in the future and to the passen- nance of those subsystems and
G280. In 2013, synthetic vision effect that’s likely to have on avi- those very complex planning ger experience through direct actually control them.”
will be available as a retrofit for onics configurations.” functions that we replicate again connectivity,” and also allow- The other broad technology
Pro Line 21-equipped aircraft. Not only does airborne and again in every flight deck of ing aircraft to share informa- focus for Honeywell is appli-
The HGS-3500 should start broadband facilitate use of the every delivered airplane.” tion, which makes each aircraft cations, he said. Honeywell
Honeywell’s EVS/SVS combined vision system (left display) becoming available after certifi- Rockwell Collins Ascend Flight The head-up display sys- a weather-gathering and trans- acquired EMS Technologies
cation in 2014 or 2015. Information Services products tem enhances safety, allowing mitting station, enabling pilots last August, which added more
Rockwell Collins is also seek- as well as upcoming safety ser- pilots to spend more time flying to avoid rough weather. “We’ve satcom capability to its offer-
by Matt Thurber Optinvent; and the Technical University is to design the cockpit around its crew.” ing approval from the FAA vices, but it also presents some the airplane and less time with been talking about it for 20 ings and increased opportunities
of Denmark, University of Malta and Current cockpits offer different inter- to allow aircraft to fly lower interesting future capabilities. their heads buried in the con- years, but never had a network.” for data integration. “Now you
vionics technology is ac- helping to develop what could be cock- Technological Education Institute Piraeus. faces for each avionics system, he said, approaches using synthetic “We can start envisioning sole trying to program the FMS, have access to real-time informa-
Honeywellcelerating, and while man- Fundamentally, the Odicis project but Cockpit 3.0 would “reinvent the cock- vision on the HUD. “We’re an avionics configuration that “which is always a good thing,” tion as well as aircraft infor-
ufacturers have made tre- seeks to move cockpit avionics into a pit, where interfaces are [focused on] the going to have a very frequent is fundamentally much simpler Ellis said. This means more As a manufacturer of avion- mation, and can present that to A men dous ad v ances dur ing pits of the future but they are also par- bold new future, where the instrument task of the pilot. One of the tasks of the introduction of Fusion capa- than those we install today,” focus not only on flying, but on ics, engines and aircraft systems, the pilot in a very innovative way
the past decade, the march of micropro- ticipating in studies, such as Europe’s panel is a single, even curved display, with pilot is to pilot, so there should be at least bilities on a broad range of air- said Ellis. “The most complex tactical flying, getting the most Honeywell is in a unique position with a lot of focus on human
cessor speed, electronic storage growth Clean Sky, a public-private partnership the redundancy of multiple displays so a pilot interface. There should be also a planes over the coming few system on a flight deck today is out of tools like the HUD and to integrate all these products. factors,” Esposito said.
and high-speed communications net- between the European Commission and there is no possible single point of failure. mission-management interface, a sys- years,” said Bob Ellis, director of the FMS,” he explained. “The synthetic vision and enhanced “We look at how we can Technology apps include
works means that engineers can increas- aerospace industry to devise step changes “The idea is not to mimic existing dis- tem-management interface and a normal marketing, commercial systems. vast majority of the complexity vision. Ellis calls this situation bring technologies from other Honeywell’s Inav (for interactive
ingly do much more with less equipment, that will lead to reduced aviation environ- plays with a single screen,” said Denis product-based interface. The idea is how In July last year, Rockwell in an FMS is involved in com- technology enhancement. areas of our portfolio and inte- navigation system), which pro-
bringing stunning new capabilities to the mental impact. Thales is also involved in Bonnet, Thales’s Odicis/cockpit expert, can we merge information so it can come Collins unveiled a touchscreen puting performance capabil- There is another benefit to grate [those] into avionics to help vides “simultaneous display of
cockpits of tomorrow. research on flight management systems “but to think about how it can change the to the pilot directly in the form he needs to “embedded display” version of ity for the airplane and all the Ellis’s vision, and that is using solve customer needs concern- traffic, terrain, airspace, airways,
Hardware–microprocessors, fast flash- (FMS), airport navigation, communica- way we interact. This is like the goal of the interact with it? The pilot cares about ing safety, efficiency and perfor- airports and navigation aids,”
based storage and speedy bus archi- tion and navigation systems for Europe’s iPhone, which was not to mimic a phone, what he intends to do; he doesn’t care that mance of operating their aircraft as well as SmartView synthetic
tecture–is no longer a bottleneck for single European sky (Sesar) and the U.S.’s but to reinvent the way we use phones.” the calculator or the GPS is in the FMS. globally,” said Carl Esposito, vision by itself and combined
avionics development, and future features NextGen air traffic management systems. Details of the Odicis panel’s technol- He wants to pilot and he doesn’t care so vice president of marketi

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