Extended Spelling Correction for German








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  • expression écrite - matière potentielle : non
  • expression écrite
Extended Spelling Correction for German Ralf Kese, Friedrich Dudda, Gerhard Heyer, Marianne Kugler TA Triumph-Adler AG TA Research EF Fiirther Str. 212 D-8500 Nuremberg 80 e-mail: Abstract A conscrvativc extension of standard spciling corrcction systems for German is discusscd which goes beyond normal chccking of isolated single words by taking multi-words, linguistically motivatcd non-words, as well as contexts into account.
  • best reference book
  • higher levels of various languages ilike grammar
  • lexicon
  • automatic spelling correction
  • sensitive spelling checking
  • standard system
  • correction
  • sentence
  • text
  • systems
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GEOLOGY 3300 – INTRODUCTION TO GEOCHEMISTRY Course Syllabus forFall, 2008ProfessorWhittington: Alan whittingtona@missouri.eduLectures: MWF room 207, Geology Building10:00 - 10:50 Prerequisites1330 (Physical Chemistry 3, may be co-enrolled), MATH 1400 or: CHEM 1500 (Calculus I), and GEOL 1100 or 1200, or Instructor’s consent. nd Lecture Texts: Gunter Faure:Principles and Applications of Geochemistry(2 edition)Prentice-Hall, ISBN9780023364501REQUIREDWilliam M. White:Geochemistry(free online textbook)http://www.geo.cornell.edu/geology/classes/geo455/Chapters.HTML Grading: A-B-C-D-F with ± grading  Five Excel-based homework assignments 50%  Midterm exam 20%  Final exam (comprehensive) 30% Overview: GEOL 3300 is intended to be an introduction to the theory of all types of geochemistry.Topics include: thermodynamics of fluids and solids, phase diagrams, equilibrium constants, electrolyte theory, oxidation-reduction reactions, theory and applications of stable and radiogenic isotopes. Applications to geological problems will be emphasized through computer-based homework assignments.This course satisfies the computing requirement for Geology majors.If you have a laptop, you might want to bring it to class (I will tell you in advance which days it will be useful). Otherwise the department has laptops that can be borrowed (for class. We will ® ® use Microsoft Excel . A USB memory stick will be useful for saving your work. Key dates: Mon Aug 25 First day of class Mon Sep 1 Labor Day, no classes Mon Sep 29 Last day to drop a class without a grade Fri Oct 24 Midterm Exam (to be confirmed) Mon Nov 3 Last day to withdraw from a course Sat Nov 22 Thanksgiving Break (through Sun Nov 30) Fri Dec 12 Reading Day Wed Dec 17 Final exam: 10.30 am to 12.30 pm, room 207 Geology Useful Web Links: Geochem Links:http://www.geo.cornell.edu/geology/classes/Geochemweblinks.HTML Chart of the Nuclides:http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/chart/ Table of Isotopes:http://ie.lbl.gov/toi.htm
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